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Everything posted by Circa

  1. Guys, enough with the crude, off-topic remarks. Because Darth Maul. Seriously.
  3. I think that's his question: If Pande's FFA3 replaces the base FFA3, rather than a new BSP. So he can use it when a server is on FFA3.
  4. Circa


    Needs a new title.
  5. Anything is better than the Mars version of the robes. His makes Maul look overweight with a huge head underneath. Looks amazing!
  6. Is this the Steam version or disc version? What mods do you have installed?
  7. If you're compressing the WAV's anyway, use MP3. WAV's are lossless and are meant to keep quality, not space. That's unrelated though. I honestly have no idea about sounds in KOTOR. I recommend comparing the vanilla sounds and work from there. Moving to general tech help.
  8. Cool stuff you've got there.
  9. I think he means change them in-game. Not sure if that's completely possible though. For what purpose?
  10. I say let this sit for awhile to see if someone knows what you're talking about has it. It's possible there could be someone here.
  11. http://jkhub.org/topic/2555-character-kyle-katarn/
  12. https://jkhub.org/files/file/169-star-wars-episode-iii-jka-map-pack-part-2/ Or you could have searched Utapau here on JKHub and this would be the only result.
  13. Good point with the highlights. I'll probably add some then. No stubble though. he didn't have any in the film.
  14. I released my original skins awhile ago, but something has me back at them, improving them. Since I can't model, my goal is to make reskins to the best of my ability of Obi-Wan from TPM and AOTC, since there are no good ones for JKA. I'm using the Hapslash Anakin model for both, so there are limitations on face structure, but I think I'm getting pretty darn close. I'm using Hapslash's Obi-Wan face texture as a base. I just updated the TPM one today, which is tons better than the original. But I still need some pointers on what else to do without modeling. https://jkhub.org/files/file/1553-obi-wan-kenobi-the-phantom-menace/
  15. If you already posted your request, don't bump old ones. This is over a year old.
  16. Like i said, nobody will really take the effort to read all the changes. You'd get quite a bit more votes if you illustrated the changes. Anyway, at this stage, the mod should be about what you want, regardless of people's interest, generally. I guarantee people will be interested when they see progress.
  17. That would be great, I agree. How hard would it be to implement that? Would it just be a menu change, or would it involve coding? @@therfiles @@eezstreet
  18. I'm assuming a JKA version is coming next?
  19. You have gone above and beyond the requested material here. I applaud you. Very nice work!
  20. Great work. Looking forward to a JKA version!
  21. Bahaha. This face. Not sure what to do about it though man.
  22. We get notified instantly via the report system, so they get fixed a lot faster than if there was a stickier thread anyway. Thanks for letting us know and sorry for the inconvenience.
  23. Her breasts are the opposite of flat, really.
  24. Posting images for Chalk while he is without internet on his PC.
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