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Everything posted by Circa

  1. None of those are in Episode 5.
  2. Sure, it would be useful for the JKA side of this, since we want to include more species to choose from. But right now, I think eez just wants to start small. Also, "Malastarians" don't exist. You're thinking of the Gran.
  3. Circa


    Well there we have it folks. Let's try not to attack others with slight remarks. The MBII team is no different than any other modding team. They work on it when they can. They have lives too. No need to view them as incompetent people of any sort.
  4. Perhaps someone should use @@DT85's improved DF2 Kyle model and finish it up for this? Since it's already nearly finished.
  5. Totally forgot about this. Sorry about that. Should be fixed now.
  6. Sorry. Changing things behind the scenes. And I'm still investigating why this happens so often, only to the fixed width theme.
  7. Perhaps on this page, but that's completely false for the previous page. I also voted for ESB anyway.
  8. And JKA models. I came across like 6 or 7 within the first 3 pages.
  9. Circa


    @@eezstreet was in recent talks with them about this very thing I believe.
  10. Well right now @@CaptainCrazy is in charge of the modeling aspect of the project. Perhaps he can work it out eventually. I'd like to get another modeler on board to help him out.
  11. If you asked me almost exactly a year ago, I would still have it. Sold both JK2 and JKA for Xbox last spring. Made like $80.
  12. You'll probably have to use the elimination method to find which one has messed your game up. I expect it's a map that's caused it. Either take out all of them and add one back one by one, or the opposite.
  13. What mods do you have installed? Sounds like a shader issue.
  14. Will be done for Jedi Knight Enhanced since we will probably be using that model.
  15. Welcome! I look forward to your contributions here!
  16. What exactly do you mean? If you're talking about the .skin file, that isn't part of the model at all. It's merely a reference for what textures to go where. The only way to add something to a model that isn't there is to edit the model itself in a program like 3DS Max.
  17. /bind f screenshot Press the F key. (or whichever key you put there) A JPG is saved to your /base/screenshots/ folder.
  18. I figured someone would come out and say this. I'll clarify that we probably won't use all of Mr. Zz's textures. We'll probably work with him to cut down on the file size and such. You shouldn't have to worry about that.
  19. @ Alright, I've nonchalantly and nicely told you to stop with this, but I guess I'm not being clear enough. It seems to me that your main purpose here on the forums is to beg for things, repeatedly. This is both unnecessary and quite annoying, especially to the creators of those mods. It's fine to be excited about them, but posting every 2 weeks asking for them to release it is extremely overkill. Modding is not the top priority of anyone's lives here, and especially not to fulfill your desires. These people have lives that take precedence to any of these projects, and some have to set a project aside for awhile to not get burnt out on it. My point is, they will release it when they are finished. Seeing you bump the thread isn't really going to help anything, it's just annoying. Especially when you post multiple times within a day or two. I can't even count how many times I've merged your posts in the past. Be patient and contribute to the community positively instead of going around begging for everything. This was not intended on being offensive in any way, but it needed to be said.
  20. Yes. Looks at the first page of this thread.
  21. @@Omicron that's kinda how it is now, but limited by the model of course. For more ammo packs, we'd need them added to the model. But yeah, great idea. No?
  22. @@Barricade24 one thing we're wanting to do is bring more enemies to the maps, and we will probably have more variety as well. The only issue I have with that is that it's not consistent with the films. You never see any of those special troopers, just stormtroopers and officers. But perhaps we could implement some of those.
  23. That would be great! This is now part of a larger project, covering JKA and JK2, if you haven't seen.
  24. I see no question in his post. Was merely welcoming him. If one asks a question that I know the answer to, I always include that.
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