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Everything posted by Circa

  1. This ^ But I also am not a fan of the font you used for the P. Looks a bit boring in my opinion. No offense.
  2. I used the ones from my sound pack that you were talking about.
  3. Yep, it's mine. Which is why I volunteered. @@DT85 I figured since Maul was a pretty quiet guy in the movie, he should be the same in-game. He has a couple taunts but his actual combat sounds are very minimal. Let me know if that is the approach you were wanting or not. I can add more if needed. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ocjrvbdl75z9npj/maul.zip
  4. Moved to modding discussion. I'm no modeler, so I won't really pretend like I am. The tools used though, are ones like 3DS Max or Blender.
  5. aaaaand not it's not....
  6. Alright I'll see what I can do.
  7. Should be simple, but you've given us too much freedom. Give more details on what you're wanting. Something similar to the current one? Same color scheme? That one goes nice with your website, so if the colors were completely different, your site would look bad.
  8. archivos MD3 no son shader. que son diferentes
  9. You're referring his very first version. 39 pages later, he gets much better. But seriously, why would anyone want to hear that statement anyway? I'm all for opinions but that statement wasn't helpful at all. it wasn't even a critique.
  10. That looks so awesome man. I hope it does as well! It's actually vjun3 I think.
  11. He tried to email us too, but his email isn't valid. @ por favor hable aquí lo que un montón de gente le puede ayudar a
  12. It's crazy how big of an impact music can have on certain scenes. John Williams truly is the man.
  13. Let me know if you need any help with icons, screenshots, NPC or SP support, etc! Or sounds. Where is that seen in the movie? I just watched it last week.
  14. Like I said, he's retired from the JKA community. He probably only keeps in touch with close acquaintances from that part of his life.
  15. And it's not like your sculpt will be only available in JKA. You'll still have the original to show for and use in other games potentially, if you wish.
  16. I'll look into it. The editing issue is with the tutorial system itself. We have to pay for the update that has the bug fixes. People can donate any time to help pay for it, but it might not happen until we announce our annual "shamelessly ask for peoples' money" period.
  17. Toshi left JKA awhile ago, after finishing Anakin. @@DT85 you should ask for any of his WIPs that he doesn't plan on using. I bet the has a few.
  18. We'll there is a model from scratch, it's just not the best I suppose. I started to reskin it a little to improve it but the model itself has a lot of issues. http://jkhub.org/topic/3038-ahsoka-tano-reskin/
  19. There are bacta tanks in JKA. Not sure about JK2 though.
  20. It was a toss-up between Vader vs. Luke and Anakin vs. Obi-Wan. They both have a lot of emotion, which makes for amazing duels. Father vs. son, and best friend vs. best friend. I think Anakin vs. Obi-Wan is my favorite though, because it was both really epic in terms of saber skills and swordsmanship, but I think the emotion there was extremely heavy. They had known each other for almost 15 years at that point. They were best friends. Basically brothers. For Anakin to turn like that and try to kill his own brother is pretty crazy, but the fact that Obi-Wan had to defend himself and potentially kill Anakin is even crazier. And he couldn't do it. And it kinda looks into what Luke has to go through as well, with the choice to kill his Father. Though he was hoping Vader would return to good, he was essentially going in there to kill him if he didn't. I wonder if Luke would have killed him if Vader hadn't turned. Not sure if all that makes sense or not. I was in a hurry to write all that down.
  21. Following the Star Wars film trend for polls, what's your favorite duel from the Star Wars movies and why?
  22. Very nice. One thing I don't like about Maul's robe is the lines. They look really weird to me. Though the lines you made look a lot more blended in than Mars', I still don't like that too much. But I know it's accurate, so oh well.
  23. Are you going to rig the robe arm trappings to his arms or his body? (Please say body) That one old Palpatine model looked awful because of that issue.
  24. This was just released like 3 days ago. http://jkhub.org/files/file/1949-jedi-knight-galaxies-launcher/ Other than that, @@Pande and @@Darth Futuza can fill you in I guess?
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