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Everything posted by IrocJeff

  1. This is the shader I have from my old terrain. So, all I would need to do is replace the primary and secondary with the textures I want. Then I can make whatever I want for qer editor image..and I should be alright then? textures/icestationwampa/darkrock_dirt_blend { qer_editorimage textures/icestationwampa/darkrock_dirt_blend.jpg q3map_nonplanar q3map_shadeAngle 75 { // Primary map textures/icestationwampa/dirt.tga rgbGen identity } { // Secondary map textures/icestationwampa/darkrock.tga blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA alphaGen vertex rgbGen identity } { map $lightmap blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO rgbGen identity } }
  2. All my terrain is done by hand so Easygen is out. Also that site does not really help me in how to make the specific textures I need. I have alpha blends ranging from 0, 25, 50, 75, 100. Does that correspond to how many layers of opacity I need for the blended texture? That's what I don't really get. I know how to blend terrain and all that..but how is that specific blended .tga created?
  3. for shading my terrain... how do I make the blended texture? I have all the shaders from previous ones that I should be able to re edit...I just am not sure how to make the blended texture itself.
  4. I tried Commando Academy, Sion, and Lurtz on your list. Search takes me to the files, I see screenshots and the readme, but the download page just give a page not found error for those that I tried.
  5. In post #8, your first picture shows blue floor lights. Does the player get stuck on those?
  6. Could adjust from Radiant to Blender, now I can't adjust from Blender to Radiant... GRRRRrrr

  7. You would think in the SW universe someone would have come up with a basecoat / clearcoat system that holds up on vehicles...The empire is no better than General Motors when it comes to paint...
  8. So on that Anti Portal thing...would I just use that instead of the caulk texture for any unseen, non-textured terrain brush faces?
  9. Under the system shaders there are a few new things I haven't seen in Jedi Outcast. There is an anti-portal, caulk (acid, water, lava), lightgrid, rainsurf, and weatherzone. Also under entities I see lightjunior and terrain. Can anyone explain these to me?
  10. Yeah, that's what happened. Thanks a bunch. Now I feel much better that I'm not the only one....
  11. I'm using 1.5 and 1.4.. not at the same time...but this issue happens with either. For some strange reason I have a base folder under my Jedi Academy directory. Initially it had maps and mapextra's pk3 in there. So, I dumped all my texture, models, shaders, scripts, and sounds in that folder and now things load. I'm still missing textures/shaders in many texture sets and my models show no textures, just the red/black shader missing. The funny thing is my basepath isn't pointed to that directory, yet, it loads. I never had any issue within the game itself. No bugs, no missing textures, ect... After I come home from fishing tonight I may just reinstall Jedi Academy fresh even though its only 2-3 months old and try it all over again.
  12. My biggest complaint is that there aren't more episodes per season and they aren't an hour long.
  13. IrocJeff

    Interview: SiLink

    I had no idea what @@SiLink did or does or whatever and after reading the interview nothing really appealed to me but that doesn't mean I didn't appreciate the interview and think you need to do more of these.
  14. So I'm finally getting around to setting up Radiant for Jedi Academy and for the life of me I cannot get Radiant to find my textures, models, shaders, ect... I have my textures, shaders, models, in this directory E:\Jedi Academy\GameData\base Under my project settings my basepath is set to E:\Jedi Academy\GameData\base Jedi Academy is the "Selected Mod" and I have it set for single player mapping. Is there anything else I need to do that I'm forgetting?
  15. I had no clue what you were talking about.. hehe.. I assumed you made force fields for prison cell doors and if the forcefield was on from the start it'd shut off, and then back on, normally. But, if you had it set to off, and tried to turn it on, then it'd take two presses of the use key to switch.
  16. If I were to make a set of pipe pieces in Blender.. say some set lengths and a few elbows... is it possible that when all scaled the same they'll line up to each other fine in Radiant?
  17. I have nothing popping up at all. Its just a while icon that sits there and looks like the Windows logo. Nor when I'm in Windows now I never have had any popups telling me anything about updates. The reason is I turn off automatic updates and then do them manually when I feel like it. Important updates also sit and wait for me to download them, Windows doesn't do them on their own. It took me a while after doing the update to finally see the notification.
  18. How is an icon screwing up your computer without your approval. Do you check all your updates before installing them? Are they set to automatic? If so, you approved whatever update you got. Besides, that icon just sits there.. probably with 20 other icons most users have down there and have no clue what they do.
  19. Mine finally appeared and I reserved my copy. There are many features that aren't there like media center , Cortana, some other stuff I never even use..The only negative I saw was that you were getting Windows 10 Home Edition and on it you can't control Windows Updates. So, I got kinda bummed and then I read a few articles, one on Forbes.com, that said you'll get a Windows upgrade based on what you have. So, Win7 Home users would get Win10 home while Win7 Pro users (me) would get Win 10 Pro. Those with enterprise editions are screwed...lol So, that is good news.
  20. Pretty neat to so how these folks adapted to survive in their environment. That lion was probably thinking " I better drag this more over here so those guys don't come back". hehe
  21. It worked. I'm not taking a screenshot for it , though.
  22. So I set up my parent tag in Blender...and I have my mesh sitting at o,o,o i should move my Z-axis higher or lower in order to change it?
  23. This is what I ended up with. My only concern is that when I move the tag in Blender up or down on the handle, save and export the model, then export and test the glm file, it seems my Rebel trooper is still holding it in the same place. I'm actually thrilled I got this far, but, I'm not sure what is going on with that tag.
  24. Can you mount it somewhere else if you want? Is that even possible? Reason I ask is that I wanted to make a model similar to a .30 caliber or MG-42, but Star Wars-ified that can be mounted on window sills or short walls or similar locations.
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