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Everything posted by Circa

    These just demos of you playing against bots?
  1. It all seems incredibly petty in my opinion and it's ironic that all this drama is happening to a mod who's legacy is drama and bad blood. Splitting into two mods is foolish and one will inevitably die out. I recommend actually sorting things out and getting back on track as one cohesive team.
  2. By hacking, they mean PC players finding the IP's of the console servers and joining and wrecking them. But we've seen reports of them finding the rcon credentials and doing much more than just that. I haven't seen proof of that, but it's been claimed by enough people that I'd believe it. Crossplay was not intended by the devs, but they didn't put any effort into preventing it. According to this article though, they are working on a fix.
  3. Glad to see you back and I hope you get this one done and out there! Looks awesome. For your login issue, make sure you're updating your browser's stored password if you use that feature. Not sure what else the issue would be.
  4. Well first off, make sure you're only putting your changed files in the new pk3 and not replacing any game files. I'm not sure what you mean by it's not recognizing as an exec file. It should be a pk3 file, no exe files should have been touched.
  5. Hey, sounds like you have the experience you need, you just need to know the changes in the Mac version. The Mac version is essentially the same. PK3 files are just ZIP files but renamed. So if you copy them, rename their extension to .zip, and then open them that way, you can access them as normal. You can download any SP model mods to how they did it. You essentially have to replace the kyle model, which is pretty simple. Here's one example: http://mrwonko.de/jk3files/Jedi Outcast/Mods/Mini-Mods/5721/
  6. Please submit your pk3's as one ZIP file and include a readme.
  7. That's why I don't think it's worth advertising the PC version, if most of them already know it exists. Having MP on the PS4 and Switch is mostly a gimmick and nostalgia hit, probably not sustainable in the long run (especially if PC people keep joining and wrecking them). I hope Aspyr patches out the IP being displayed and changes the IPs so this stops happening. I understand some of you have good intentions, but most others don't. Also, to alleviate assumptions and false rumors, I can confirm that both PS4 and Switch versions use dedicated servers. Switch does not use P2P, as many assumed.
  8. Or better yet, the source of Mag's source: https://www.starwars.com/news/the-classic-star-wars-episode-i-racer-comes-to-nintendo-switch-and-ps4 ? Just keep in mind that these people can't even respond to you if you join those servers. Anyone that goes on there and starts playing like PC player and tries talking to them is just going to be viewed as a hacker in their eyes. If they start seeing ads in the chat for JKA on PC or for some clan, they probably will just peace out. Just my two cents. I probably would. Here's all they can reply with, a set of 4 quick chat responses:
  9. There is both. You cycle powers with the D-Pad but there's also a hotkey button you can "favorite" a power to. On PlayStation it's Circle and on Switch it's A (I believe). I will update this when I confirm. Playing on both to test things is a bit time consuming. ? EDIT: What I said above is only for Jedi Outcast. I wrongly assumed it was the same on JKA. They actually have a new hotkey system in this one, which I actually like better. It allows you to quickly switch to an ability or weapon faster, rather than only being limited to one. Here's a screenshot of the menu: Though I agree that PC is the best way to experience this game, I encourage everyone to not start a campaign to recruit these people to PC. A lot of them are casuals just looking for a simple experience. They are actually enjoying it as well, believe it or not. Lots of them probably don't have PC's to play it on, which is why this release is such a big deal. Also, I want to reiterate that there is no split screen or a server browser. That's a pretty big feature people were hoping for and will determine if some people end up buying it. This is a port of the PC version, no the console versions, so they just didn't bother to add that feature.
  10. Oh yes, another console release. We knew this was coming after it was announced back in September, and we got Jedi Outcast during that time. The launch of JK2 was a success overall, with only a few minor complaints and one big one: save states don't overwrite, so you have to periodically delete them as you go. Apparently we still have save storage restrictions, even in 2020. Other than that, as primarily as console player, it was a big treat to be able to play as Kyle Katarn on my big screen. Jedi Academy launched on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch today, at the price point of $19.99 USD in both digital stores. This time they include both singleplayer and multiplayer experiences, which is worth noting because the Jedi Outcast release only contained singleplayer. No doubt this was to consolidate servers to just one game. We also get a fancy new trailer for this, which is also interesting because it features almost exclusively multiplayer footage. Check it out below. Both versions of the game are basically the same except for some obvious differences. The PS4 version has trophies (achievements) which can be fun to obtain. The Switch version will have motion controls to help with aiming, though I don't think it really helps that much, personally. If you're trying to decide which version to get, just keep in mind those two features, but also that the Switch version can also be played in portable mode (of course), and that you will need PS Plus and Switch Online to play online. There are cheats, just like in the Jedi Outcast port, however it has a different button combination. I updated my tutorial for that here. Also take note that there is no split-screen in these versions. Lots of people assumed there would be, since that feature existed in the original Xbox and GameCube versions, but not this time. Speaking of online, it's a bit interesting to me. There is no server browser, there is only matchmaking and solo bots for offline. We haven't seen this, even in mods for the games. Obviously matchmaking is popular these days because it's more user friendly in terms of sitting down and playing a few games, rather than worrying about finding a server to play on. This also means there are no custom server settings. I only joined one game so far, and I forgot to see if it had force powers enabled, but I'm wondering if there are just multiple servers with different settings and it will just drop you in random ones. If anyone tests that, I can update this section. I also noticed that they fill the servers with bots, disguised as players. This is not uncommon, even in modern games (Battlefront II does it, as a Star Wars related example), however it's painfully obvious in old games like this. The bot AI is just obnoxiously bad. You can immediately tell a player is a bot by the way they constantly swing with blue/fast style, while running backwards on a predictive path, sometimes even glitching in the same four-step vicinity. I get why they did this, because it's the same reason why clans and big servers have been doing it on PC since 2003: to fill servers to attract real players and keep them playing. For matchmaking it makes a lot more sense, than it does even for server browsers. I don't expect this to be a game where suddenly everyone is playing it again on consoles. When I played it, it was laggy. Hopefully that's just due to the influx of new connections today. There's no group or party system, but there is a new invite button I noticed, but you can only use it when you're in a server. It's simple features like that, that we have in modern games, that will hinder any chance of success this game will have in a modern environment. However, it's going to be a great way to hop in with some friends and have some saber-clashing fun every once in awhile. I also noticed they added the ability to turn off your lightsaber. That was a much needed feature we all asked for in Outcast and they never added it. Looks like they listened and added it! I recorded a clip of my first boot of the game on PS4. I know a lot of people here will be interested in seeing how the menus work on console. They are extremely clunky, which just shows how minimal work went into this port, but it works good enough. You'll notice the matchmaking button instead of join a server, and how it searches and throws you in. It's odd seeing it this way, after 17 years of seeing it another way. If you're not from around this community and don't know which game to get, Outcast or Academy, I think everyone would recommend Outcast in this case. Not only does it come first in the story, it has an overall better story and level design. However it does not have multiplayer. You also don't get a lightsaber until halfway through the game, which is a big turn-off for a lot of people, apparently. If you're one of those people, you could just use cheats to give you a lightsaber from the start, or you may want Jedi Academy instead. You could also just get both. I recommend getting both, but I'm clearly biased. Which version are you getting, if either? Did you get Jedi Outcast on either platform yet? If so, how do you think these ports hold up? Buy Jedi Academy at the links below on your respective console's store! Oh yes, another console release. We knew this was coming after it was announced back in September, and we got Jedi Outcast during that time. The launch of JK2 was a success overall, with only a few minor complaints and one big one: save states don't overwrite, so you have to periodically delete them as you go. Apparently we still have save storage restrictions, even in 2020. Other than that, as primarily as console player, it was a big treat to be able to play as Kyle Katarn on my big screen. Jedi Academy launched on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch today, at the price point of $19.99 USD in both digital stores. This time they include both singleplayer and multiplayer experiences, which is worth noting because the Jedi Outcast release only contained singleplayer. No doubt this was to consolidate servers to just one game. We also get a fancy new trailer for this, which is also interesting because it features almost exclusively multiplayer footage. Check it out below. Both versions of the game are basically the same except for some obvious differences. The PS4 version has trophies (achievements) which can be fun to obtain. The Switch version will have motion controls to help with aiming, though I don't think it really helps that much, personally. If you're trying to decide which version to get, just keep in mind those two features, but also that the Switch version can also be played in portable mode (of course), and that you will need PS Plus and Switch Online to play online. There are cheats, just like in the Jedi Outcast port, however it has a different button combination. I updated my tutorial for that here. Speaking of online, it's a bit interesting to me. There is no server browser, there is only matchmaking and solo bots for offline. We haven't seen this, even in mods for the games. Obviously matchmaking is popular these days because it's more user friendly in terms of sitting down and playing a few games, rather than worrying about finding a server to play on. This also means there are no custom server settings. I only joined one game so far, and I forgot to see if it had force powers enabled, but I'm wondering if there are just multiple servers with different settings and it will just drop you in random ones. If anyone tests that, I can update this section. I also noticed that they fill the servers with bots, disguised as players. This is not uncommon, even in modern games (Battlefront II does it, as a Star Wars related example), however it's painfully obvious in old games like this. The bot AI is just obnoxiously bad. You can immediately tell a player is a bot by the way they constantly swing with blue/fast style, while running backwards on a predictive path, sometimes even glitching in the same four-step vicinity. I get why they did this, because it's the same reason why clans and big servers have been doing it on PC since 2003: to fill servers to attract real players and keep them playing. For matchmaking it makes a lot more sense, than it does even for server browsers. I don't expect this to be a game where suddenly everyone is playing it again on consoles. When I played it, it was laggy. Hopefully that's just due to the influx of new connections today. There's no group or party system, but there is a new invite button I noticed, but you can only use it when you're in a server. It's simple features like that, that we have in modern games, that will hinder any chance of success this game will have in a modern environment. However, it's going to be a great way to hop in with some friends and have some saber-clashing fun every once in awhile. I recorded a clip of my first boot of the game on PS4. I know a lot of people here will be interested in seeing how the menus work on console. They are extremely clunky, which just shows how minimal work went into this port, but it works good enough. You'll notice the matchmaking button instead of join a server, and how it searches and throws you in. It's odd seeing it this way, after 17 years of seeing it another way. If you're not from around this community and don't know which game to get, Outcast or Academy, I think everyone would recommend Outcast in this case. Not only does it come first in the story, it has an overall better story and level design. However it does not have multiplayer. You also don't get a lightsaber until halfway through the game, which is a big turn-off for a lot of people, apparently. If you're one of those people, you could just use cheats to give you a lightsaber from the start, or you may want Jedi Academy instead. You could also just get both. I recommend getting both, but I'm clearly biased. Which version are you getting, if either? Did you get Jedi Outcast on either platform yet? If so, how do you think these ports hold up? Buy Jedi Academy at the links below on your respective console's store! Buy Jedi Academy on PlayStation 4 Buy Jedi Academy on Nintendo Switch Buy Jedi Outcast on PlayStation 4 Buy Jedi Academy on Nintendo Switch View full article
  11. Oh yes, another console release. We knew this was coming after it was announced back in September, and we got Jedi Outcast during that time. The launch of JK2 was a success overall, with only a few minor complaints and one big one: save states don't overwrite, so you have to periodically delete them as you go. Apparently we still have save storage restrictions, even in 2020. Other than that, as primarily as console player, it was a big treat to be able to play as Kyle Katarn on my big screen. Jedi Academy launched on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch today, at the price point of $19.99 USD in both digital stores. This time they include both singleplayer and multiplayer experiences, which is worth noting because the Jedi Outcast release only contained singleplayer. No doubt this was to consolidate servers to just one game. We also get a fancy new trailer for this, which is also interesting because it features almost exclusively multiplayer footage. Check it out below. Both versions of the game are basically the same except for some obvious differences. The PS4 version has trophies (achievements) which can be fun to obtain. The Switch version will have motion controls to help with aiming, though I don't think it really helps that much, personally. If you're trying to decide which version to get, just keep in mind those two features, but also that the Switch version can also be played in portable mode (of course), and that you will need PS Plus and Switch Online to play online. There are cheats, just like in the Jedi Outcast port, however it has a different button combination. I updated my tutorial for that here. Also take note that there is no split-screen in these versions. Lots of people assumed there would be, since that feature existed in the original Xbox and GameCube versions, but not this time. Speaking of online, it's a bit interesting to me. There is no server browser, there is only matchmaking and solo bots for offline. We haven't seen this, even in mods for the games. Obviously matchmaking is popular these days because it's more user friendly in terms of sitting down and playing a few games, rather than worrying about finding a server to play on. This also means there are no custom server settings. I only joined one game so far, and I forgot to see if it had force powers enabled, but I'm wondering if there are just multiple servers with different settings and it will just drop you in random ones. If anyone tests that, I can update this section. I also noticed that they fill the servers with bots, disguised as players. This is not uncommon, even in modern games (Battlefront II does it, as a Star Wars related example), however it's painfully obvious in old games like this. The bot AI is just obnoxiously bad. You can immediately tell a player is a bot by the way they constantly swing with blue/fast style, while running backwards on a predictive path, sometimes even glitching in the same four-step vicinity. I get why they did this, because it's the same reason why clans and big servers have been doing it on PC since 2003: to fill servers to attract real players and keep them playing. For matchmaking it makes a lot more sense, than it does even for server browsers. I don't expect this to be a game where suddenly everyone is playing it again on consoles. When I played it, it was laggy. Hopefully that's just due to the influx of new connections today. There's no group or party system, but there is a new invite button I noticed, but you can only use it when you're in a server. It's simple features like that, that we have in modern games, that will hinder any chance of success this game will have in a modern environment. However, it's going to be a great way to hop in with some friends and have some saber-clashing fun every once in awhile. I also noticed they added the ability to turn off your lightsaber. That was a much needed feature we all asked for in Outcast and they never added it. Looks like they listened and added it! I recorded a clip of my first boot of the game on PS4. I know a lot of people here will be interested in seeing how the menus work on console. They are extremely clunky, which just shows how minimal work went into this port, but it works good enough. You'll notice the matchmaking button instead of join a server, and how it searches and throws you in. It's odd seeing it this way, after 17 years of seeing it another way. If you're not from around this community and don't know which game to get, Outcast or Academy, I think everyone would recommend Outcast in this case. Not only does it come first in the story, it has an overall better story and level design. However it does not have multiplayer. You also don't get a lightsaber until halfway through the game, which is a big turn-off for a lot of people, apparently. If you're one of those people, you could just use cheats to give you a lightsaber from the start, or you may want Jedi Academy instead. You could also just get both. I recommend getting both, but I'm clearly biased. Which version are you getting, if either? Did you get Jedi Outcast on either platform yet? If so, how do you think these ports hold up? Buy Jedi Academy at the links below on your respective console's store! Oh yes, another console release. We knew this was coming after it was announced back in September, and we got Jedi Outcast during that time. The launch of JK2 was a success overall, with only a few minor complaints and one big one: save states don't overwrite, so you have to periodically delete them as you go. Apparently we still have save storage restrictions, even in 2020. Other than that, as primarily as console player, it was a big treat to be able to play as Kyle Katarn on my big screen. Jedi Academy launched on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch today, at the price point of $19.99 USD in both digital stores. This time they include both singleplayer and multiplayer experiences, which is worth noting because the Jedi Outcast release only contained singleplayer. No doubt this was to consolidate servers to just one game. We also get a fancy new trailer for this, which is also interesting because it features almost exclusively multiplayer footage. Check it out below. Both versions of the game are basically the same except for some obvious differences. The PS4 version has trophies (achievements) which can be fun to obtain. The Switch version will have motion controls to help with aiming, though I don't think it really helps that much, personally. If you're trying to decide which version to get, just keep in mind those two features, but also that the Switch version can also be played in portable mode (of course), and that you will need PS Plus and Switch Online to play online. There are cheats, just like in the Jedi Outcast port, however it has a different button combination. I updated my tutorial for that here. Speaking of online, it's a bit interesting to me. There is no server browser, there is only matchmaking and solo bots for offline. We haven't seen this, even in mods for the games. Obviously matchmaking is popular these days because it's more user friendly in terms of sitting down and playing a few games, rather than worrying about finding a server to play on. This also means there are no custom server settings. I only joined one game so far, and I forgot to see if it had force powers enabled, but I'm wondering if there are just multiple servers with different settings and it will just drop you in random ones. If anyone tests that, I can update this section. I also noticed that they fill the servers with bots, disguised as players. This is not uncommon, even in modern games (Battlefront II does it, as a Star Wars related example), however it's painfully obvious in old games like this. The bot AI is just obnoxiously bad. You can immediately tell a player is a bot by the way they constantly swing with blue/fast style, while running backwards on a predictive path, sometimes even glitching in the same four-step vicinity. I get why they did this, because it's the same reason why clans and big servers have been doing it on PC since 2003: to fill servers to attract real players and keep them playing. For matchmaking it makes a lot more sense, than it does even for server browsers. I don't expect this to be a game where suddenly everyone is playing it again on consoles. When I played it, it was laggy. Hopefully that's just due to the influx of new connections today. There's no group or party system, but there is a new invite button I noticed, but you can only use it when you're in a server. It's simple features like that, that we have in modern games, that will hinder any chance of success this game will have in a modern environment. However, it's going to be a great way to hop in with some friends and have some saber-clashing fun every once in awhile. I recorded a clip of my first boot of the game on PS4. I know a lot of people here will be interested in seeing how the menus work on console. They are extremely clunky, which just shows how minimal work went into this port, but it works good enough. You'll notice the matchmaking button instead of join a server, and how it searches and throws you in. It's odd seeing it this way, after 17 years of seeing it another way. If you're not from around this community and don't know which game to get, Outcast or Academy, I think everyone would recommend Outcast in this case. Not only does it come first in the story, it has an overall better story and level design. However it does not have multiplayer. You also don't get a lightsaber until halfway through the game, which is a big turn-off for a lot of people, apparently. If you're one of those people, you could just use cheats to give you a lightsaber from the start, or you may want Jedi Academy instead. You could also just get both. I recommend getting both, but I'm clearly biased. Which version are you getting, if either? Did you get Jedi Outcast on either platform yet? If so, how do you think these ports hold up? Buy Jedi Academy at the links below on your respective console's store! Buy Jedi Academy on PlayStation 4 Buy Jedi Academy on Nintendo Switch Buy Jedi Outcast on PlayStation 4 Buy Jedi Academy on Nintendo Switch
  12. Welcome and good luck!
  13. I built mine back in 2017, and have swapped and tinkered with it ever since. I work in IT, specifically the department that refreshes old equipment with new stuff, so I come across things that have just barely been out of warranty and are still good, so the actual worth of my PC is not even close to what I paid. I think I got my GTX 1080 for around $400 at the time, which is super cheap compared to right now. I must have gotten lucky with a sale. I definitely want to upgrade the processor to something a bit more beefy at some point but it's fine for now. Also, notice I have a 450W power supply. I have so much crap running on this thing with 0 issues over the last 3 years, yet so many people tell me to upgrade it. I think if I upgraded the CPU then I'd definitely upgrade the power, but this is proof that way too many people overspend on power because of horror stories they've heard. (now watch, now that I've jinxed it, my PSU will blow later today) https://pcpartpicker.com/user/BradLinder/saved/p4VYrH
  14. Circa

    R2-D2 with tray

    This is amazing. Really glad you decided to release it!
  15. Yes, you can run OpenJK on Linux. You'd just need to get the assets from somewhere. If you own it on Steam you can get those assets. There are steps listed on how to do that on the OpenJK readme page: https://github.com/JACoders/OpenJK The Linux build hasn't been updated since 2018, so you may need to ask around for someone to build a recent one. However I don't think there's been a ton of work done on OpenJK since 2018, so that build is probably fine.
  16. Depends on the textures that are being upscaled. Most textures in JK2 and JKA are tiny, but simply just doubling them would be enough even when playing at 4K resolution. It's the ones that show on large surface areas like the ground and walls and skyboxes that would probably need to go up to 4x. And any menu background as well.
  17. Moved thread from tutorial section to support section. The menu can only show a limited amount of models, from my experience. You can still access those skins via the console though, if you need to. You just need to know the folder name of the model and the skin files you want. https://jkhub.org/forums/topic/11417-how-to-use-a-jedi-academy-multiplayer-skin-in-singleplayer/
  18. Wow. That's tons better looking. I'm shocked it looks better, since I assume they probably compressed all the other assets more to fit on a disc.
  19. 4K would be overkill anyway. Looks pretty good, though there's definitely a lot of artifacting going on. I also find it odd that the Yavin red planet is squished, but the rest of the video seems normal. Was it always like that?
  20. Circa

    Site Down?

    Posted October 1, 2018 Why don't you just set up a release on the GitHub page for japp and link it here. That would probably help anyone searching it on Google especially. ?
  21. That looks really good, wow. As far as supporting a higher resolution, I'm sure it's possible through the code. I assume you tried it already and it didn't work?
  22. Just have to submit your email and the link gets sent to you. They’re not super elaborate themes but still kinda cool. https://www.starwars.com/news/jedi-outcast-and-jedi-academy-themes-coming-to-playstation4 https://aspyr.com/starwars/
  23. The process is the same as with playermodels. Just make sure to delete the default skin entry in the import settings.
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