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    Jedi Academy modding, mostly. Finding ways to create unique content that keeps the game interesting ;)
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    Jack of all Trades

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  1. Icarus scripters, I could use some help D: Is there some way to "get" a parameter from another entity in an If command?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cerez


      I wish I could help you, but I'm rusty, now... I think Icarus' conditionals are limited in functionality, if I remember correctly. But still, there should be some way to check for either a flag or a value...

    3. Vulcan


      I already came up with some sort of workaround (toggling entities active/inactive) however it does boost the entitycount x3 lol

    4. Agent Jones

      Agent Jones

      In the IF event editor,in the third row there's a dropdown list and a 'Get' button which will write $get(FLOAT,"SET_PARM1")for you. I've sent you a PM with a script example.

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