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E-11 Blaster Rifle

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I've never been happy with the E-11 on any of the Jedi Knight games. The only one that looks ok is the one in Dark Forces. So, I've decide to quickly model one that looks like the one in DICE's Battlefront.


Right now the polycount is 4448. What do you think? Should I bump the polycount even more and smooth out/add more detail? I'm not completely satisfied with some details, but overall I think it's looking good.









As far as I can see, Rooxon's E-11 is spot on. I tried searching for other E-11 models and didn't find his. Otherwise, I wouldn't have even bothered making a new one, to be honest.

Circa and Maksman like this

As far as I can see, Rooxon's E-11 is spot on. I tried searching for other E-11 models and didn't find his. Otherwise, I wouldn't have even bothered making a new one, to be honest.

I kinda figured that. Our search function is pretty terrible, so if you searched "e-11" you probably got no results at all. I searched "blaster" and it was there. Sorry about that. Searching will be better soon when we upgrade the forum. :)


Would love to see other blasters for the OT seen in Battlefront though. The Relby is one of my favorite guns from the game. Would love to see that in JKA.

Maksman likes this

I wanted to introduce more Battlefront guns to replace the ones in JO and JA. I'm working on some player models too, but wanted to flesh out a gun real quick because they are easier to model. Looks like somebody's already working on a Relby model. No need to compete over who does it better. Better to push each other to make the best possible models and focus on variety.

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Only problem with adding all these new gun models (although much higher in detail and an overall better model), it's getting the fire rate/blaster fire type and amount of damage it does, into the game correctly. As an example, you wouldn't want to add the Relby to replace the Rocket Launcher, otherwise you'd end up having the Relby firing the wrong type of projectile.


Personally, I always thought one of the biggest problems with the E-11, was its size. I always found it to be far too big for the player model and out of proportion, considering its movie counter-part.


Scaling issues can be solved easily enough. You can even have one size for the world view model, that looks good on the hands of the NPCs or the players, and then have another size for the first person view model. When you try to use the same model for both views, you either end up with either an out of proportion world model or a weak looking first person view model.

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The issue is the animations. They are made for larger weapons, so if you scale it properly, the left hand of playermodels will be too far forward as if they are holding the air in front of the muzzle or the muzzle itself.


Right! I forgot about that. There's no escape from that issue then unless the shooting animations are remade.


No, I don't think so. Or is everyone using a normal map ready version now? Otherwise, I will just focus on getting a high quality texture with all the details painted on it.


Well if you're willing to do a high poly bake and make a PBR version, we would be happy to use it in DF2 mod.


Nice. Let's see how it turns out first. Here's an update on the mesh. I didn't like how a lot of things were looking.







SomaZ, swegmaster and Maksman like this

I was able to put the model in the game, but I can't make the textures to work and the placement on screen is just awful. Are there any proper tutorial about making new guns? I can't seem to find any, here or otherwise.


I was able to put the model in the game, but I can't make the textures to work and the placement on screen is just awful. Are there any proper tutorial about making new guns? I can't seem to find any, here or otherwise.

Can you send me the file? I can help you out.

Just PM me and I will teach you the best i can.


I think there's something going on with the MD3 exporter. When you open the .md3 with the md3viewer and check the model info, none of the objects have a shader path assigned. I'm working with Archangel to sort this out. Other than that and the awkward model placement to get the correct view in-game, looks like there's no issue in getting a +5000 polygon view model into the game.


No need for any awkward placement


you can just export a new blaster_hand.md3 holding your aniamted tags

then export a static blaster.md3 with the tags in the same relative position.


I'm gonna have to make a new blaster_hand animation, yes. Anyway, I found a way to place the weapon correctly, applied a rough texture and this is how it looks in-game so far:




I need to include the hands holding the gun, but I think I'll make two versions, one for everyone to download and use however they like and another for the Dark Forces mod with Kyle's hands on it.

Jeff, swegmaster, Smoo and 1 other like this

To be honest, what I would like to do is marry the Dark Forces mod with DICE's Battlefront. Meaning that I'm going to remove all those crazy ass doom-like weapons the original Dark Forces game had, replace some of them with weapons from the movies and have Kyle carry only three guns plus inventory. Think about it as a branch of the original Dark Forces mod. That said, I'm not ruling out making weapon models for the community. Now I know how to put them in the game and the modeling part is quite easy.

Langerd, swegmaster, Wasa and 1 other like this

To be honest, what I would like to do is marry the Dark Forces mod with DICE's Battlefront. Meaning that I'm going to remove all those crazy ass doom-like weapons the original Dark Forces game had, replace some of them with weapons from the movies and have Kyle carry only three guns plus inventory. Think about it as a branch of the original Dark Forces mod. That said, I'm not ruling out making weapon models for the community. Now I know how to put them in the game and the modeling part is quite easy.


That is a great idea and similar to what I wanted with my next project. Although, I wanted to have a few blasters like an e-11, a-280, ect but you could only use one at a time. If you picked up a replacement it would drop.  Same with the pistols. 

Maksman and Archangel35757 like this

To be honest, what I would like to do is marry the Dark Forces mod with DICE's Battlefront. Meaning that I'm going to remove all those crazy ass doom-like weapons the original Dark Forces game had, replace some of them with weapons from the movies and have Kyle carry only three guns plus inventory. Think about it as a branch of the original Dark Forces mod. That said, I'm not ruling out making weapon models for the community. Now I know how to put them in the game and the modeling part is quite easy.

I always loved the feel of normal blasters more than these weird Jk2 looking weapons.. I am thinking about changing concussion rifle into the T-21 rifle.


I always loved the feel of normal blasters more than these weird Jk2 looking weapons.. I am thinking about changing concussion rifle into the T-21 rifle.


Most Star Wars guns are real WWII weapons mixed together. I think that's why so many weapons look off-putting in the JA series, they look like they belong more in the quake franchise than in Star Wars. 

Langerd likes this

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