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Everything posted by IrocJeff

  1. //Generated by BehavEd set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_WEAPON", /*@[member='weaponx']_NAMES*/ "WP_BLASTER" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ALT_FIRE", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "false" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_SHOT_SPACING", 1500 ); Here is a simple script you can use for any NPC. You can select their weapon, if you want them to use alt fire or not (set to true or false) and the shot spacing. That is as complicated as this is. You just muck about with the variables, like shot spacing. You can also set Aim, Aggression, vis range, hearing range, and more by adding them to the script. Then, give the NPC a spawnscript and a value (your script name) Key: Spawnscript Value: Script folder name/fire_rate_1500 ( name of folder script is in & script name) That's it. Its much easier to script stuff plus you get the added benefit of being able to do much more with that specific NPC. If you want, for example, your stormtrooper to shoot faster but crouch, you'll have to script the crouching anyhow.
  2. You have to do it through the command Set_Shot_Spacing in BehavED and play around w/ the timing.
  3. That's neat that it works. Maybe we can get more JKA people to playtest it further with this one change. There is no animation for the ladders, but, this is designed for first person perspective so its a non issue in my opinion. The problem I didn't foresee was needing to cheat since ladders aren't enbabled in JKA. Surfaceparam ladder is what needs to work in JKA, somehow. I'm guessing the ladders can be replaced w/ elevators for the JKA version if need be.
  4. Had someone e-mail me this problem today. They get to a certain point in my first map which I think is a trigger for 2 Rodians to spawn w/ blaster pistols instead of E-11's or Disruptor's, and the game crashes giving them the error "Unable to find item for weapon -1". No one who tested it or played it had this error. Anyone have any ideas?
  5. Long one and doesn't pick up steam until 6.5 minutes it but i always enjoy these longer ones. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LY5WEJ-tiC8
  6. Lets keep it Python there, thread hijacker... lol I think it was taken down but their last performance from last summer was on Youtube. I just watched it over the weekend and it was awesome, even though they are 40 years older and it shows. You can see snippets of it still there but I got to see it all..
  7. See, what I was doing was putting in the "share" address for the longest time and it looks like that changed... at least that is what @Cerez said and it works now... If you were a bit more specific with enter it in the text window and don't assign a link to it I would have understood earlier.. Anyway, It works now.
  8. http://naldzgraphics.net/textures/free-high-resolution-rock-textures/ Check this place out. I don't think they are seamless which you or someone else will have to make ( depending on your design) but they are pretty cool and most go above 1024x1024.
  9. I think you need to post the address of the video taken from the address bar of the browser and not the "share" link. I ran into this issue recently as well. Just cut and past direct to the reply window https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w77YfeGePOg
  10. I agree. This calls for a power ballad!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmjNc3-n2os
  11. OHHHHH, alright... So we don't use the "share" thingy on youtube then, huh.... Well, NOW someone tells me ...
  12. [youtube]youtu.be/ienp4J3pW7U[/youtube] https://youtu.be/ienp4J3pW7U https://youtu.be/ienp4J3pW7U Still don't work.. There are 3 tries using your method, a direct link, and special BB code/Media....
  13. Yeah, for an overall production Life of Brian is probably the best. The Meaning of Life had its moments but was a bit sketchy for a movie. Holy Grail is still a movie that for first 3-4 times I watched it I had chest cramps from laughing so hard. This is also another favorite...Hitler in England is also hilarious [media]https://youtu.be/ienp4J3pW7U[/media] *See, I can't post videos anymore...I had to put it into a link.
  14. Sometimes I've noticed that in posting a You Tube video or something that the Special BB code only posts a text link to the file and other times it posts the media itself. Any ideas on why this is?
  15. Anyone a member at Filefront or Massasi Temple? i'd like to upload my project there as well and I don't have nor want to sign up

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cerez


      Hip-hipp-hurraaay! :):P

    3. IrocJeff


      Everything went through just now so we'll see how long it takes to get approved.



    4. Cerez


      I wouldn't hold my breath, haha! But I think they might get it up in a few weeks' time.

  16. I was just kidding..and welcome aboard! This project of mine would NEVER have been completed without being a member here. People here try and help and that makes it a great place for JO and JA modding.
  17. I just replied to your comment over there on ModDB and now I see you just signed up and posted here. i hope you aren't a stalker. lol.
  18. Thank you sir. I'm still going to hang around here. I'll be like that one guy on here that complains the Jedi are taking Ovah!.. lol
  19. Well, Ice Station Wampa was a cross between the movie title Ice Station Zebra w/ Wampa replacing Zebra. It was SUPPOSED to be in a snowy world but I couldn't get the z-fighting to stop on my snowbanks on landing pads or walkways, so, things had to change. Also, Ice is a slang for meth, which, was originally what they were producing instead of tainted beer. So, A Plot is Brewing in the Outer Rim is a better title. The plot that is brewing is obvious for those that played it, and, brewing has a double meaning because of the beer and conceiving a plot. I ran into many issues with MAX Shaders in regards to some of my maps. If I put one more NPC in I'd run into the error in some cases. That is why some areas were a bit empty NPC wise. However, I prefer this in games, like in Half Life, where you are not bombarded every turn and you have a chance to look about. Linear was by design as well. I remember back when maps were called levels and there were level editiors. I guess that is why I chose what I did to name them. And to add what Ramikad said, you put a cushion brush at the bottom of the ladders as well. Basically, the game thinks you are falling which is why hear the grunt sometimes. So, that cushion brush basically stops you from getting hurt.
  20. I'm not sure why it says that or it won't work. hmm... This has been tested by multiple users. No, but someone else can as long as it follows my storyline and requirements. I'm going back to X Wing Alliance for a bit. I'm really tired of mapping.
  21. I used Audactiy 2.0.5 and never had any issues with it having a mind of its own. I was never able to get the vocodor working, though. I only did simple stuff like converting to the proper frequency or cutting up sound effects. Most complex I did was I made a robot voice from a text to speech program that turned out alright.
  22. No, I only own JO so that is what I made it for. I don't care for JKA, but, anyone can take this project and make the JA version of it as long as they contact me first.
  23. It's like Circa mentioned. Its everywhere. Worse in some places than others, but its everywhere. Just don't play multiplayer and you should be alright.
  24. I got Zeb which i think i got because I liked the TIE Fighter they stole and didn't choose a saber for a weapon..
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