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Everything posted by IrocJeff

  1. I haven't done my updates in a while but its sitting there in the list. Free isn't too bad a deal.
  2. So I'm at the point into Mr Wonko's exporting a sword from Blender to JA video where we do tags and I had a question regarding them. Since he made a sword its obvious that a lightsaber is the choice to use a reference in Modview. With that in mind my grenade model should use the Thermal Detonator stuff since its a grenade. The only problem is that my grenade has a handle while the Thermal Detonator is round. Is it going to make a difference? Should I copy tags for a similar model hand hold (like a saber)?
  3. That's a pretty neat figure. Is it supposed to one color like that or will it change? Also, do you think her species has any problems with cleaning where her tentacles meet their heads? Its obvious there is a gap there and I'm sure dirt and other things can get caught up in there.
  4. If you want to modify some SP maps to Multiplayer you're free to use my single player maps and convert them to multiplayer. All 6 maps are there in .map form along with the textures and shaders. http://jkhub.org/files/file/2293-a-plot-is-brewing-in-the-outer-rim/
  5. Is your cow going to be a four legged one or this going to be a humanoid one? Also, your paint scheme is of a milking cow and they don't have horns... hehehe..just utters. I hope your not going to make uttters...
  6. Did they reach their limits on huge advances centuries earlier or what? Hyperdrive's are centuries old.. and i mean a lot of centuries... droids, blasters, ect... it seems there isn't a big improvement on a lot of their technology. Is it just that old of a culture and we're seeing the latter end of that?
  7. You should include a link to that video of yours , exporting the sword, inside that manual. I watched it last night and it pretty much explained everything.
  8. You'll just have to go through the scripts for kejim post and see if there are any more entries that affect Jan... and if there are just watch if it gives her a weapon or not. I think Jan's default weapon is an e-11 so once her animations are over she'll always have that blaster, regardless if its given in a script or not. If so, you'll just have to make the change to the script for her to keep the saber.
  9. You are just going to have to open up all those other scripts and modify them the same way you did the original one in regards to Jan. I wouldn't go about deleting scripts because you want to make sure everything is going to work properly.
  10. Well that is a start. At least you got the script in a working order of sorts. Did the cutscene work with the Big Door to enter the base?
  11. Yeah, I have my grenade textured. Right now I just want to export it as a regular md3 just for the sake of going through the process.
  12. I would try breaking up the triggers as there may be something happening when you spawn them all at once. Do they all need to be in the map at one time?
  13. I was just thinking if you it was a trigger multiple and the trigger was large enough it'd keep spawning npcs... Another thing would be that you are using JA models in JO which will appear invisible but still attack you, however, since they work when not triggered that's out. Your not trying to spawn 100 npc's at once, right? and your trigger is set to trigger_once, and you selected the trigger and then the npc to connect each npc to the trigger?
  14. How did you set up your trigger? Does it just trigger the NPC(s) or do it open a door as well?
  15. I have the Blender JAPlugin Suite and I'm trying to get my grenade exported and I need a step by step instruction here since I'm a bit confused on the process.. Also, what about scaling my mesh in relation to the game. It says not to exceed the -512,512 boundary which is fine but how do i know I'm within it ?
  16. Are you running for asshole of the day or something? Here are some other scripting tutorials that are still floating around the internet from way back when. http://www.nab622.com/tutorials/script_tuts/basic_scripting.html http://www.student.oulu.fi/~lvaarisk/sivut/resources.htm <-- this site is really helpful when it comes to NPC scripting and waypoints and stuff.. You can also search the old Lucasforums site for help. Just go to your search engine and type Behaved Lucasforums or Jedi Academy scripting Lucasforums and you can find some really old topics that may help you out there, too. Not just for scripting but many other things as well.
  17. Yeah, its a pain in the ass. When you decompile scripts some stuff turns to a number for some reason. Then, Behaved doesn't know what 56 or 6 or whatever number of those things are so they need to be fixed. Take a look at the Prequel Conversion Mod and see if that will help you out doing yours for Jedi Outcast.
  18. I just added the line into the script, saved it to my desktop and recompiled and got errors. You are going to have to go in and change all the occurrences of "56" into "flush" or "insert". Its more than likely that its "flush". You are also going to run into errors with the color security code script and the "IF Else" statements. You are going to have to figure out what "6" is in relation to those specific occurrences. It is either a FLOAT, STRING, or VARIABLE. So, every occurrence of "6" needs to be changed until you get that right and then it should compile with no errors. Then, when you get all that compiled properly with no errors you'll save the file as as kejim_start.ibi and this file will go into a pk3 with the following heirarchy. A folder named "scripts" Inside that folder will be one called "kejim_post" inside that folder will be your kejim_start script file Then, name the pk3 file x_JanSaber.pk3 or whatever you want .pk3. Then, put that pk3 in your base folder and start the game.
  19. Kejim_start is the name of the script your going to use or modify since this script is targeted to Kyle and triggers when he spawns. It has an entry for Jan where it changes her aim to 4 which is where you'll make all of your changes for her. You could probably just delete the line in the control script that gives her a blaster just recompile it. You don't need to give her another saber since it'll switch back attack position or whatever when the typing animations are done. You can also see it gives Kyle "0" for his force abilities. You may want to give Jan some of those attributes if you like. I just have a thought here. Since Jan is a normal NPC in game and is treated like one with the waypoint system and combat points, how will giving Jan Jedi AI affect all that stuff, if at all?
  20. Yeah...I think it should be. What I think you are going to need to do is create a new NPC.config file. Your then going to change the JediF to "Jan" and leave the rest of that entry as is. Next, delete the original "Jan" entry. Finally, create a new pk3 and add your new npc file to that pk3 and then name the pk3 file whatever you want. I usually use ZZZ_name.pk3 since the game loads pk3's alphabetically. Give that a whirl and see what happens. JanplayerModel jansurfOff "torso_vest hips_chaps torso_computer head_goggles torso_comp hips_belt"surfOn "torso_augment_off hips_augment_off hips_torso_off"saberColor randomrank ltreactions 3aim 3move 3aggression 3evasion 2intelligence 3playerTeam playerenemyTeam enemyclass jediyawSpeed 140walkSpeed 55runSpeed 200snd jansndcombat jansndjedi janhealth 200dismemberProbHead 0dismemberProbArms 5dismemberProbLegs 0dismemberProbHands 10dismemberProbWaist 0}
  21. Well, to get Jan into the game as Jedi all you need to do is open up your .map file in Radiant. Add in an NPC_Spawner and give it a Key: "NPC_Type" and a value: "jediF". You'll spawn Jan as a Jedi. I threw Tavion in and right when the map started she attacked Tavion. Now, Jan doesn't seem to have her goggles, vest, ect.. because they are turned off on that model. If you want normal Jan just create a new NPC in the NPC config file and add the jedi stuff to the normal Jan and name the new entry JediJan or something. Then, use the Npc_spawner entity with the new name. Jan{fullName "Ors, Jan"playerModel janrank ltreactions 3aim 5move 3aggression 3evasion 3intelligence 3playerTeam playerenemyTeam enemyclass jansnd jansndcombat jansndextra janyawSpeed 140walkSpeed 55runSpeed 200// race humansnd jandismemberProbHead 0dismemberProbArms 0dismemberProbHands 1dismemberProbLegs 0dismemberProbWaist 0} JediFplayerModel jansurfOff "torso_vest hips_chaps torso_computer head_goggles torso_comp hips_belt"surfOn "torso_augment_off hips_augment_off hips_torso_off"saberColor randomrank ltreactions 3aim 3move 3aggression 3evasion 2intelligence 3playerTeam playerenemyTeam enemyclass jediyawSpeed 140walkSpeed 55runSpeed 200snd jansndcombat jansndjedi janhealth 200dismemberProbHead 0dismemberProbArms 5dismemberProbLegs 0dismemberProbHands 10dismemberProbWaist 0}
  22. Was finally able to get my first model or mesh or whatever rendered properly. Now I have to find some lighting tutorials and figure that part out but the grenade project is looking pretty good!!
  23. When I saw the title to this thread I thought someone was requesting a Vietnamese version of Han Solo.
  24. Be a bit more specific for what you are suggesting me to do if you would please. Do you mean the top part isn't round enough? And how would I go about making every edge larger than 75 degrees sharp? Do I select the edges of the angle and select sharp? If so, that really didn't do much..
  25. Thanks to @@Boothand 's explanation I was able to get the Paint function setup properly in Blender. I also got loading textures in to paint with down as well. I still gotta figure out how I'm going to do the lettering. I may have to do that in Gimp or something. I did do that in Paint.net. Took a while to align it the way I wanted but it's looking like I want it now. The lettering says "Before use arm detonator". Methinks tomorrow I'm going to get my gun textures ready and maybe start the A-295 texturing and see what happens.
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