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  1. That error means that you didn't put the OpenJK.app in the right directory. Make sure it's in the same folder as the base folder, which I don't think is in the contents folder.
  2. Scroll down to the second code block if you don't want to read my rambling. Models in multiplayer are technically the exact same in singleplayer, however since singleplayer has much more going on with playermodels, such as cutscenes and customization, the ways you get them to work properly are a bit different. Typically skins in JKA are only made for multiplayer, because the playerbase was always larger for MP compared to SP. Many modders just didn't bother giving SP support to their skins/models due to it adding bloat to their PK3 file, or perhaps just not knowing how to. For years other modders had been making separate mods that allow you to play as certain skins in SP, meaning you had to have two PK3 files for one mod, which is a bit silly, however I made so many of those mods in my early days, it was a good learning experience. Instead of a mod, you can just use a command in the console to change your skin. You've probably already tried to use the playermodel command, which actually only changes your appearance to an NPC, which means you also get all of that NPC's stats and weapons. So if you want to play as Luke, you'd do playermodel luke and also get his 200 force points, all of this force powers, his saber, and sounds. That probably sounds cool, but the two biggest downsides here is that you won't be Luke in any of the cutscenes, nor will you be Luke in any future levels until you put that command in again. So how do you do it properly? You'll use the same command, but with a few additional parts to it. The playermodel command has the ability to customize your character in cases that it's properly set up for multiple parts, for example the default Jaden models have multiple heads, torsos, and legs, which can be set via his command. But it also works with literally any player model too. Here's an example of customizing a Jaden model that is already in the game: playermodel jedi_hm head_a1 torso_a1 lower_c1 This would set your player as the blonde Jaden with the Jedi tunic and tan pants. But that can be done in the menu, so that's not really that big of a deal, unless you were wanting to change it mid-game and didn't have my ingame character menu mod. ? For models that don't have SP customizations, you can simply do this: playermodel luke model_default model_default model_default Replace luke with the model you are wanting. If it's a mod, the author of the mod should have put the command for it to work in MP in their readme or file description, for example model kylo_ren. So just go by that when using the above command. You'll always be able to use model_default no matter what. You could also do model_blue or model_red if the skin has team color support. The more you know about PK3 files, the easier it will be to know what variants you can use with this command. You can look in the model's folder to see what .skin files there are outside of the three main ones. For example, a kylo_ren folder may have model_nomask or model_hood or other things like that. If you have no idea how to open PK3 files, you can get started here, and if you're interested in getting started with modding in general, here. You can also bind this command to a key, so you can change your appearance at any point in the game. I remember I used to change the appearance with the Jedi Customization mod, depending on the mission. If it was a infiltration-style mission, I'd set it to have full robe and hood, or a boss fight then have no robes, just like the movies. Keep in mind that adding SP menu support for your characters is still recommended if you're a modder, and if you want to learn how, check out this tutorial.
  3. Scroll down to the second code block if you don't want to read my rambling. Models in multiplayer are technically the exact same in singleplayer, however since singleplayer has much more going on with playermodels, such as cutscenes and customization, the ways you get them to work properly are a bit different. Typically skins in JKA are only made for multiplayer, because the playerbase was always larger for MP compared to SP. Many modders just didn't bother giving SP support to their skins/models due to it adding bloat to their PK3 file, or perhaps just not knowing how to. For years other modders had been making separate mods that allow you to play as certain skins in SP, meaning you had to have two PK3 files for one mod, which is a bit silly, however I made so many of those mods in my early days, it was a good learning experience. Instead of a mod, you can just use a command in the console to change your skin. You've probably already tried to use the playermodel command, which actually only changes your appearance to an NPC, which means you also get all of that NPC's stats and weapons. So if you want to play as Luke, you'd do playermodel luke and also get his 200 force points, all of this force powers, his saber, and sounds. That probably sounds cool, but the two biggest downsides here is that you won't be Luke in any of the cutscenes, nor will you be Luke in any future levels until you put that command in again. So how do you do it properly? You'll use the same command, but with a few additional parts to it. The playermodel command has the ability to customize your character in cases that it's properly set up for multiple parts, for example the default Jaden models have multiple heads, torsos, and legs, which can be set via his command. But it also works with literally any player model too. Here's an example of customizing a Jaden model that is already in the game: playermodel jedi_hm head_a1 torso_a1 lower_c1 This would set your player as the blonde Jaden with the Jedi tunic and tan pants. But that can be done in the menu, so that's not really that big of a deal, unless you were wanting to change it mid-game and didn't have my ingame character menu mod. ? For models that don't have SP customizations, you can simply do this: playermodel luke model_default model_default model_default Replace luke with the model you are wanting. If it's a mod, the author of the mod should have put the command for it to work in MP in their readme or file description, for example model kylo_ren. So just go by that when using the above command. You'll always be able to use model_default no matter what. You could also do model_blue or model_red if the skin has team color support. The more you know about PK3 files, the easier it will be to know what variants you can use with this command. You can look in the model's folder to see what .skin files there are outside of the three main ones. For example, a kylo_ren folder may have model_nomask or model_hood or other things like that. If you have no idea how to open PK3 files, you can get started here, and if you're interested in getting started with modding in general, here. You can also bind this command to a key, so you can change your appearance at any point in the game. I remember I used to change the appearance with the Jedi Customization mod, depending on the mission. If it was a infiltration-style mission, I'd set it to have full robe and hood, or a boss fight then have no robes, just like the movies. Keep in mind that adding SP menu support for your characters is still recommended if you're a modder, and if you want to learn how, check out this tutorial.
  4. There's a lot of Star Wars coming up the pipeline over the next few months. Obviously everyone doesn't have to like everything that is coming out lately, but hopefully you give some of these things a chance, even if you aren't a fan of the Disney-era Star Wars so far. The Mandalorian kicks it off with the first episode on Disney+ on November 12th, and then a second episode just a few days later on the 15th. Lots of buzz has been happening about this show, not only because of the setting and character choice, but the fact that it's the first Star Wars live action television series with a $100 million budget. The trailer shows it to be much more gritty, grounded, and set during a time period we haven't really seen on screen yet (5 years post-ROTJ) with a focus on an yet-to-be-named Mandalorian bounty hunter trying to make his way in life during the chaos left after the Empire's defeat at Endor. I think I'm more excited about this one than anything right now. You can see the latest trailer here. Jedi: Fallen Order is a new video game developed by EA's Respawn Entertainment, and is set to release on November 15th on PC, PS4, and Xbox One. This will be the first singleplayer-only game we've gotten since the Lucasfilm/EA deal took place in 2012. The game takes place a few years after Order 66 was carried out, and you play as an former Padawan named Cal Kestis, who tries his best to keep a low profile and hide his past as a Jedi until something brings him back into the fray. It's a third person story driven puzzler, similar to the Uncharted games, with combat similar to games like God of War or Dark Souls (focusing on dodging and timing attacks). The latest trailer looks very promising. EA also revealed there will be no microtransactions or multiplayer in this game at all. Watch the latest trailer here. The Rise of Skywalker is the latest and last (for now) film in the Skywalker Saga. Episode IX takes place a year after the events of Episode VIII, but little else is known about the plot at this point. So far there are two major hints revealed from the trailers, one of them being Palpatine himself being involved in some way, but it's very unclear what that means. JJ Abrams is keeping the plot under wraps once again, but he says he tried his best to make it a satisfying ending to both the Sequel Trilogy and the 9-film saga. Those are big words that I'm sure many fans won't believe until they see it for themselves, especially considering there is a ton of pressure on this film to not only give a satisfying ending, but to answer a lot of unanswered questions from the previous two films. I think for me personally, this one has the most anticipation and interest, simply because of those unanswered questions and not knowing anything about the plot thus far. You can see the latest trailer here and maybe check out the D23 footage as well here. The Clone Wars season 7 will air sometime in February 2020. This was a surprise announcement a couple years ago, after it was assumed that The Clone Wars series was over and wasn't going to be revisited, leaving the finale season originally planned a few years ago to never be seen. Now the final season is planned to finish out the series, give some closure on a couple story arcs, and give a true lead-up into Revenge of the Sith. You can watch the trailers here and here. Which one are you more excited for or interested in seeing? And if you don't care about any of it, that's fine, but please don't attack others for thinking otherwise. Keep it civil. You don't have to comment at all if you're not interested.
  5. Looks like it all worked then, from what you put in there. Like I said before, bots should be added in your vstr if you want them to join at launch. Or put those before you launch the vstr. The vstr should be the very last thing in the server.cfg.
  6. I don't think so, but try a lower wait time and keep raising it to see how long you can make it.
  7. If it's truly in milliseconds, then 600 is 0.6 of a second, so that makes sense. You'd want 6000 for 6 seconds or 60000 for 60 seconds.
  8. Looks right to me. Although I have always added bots to the vstr's and set the bot names in botfiles. Not sure though, I've never ran a JA+ server, only basejka. Maybe someone else could help that uses JA+. @Raz0r @Aldro Koon @Nightwing @Jacobie
  9. I believe you're still setting the vstr's wrong. I just took a look at my server.cfg for my server and here's an example of my main vstr's for map cycle: set d1 "set g_gametype 0; set g_forcepowerdisable "163837" ; set g_weaponDisable "524279" ; map mp/ffa3 ; set nextmap vstr d2" set d2 "set g_gametype 0; set g_forcepowerdisable "163837" ; set g_weaponDisable "524279" ; map mp/ffa2 ; set nextmap vstr d3" set d3 "set g_gametype 0; set g_forcepowerdisable "163837" ; set g_weaponDisable "524279" ; map mp/ffa1 ; set nextmap vstr d4" set d4 "set g_gametype 0; set g_forcepowerdisable "163837" ; set g_weaponDisable "524279" ; map mp/ffa5 ; set nextmap vstr d5" set d5 "set g_gametype 0; set g_forcepowerdisable "163837" ; set g_weaponDisable "524279" ; map mp/ffa4 ; set nextmap vstr d1" vstr d1 So if you are wanting to do what you explained in our original post, you'd probably need to do this: set s101 "wait 120000;svsay We hope you enjoy your stay!;wait 5100000;svsay Next map in 5 minutes!;wait 5400000;svsay Thanks for playing!" set m101 "map mp/ffa3;vstr s101;set nextmap vstr m102" set m102 "map sithcouncilv2;vstr s101;set nextmap vstr m101" vstr m101 So this is defining a vstr to do the messages after certain increments of time, which you can change. I assume each number is in minutes but I can't remember for sure. It's set to say "We hope you enjoy your stay!" 2 minutes after the map loads, then after 85 minutes it says "Next map in 5 minutes!", then at 90 minutes it says thanks for playing. This is all assuming your server has a time limit of 90 minutes. You'll need to adjust it to whatever limit you have set. Also, the m102 vstr is set to load the first one so it loops only two maps, so of course you can keep adding more, just adjust the vstr names if you copy and paste. So if you added another, it would be set m103 "map mp/ffa2;vstr s101;set nextmap vstr m104" and so on. Also, make sure this is at the bottom of your server.cfg so that the vstr is the last thing that loads.
  10. You have a “set” in the first command that shouldn’t be there. You’re setting your second vstr with nothing after it, and then set it in your second line. Just remove the second “set” from the first line and the second one from the second line and it should work.
  11. Bumping every once in awhile is fine but let's take it easy with the bumping and then attacking for bumping. I'd rather not lock request threads for these reasons, so chill.
  12. I mean, you're asking the JKE forum, so I linked to JKE. You could check out the other mods that do it but at that point you're getting a lot bundled with it, which I assume is what you were wanting to avoid.
  13. Check out our rules page with info on submitting other people's work: https://jkhub.org/rules
  14. You can find the latest version here: https://github.com/JKEnhanced/OpenJK/releases It doesn't require OpenJK, because it's a version of OpenJK.
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