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Everything posted by Circa

  1. inb4 @@Onysfx Sounds good, though didn't you already share this before? Or is this take 2? Power needs to be pronounced "powah" Also, dat 15k Hz! :wacko:
  2. Saber, blaster pistol, 2 primaries, and an explosive. So yes. Maybe it's not that much compared to what you end up with but then add the rest of the weapons you pick up in the level, that's a lot. If we remove the ability to select the 2 primaries and an explosive, it might seem a little more balanced as well. I see that the interest for this feature is quite split, so I'm sure we would have a toggle for it. Or involve it in one of the "custom game" modes.
  3. Right, we aren't focusing only on saber play. If anything we would just be making it a little more challenging by removing the ability to stock up on an arsenal of weapons before every mission, and rather find them in the level itself. It's not only about being "canon" because if it was, we'd eliminate gun pickup completely, which I don't think that would be fun or even realistic. Jedi would know how to improvise and be willing to. I think sometimes we view Obi-Wan's opinion of blasters in the movies as all Jedi's opinions of them, and that's not the case. But I don't think they would fill every nook and cranny with a weapon before going out on a mission that usually is just a "Hey Luke told us to check this situation out" sort of thing, rather than a full out army to army battle. In JK2 this is more understandable since he's a deadly mercenary, but for a Jedi padawan, probably not.
  4. Right, I think there will still be improvement, but not the focus for the player. At least for JA. The improvements will be for both JA and JK2, but with guns more rare to find and use. So for the SP campaign experience, it's more "Jedi-like" but if you are wanting to play around and RP as a different character with cheats and other mods, you can.
  5. This escalated quickly. Of all the cool Star Wars creatures we could have, we get a shark. Nice work though.
  6. You probably won't get much interest if that's the case. Most people won't take the time to sign up just to check it out. You should have at least a description page that gives all the details and potential stories.
  7. Nope. He returned to the Void a few months ago and posted a bit but not lately. He doesn't use his old email I don't think.
  8. Anyone on Xbox Live that plays Call of Duty? I need new people to play with.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ent


      You said you need "new people".

    3. Circa


      My friends stopped playing.

    4. Nick00105


      i do! whats ur gt?

  9. Circa

    avi instead roq

    Yep. So one could probably reference the code it uses or something and implement it in OpenJK. Unless they already have. Direct links to MP4 files are embedded automatically. Only works on the major browsers though. (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE) Don't use Opera. Looks like it's the only browser that doesn't support MP4 HTML 5 aside from certain versions of Firefox. I changed the link just for you though. What do modern games use then? I know most Mac versions use MOV files because it's guaranteed to work on all Macs. What would it be for Windows?
  10. He never started. Not enough people interested.
  11. Circa

    avi instead roq

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/u80wx16s11jr0a7/ws.mp4 And now you have.
  12. Those looks very good! Nice work.
  13. It was clearly a rumor, from what that video just proved.
  14. My personal saber hilts that Kahn D'halaine and 1shotdoctor created for me, way back when. They named them "ibonek" and I don't go by that name anymore. Working on my personal skin. @@Raz0r's post takes the cake. Instead of 0x00 it was just 00 for my editor, but that was pretty simple to figure out after your point. Works great now, thanks!
  15. I want to change the texture path for certain models (saber models in this instance), which apparently can be done by merely editing the path in the file with either a hex editor or text editor. I've always had issues with this, and I'm curious why. It seems I'm the only one that can't do this successfully most of the time. (it works about 25% of the time). I've used a hex editor and 2 different text editors. Same results. Also, same on Windows as Mac. I always get something similar to this error in ModView:
  16. Haven't had a problem yet. You have to have an account, but it doesn't change your image quality like photobucket, and I haven't hit a limit yet. I have probably around 100 images so far.
  17. ImageShack is free. I use it all the time. They moved to imageshack.com instead of .us
  18. Yes, just not active anymore. He registered to upload his mods, and that's about it.
  19. @@Rooxon well technically you should go by the default blades. Looks like your blade mod must go lower than the default ones and the ones I use.
  20. @@Rooxon Alright, I took the time and properly tested these out. The single saber pack: Most of these are great. Very nice job. There are some texture and color differences that I wouldn't do, and I actually went in and fixed them to see if that's all I didn't like, or if it was the model as well. Arbiter: pretty much perfect. I definitely prefer yours over the original. Very nice!Retaliator: same as above. Pretty much just made it better looking, and stuck with the original design.Consul: this is the one that needed the most work texture wise. The purple was basically just too out of place and didn't mix well with the rest of it, and also made it look nothing like the original. I messed with the texture and made it look a lot more tolerable in my opinion. The model is awesome, and would love to have the skin equally awesome. Retaliator: this one is great as well, but it's a lot bigger in scale than the rest. You should scale it down a bit to match the others.Praetor: good, though it seems slightly thin and long. Although the original seemed slightly too thick, so maybe split the difference? Not sure, but I like this one a lot, aside from that.Sentinel: I'm not a fan of either the texture or the model. I prefer the original here. I think if you stayed closer to the original design (and color scheme), it would look better.Adjudicator: this one is great as well, looks a lot like the original but different enough for the better. nice job.Defender: same as above, great stuff.Firebrand: this was my favorite of the original sabers. I think you should shrink the bottom slightly (the round part). It looks to bulged. I also think the top (the emitter) should be wider, like the original. It's very slightly wider, and maybe you could even go wider than the original, not sure.The misc saber pack: There's a pretty big issue here, which is why I haven't approved it yet. The blade tag is in the wrong spot. See here. Luke: This one is good, for the recreation of the original, which we all know is very inaccurate. Nice work. Kyle: I feel like this one is slightly too long. If you just scaled it slightly shorter, it would look pretty good. Desann: I like what you did with it. The original was pretty boring, and I like yours a lot better. Stinger: Nice. Anything is better than the original black tube they had. I like the direction you took with it. Scepter and Sword: they look good, not much else to say here. Overall issues that I noticed: Scaling. It seems that they all don't really match each other in size. Some are pretty drastic. This goes for the length of them mostly. They seem too long and skinny in some cases. I recommend revisiting their sizes and double check what they look like when being held in-game.Tags. I'm not sure if this is an issue on your end, or the skeleton's end, but the tags for where the sabers will be held is too low. This is also a major issue with the original sabers so I'm not sure if it's your doing or not (perhaps @@DT85, @@AshuraDX or @@minilogoguy18 could give me more info on that), but it should be fixed. The right hand should be closer to the top, not the bottom or the middle. Overall, very nice.
  21. I love the reactions I get when people notice I'm on their server. Just lurking. Watching their every move.

    1. AshuraDX


      Do the Creep !

    2. Circa


      Haha nice

    3. Omicron


      You're the only staff member I've ever seen ingame :L

  22. Need more info. What browser are you using? Is it up to date? What OS are you using? Is it up to date? Scan for viruses. Disable any extensions and plugins that may be affecting it.
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