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Jedi Home III - Temple Edition

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Ok so time to reach out the public, show me some pics, concepts or share idea's for what sort of secret area's you would like to see. The original(s) had very dream like out there and unique designs for it's secret area's. Low poly though unique in design and meant for a challenging duel.


Tell me what YOU the public would like to see, pics, drawings, w/e helps get the idea across. :D


Hope to hear from many of you on this!

Remember in the first Jedi Home where there was a chamber underneath that patch of stairs?




Which had an elevator that led to this area?




I'd like an area like this, but expanded upon. I always liked the book on the table too. The entire set up of that part of the map looked like it was an area where the book in question was for only certain eyes. I'd love for this to be replicated, BUT with more bookshelves and such around the room, basically a throwback to the original while also improved in it's own way. :D

AngelModder and Onysfx like this

I can't say any thing about where this is going to go BUT here is Republic Hanger A-93 connecting to Republic Hanger N-87. ;) This is connecting to area's that will set this map apadRd1BpH.jpgrt from many and make it more useful then most could ever imagine a map being.

PLEASE NOTE  this area is VERY new, literally I spent more time on the technical details of the trains them selves rather then the area's construction. LOL It will be MUCH prettier later on.

Langerd, yeyo JK, RAILBACK and 3 others like this

A small update -  I will be posting some pictures late late tonight (I live in the Netherlands FYI) so 5-6 hours from now before I do that sleep thing. XD Been working my ass off getting the section I last posted pictures of more fine tuned. Finally managed to figure out how to get the dang 64 bit Q3Map2 working. As I finally have use of that I will be overhauling a lot of the maps lighting. Switching from light entities to shaders will be a super fun job HAHA. This also should be taken into consideration as you look at the photo's. I've yet to do any bloom effects, false shadows, enforced normal mapping, lightmap sharpness control & environmental shader blending.

At the moment I am running a FULL compile to get a grasp of a before and after. The first thing to get changed will be the sky lighting. Atm it's using a entity sun. I'll be changing it out for the most up to date sky shader and begin really playing with how things look. So I'll post up a before and after of that tonight as well.

By the way how does every one feel about the original Jedi's Home music, I originally built the map using Lando's theme from Empire strikes back. But recently switched over to the original 1 and 2's theme song.

Kualan and yeyo JK like this

Ohhhhhhhh! Thank you so much for continuing your work on this and putting in such effort! The dedication and attention to detail is greatly appreciated!


I can't say any thing about where this is going to go BUT here is Republic Hanger A-93 connecting to Republic Hanger N-87. ;) This is connecting to area's that will set this map apadRd1BpH.jpgrt from many and make it more useful then most could ever imagine a map being.


PLEASE NOTE  this area is VERY new, literally I spent more time on the technical details of the trains them selves rather then the area's construction. LOL It will be MUCH prettier later on.


This looks good already because I don't see any of those DAM default orange and browns associated with sunsets...omg. I would like to see you open your .map file in notepad and replace all bespin_wall textures with another grey or lighter blue color just to see what you can come up with. So yea... you mentioned secret areas. Put more actions into your level please. I tend to make secret areas accessible through a func_breakable wall or a force_push/pull door.

AngelModder likes this

This looks good already because I don't see any of those DAM default orange and browns associated with sunsets...omg. I would like to see you open your .map file in notepad and replace all bespin_wall textures with another grey or lighter blue color just to see what you can come up with. So yea... you mentioned secret areas. Put more actions into your level please. I tend to make secret areas accessible through a func_breakable wall or a force_push/pull door.

I like the idea of making the secret area's a little more story/action driven. I'm really hoping that a few of them atleast will make you feel a bit like you're playing a small sp level. Secret area's will come after the map's full primary build is finalized and tested. Best not to put the horse before the carriage. :P


I do apologize for not getting up some new pics last night. My gf was having computer problems and this shader lighting takes a bit of work to get just right. XD


Onysfx likes this

I think it would be nice to expand on jedi's home II's music. Heard it so many times already but like the soft tunes they use from episode I. Perhaps you could expand on that a little?

ooeJack likes this

I too will download this. I've been using Atlantica for some time and TBH, I think it's time for a change. The original Jedi Home and the second just didn't fit, but this one...I've got a gut feeling that @@AngelModder will get it right. Cause as they say, the third time is the charm. ^_^

AngelModder likes this

Awesome dude. Can we pay tribute to the original Jedi's Home map and use the track 'Yoda and the Younglings' for the map music?


God, where were all these epic maps 10 years ago!?


Keep up good work mate.

AngelModder likes this

Small update -  Here is a sneak peak of some of the new effects and textures starting to come together in the map's Archive.





Next two thing's I'll be changing in this area will be the chandeliers structure/texture  (they'll be the same overall size and concept these were idea placeholders) Then to replace the ugly texture used in almost every map that has an archvie on the archive shelves themselves. Going to have to make that one from scratch as well! XD


So just ran a test on the server with full graphics. I love this reflective floor but FOOOOk it hurts FPS! So here are my options I am throwing out to you (the people I'm making this for). A I can just completely remove it from the archives and it will just be a shiney floor as seen in the images below. OR Theirs another slightly cooler option I can do. See the entity we use in gtk to tell a specific surface to reflect in conjunction with a shader can be left in the said room and it wont hurt it at all. So via a patch you could download optionally we you download the map you could choose if you want the reflective floors or not in the RP area's. A small pk3 with just a few changes in the shader file that overwrite my original's and would allow this to be completely client based optional.


Without reflection. QPlgEa5.jpg


Scroll to the post just above this one if you wish to see the room WITH reflective flooring.

DarthStiv, Langerd, Onysfx and 4 others like this

Can you fake a reflection with an env map that uses a picture of the ceiling/walls? It wouldn't look as good as the actual mirror shader, but it shouldn't hurt the fps as much.

AngelModder likes this

Can you fake a reflection with an env map that uses a picture of the ceiling/walls? It wouldn't look as good as the actual mirror shader, but it shouldn't hurt the fps as much.

Sadly Env maps just dont work well on the Z axis, what you see in the last picture is an example of that, usually you need to get to an elevated spot to see the env for what it's worth. It does work pretty good on say the chrome pillars if you create a panoramic env. 

That said sitting here I do have an idea that may create a more ambient fake reflection/bloom effect even.



Sadly Env maps just dont work well on the Z axis, what you see in the last picture is an example of that, usually you need to get to an elevated spot to see the env for what it's worth. It does work pretty good on say the chrome pillars if you create a panoramic env. 

That said sitting here I do have an idea that may create a more ambient fake reflection/bloom effect even.


Duplicate the map under the floor?

AngelModder likes this

LOL... Nah Simpler and much more efficient then that. But you're on the right idea of thought. One thing I've learned with this engine the more you can do rather then it having to do it, the better. An example is the wonders of clipping your brush work your self and setting your textures to non-solid and using caulk non solid. Saves about 1/4 of .BSP space, faster compiles, better FPS in larger maps. Shadowing as well, if you notice the pillars are casting nice sharp shadows on the ground, again I'm thinking for the engine and doing it's work to not only save bsp space and time but for a better overall looking product. Every where I can cut out the engines work is some where else where I can have it go balls to the wall. But that's neither here nor there.
Any ways what I do in cases like this is go under the map and take a series of screenshots, line them up in photoshop, then filter them etc and set them as alpha layer in the shader. It's a bit more of a pain in the ass with larger rooms like this but manageable.

Liam and ZanderNao like this

FYI moment, the reason I've often been using the Archives of JH3 as an example and or showing it off the most is not that it's important to you or even to the map on the overall experience, but rather I'm evil I prefer to hold back the really good stuff for release. <--- Sounded dirty.
As well the Archives is the testing ground and development point for many of this maps assets textures/shaders at this point.

The main core of the map is fully built, it's just detailing and fine tuning the assets as I described above. Anoek (my gf also my mapping student) is working on the events and training center of the map. While I focus on what is the Jedi Home.  Secret area's will come last. I prefer to work my secret area's into the details and around the map rather then sacrifice the map overall for one thing.

swegmaster and Penekowski like this

Does caulk nonsolid generate VIS data the same way solid caulk brushes do? At least it doesn't have to generate unnecessary collision then.


Map looks amazing!

AngelModder likes this

Does caulk nonsolid generate VIS data the same way solid caulk brushes do? At least it doesn't have to generate unnecessary collision then.


Map looks amazing!

I dont know if it blocks VIS if its part of a structural brush, let me test that after I run my maps compile and get back to you on that, I'll Pm you the answer. If not a good use of antiportal would solve that if it was what one was aiming for. As a rule of thumb I only make my detail brushes nonsolids. As you said it saves the engine time and space and in the end you FPS and load times.

Boothand likes this

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