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    Moviebattles 2

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  1. I know it's been a while since I haven't been able to post much on here, but I'm rather wondering. Has there ever been a Mara Jade Lightsaber Hilt from Mysteries of the Sith being featured around here? Cause I know that there's this Dark Forces II Saber Pack which was released on here before, but I always thought where would Mara Jade's Saber be from Mysteries of the SIth that would be held upon over in Jedi Academy. I found a model of the Saber right here that might look good for the game. https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/art/mara-jade-lightsaber-prop-1-1-mysteries-of-the-sith-version
  2. Looks like a Power Ranger armor with an awesome jetpack!
  3. Hello, I would like someone to help me out on this one thing that I've been looking for. It's this one Multiplayer Mod made for Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight, it involves the player having to fall through a long pipe that almost plays like in the Fuel Station level where Kyle goes down through a tunnel. And it haves that Heavy Metal music that plays in the background as your player falls until you reach to the bottom and score a point. What's that Multiplayer Level called?
  4. That looks like the best Beach Map I have ever seen!! Now where are those Beachtroopers at?
  5. Looks great!! I think one of those other things it can be added to the map are those red Laser Gates from like the middle of the stage. And I think a Custom Skybox with the Death Star on one side and the planet Coruscant on the other side. I think this Star Destroyer map would be great for those that played Soul Calibur IV and would like to reimagine it in Jedi Academy!
  6. Guess what guys? I actually found the Star Destroyer Docking Bay Stage from Soul Calibur IV ported as a model. But I have to admit, look at the size of that thing! https://www.models-resource.com/xbox_360/soulcaliburiv/model/973/
  7. I have this intriguing idea and I'm sure no one has suggested it before, or I could be wrong. Anyways, I was hoping if Jedi Academy could have like that Star Destroyer Docking Bay from Soul Calibur IV to be playable as a Duel Map for Multiplayer. I definitely want to see Yoda, Darth Vader, and Galen Marek clash at each other with their force powers in a game like Jedi Academy.
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