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Everything posted by IrocJeff

  1. Dracula is pretty long. Try the audiobook. You can find it at libravox.org.
  2. A little bit of both. I want to get some Rebel/Imperial blasters into the game like the A-295 or 280, an E-11s or E17d sniper rifle or both, some heavier blasters, too, if possible. I have a great idea for a SP project that would pit the Rebel army against the Imperial Army (not stormtroopers) on an Imperial occupied planet. I can't do it unless I replace the weapons first which is why I started messing about with blender. Their website, or at least the website I think I went to , doesn't work.
  3. I only bought downloadable content once and that was on World Golf Tour which is a web based golf game that really awesome. I spent 15 bucks to buy a better set of clubs @ my skill level and a new putter. That was 2 years ago. I'm still on the same clubs but I'm not spending more money on another set, nor am I paying for better golf balls with more grip, spin, and distance that wear out after so many holes. I play with the freebie ones and that's good enough. I'm not too big on game subscriptions or downloadable content I have to pay for after paying for the game itself.
  4. Your temple is coming along great. I really like that tram car system area with the overhead rails. That busted up bridge is really cool as well over the lava pit, especially those crooked boards you made. That little extra step goes a long way in the detail department.
  5. So, this is perfectly fine just lining stuff up since when its exported it'll all be together anyhow ?
  6. Here is another test run with this A-295 model. I say test and I'll probably be re-doing it several times over before I'm done. What I'm running into problems with is where my cylinders meet square meshes. I was told I can just line the vertices up against the other mesh and i'll be alright. Is there a better way to go about it than that? The rear stock, upper barrel piece, the barrel itself, and the front fixed site do and will run into this issue. Any ideas?
  7. All you do to make a uv mesh is select your mesh, hit u, and then select unwrap or smart unwrap. Then, ctrl & Left Arrow Button 5 times until you get to the uv window. It should be unwrapped and then you have to fit it to the grid. As far as textures are concerned its still complicated for me. This video should help you out with the unwrapping part, using seams, and will also show you how to paint and import the finished uv map back in.. He goes kinda fast in that part, though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2-FfB9kRmE
  8. Here's the faculty rules from Philosophy Dept of the University of Walamaloo Fourth Bruce: No. Right, I just want to remind you of the faculty rules: Rule One! Everybruce: No Pooftas! Fourth Bruce: Rule Two, no member of the faculty is to maltreat the Abbos in any way at all -- if there's anybody watching...... Rule Three? Everybruce: No Pooftas!! Fourth Bruce: Rule Four, now this term, I don't want to catch anybody not drinking..... Rule Five, Everybruce: No Pooftas! Fourth Bruce: Rule Six, there is NO ... Rule Six!... Rule Seven, Everybruce: No Pooftas!! Fourth Bruce: Right, that concludes the readin' of the rules, Bruce. First Bruce: This here's the wattle, the emblem of our land. You can stick it in a bottle, you can hold it in your hand. Everybruce: Amen!
  9. I found the sof2 assets online since I have no clue where my disc went to. I'm missing Quake4 as well which is really odd. Anyhow, I couldn't find the grenade you were talking about. That's alright, though. At any rate I'm giving up on texturing for now and just sticking making the models themselves. Right now I'm working on the Hoth rifle or the A-295. Well, some variant of it. Its a slow process but its getting a hair easier. I learned to fill in faces so now I can attach shapes and stuff. I've also figured out that I've been subdivding wrong. But, as I said, every few days is getting easier. Here's the rifle so far.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZ1-tSsq9xk
  11. The best thing about him is that he's doing all this digging that I don't have to nor want to. So, all I have to do is come here and I'm informed about stuff.
  12. Thanks! Now all I have to do is wait for it to air and I'm all set. Hopefully your info is true cause it sounds pretty good so far. I couldn't get the videos to run, though... have any other links for them?
  13. Maybe she's in charge of the Empires training program or something... like a gym teacher...
  14. I have an image of that grenade as well. I want to make a few different types, hopefully. In this version I took the cap off the top and gave some depth to the handle. Also, added some stripes to the body. I'm still learning how to cut up the mesh with seams and I goofed up the arming button o nthe bottom since I did not cut it as I did before so the texture is screwy.
  15. I did start over w/ the whole mesh but this time just kept the handle straight. I MAY, may borrow more from the original german grenade design and indent the handle just for depth on the top and bottom. I also plan on shortening the explosive part. What I did with the text was use paint.net (the other program I use) and made an olive texture w/ the lettering. In post 13 above I had a really good texture but I deleted all my stuff to start over and I lost it. Now, I can't find it again! it was a really great texture. I think for my next post I'm going to darken the textures a bit, especially the arming button on the bottom.
  16. Well, its been about a week or so and I finally figured this out. While not texture perfect, I was able to make a model, create a uv map, figure out how to paint my uv map, and get it back into Blender. I am getting much better with the whole extruding, scaling, subdividing,and moving around with a mesh. At least I got this far. I'm not happy with my textures but I'm terrible with those programs.
  17. No, no money involved or anything..I'm not a fan of begging for money over the internet anyhow unless its for the public good. I mean we come up with an original story and create and adventure.with the skill set and resources we have available to us.
  18. I bet if we could pull resources here we could probably come up with a pretty kick ass Star Wars game. Or mod or whatever.
  19. Thats great to hear. I took apart my radio shack ps3 controller and couldn't put it back together properly again so I've been playing with the keyboard of all things.... I just bet Robocop vs Terminator for NES on the keyboard... was tough...I think I'll order one.
  20. I appreciate all the help and ideas and I'll check out some of the cutscenes. I still have to make all my new weapon models first and foremost.
  21. So, I should take this olive texture. Make a second texture w/ the writing on it, then import it and fit it to the cylinder and not add a layer to the cylinder and then add text?
  22. Well, I sorta got my texturing right!! I have no idea what happened! The white part is supposed to be lettering on the cylinder that says " arm detonator before use" written in the Aurel Besh font. i'm going to make the model again, make my uv map, re-texture it and try all over again. I do kinda like the white stripe up top... I may add one of those to the top and bottom for the green part. ugh....
  23. 1)All you probably have to do is keep the filenames the same. Put it all in a pk3 with the right folder hierarchy and it should work. I think pk3 files are loaded alphabetically so just make you name it so it load after the base stuff does. Like "z_newvoices.pk3" or similar. 2) I think most of the files are at 44100 hz so you'd just have to keep that in mind. I have no idea for number 3.
  24. I use gimp so I'll have to figure out your steps 1-6 for it. I found a really great olive drab texture that is 3000x3000 to use as the explosive head color. I may even stick with a wood handle... not sure yet. I should be posting some test shots tonight.
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