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STAR WARS: Movie Duels (Remaster of Movie Duels II)

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On 1/11/2020 at 4:26 PM, Tompa9 said:

Emperor Palpatine arrived together with new Kylo Ren skins from TROS movie!




Can we get the Maskless Kylo Ren as a standalone release on the site, or as a replacer for Plasma's model like you previously did?

davidortilla and Smoo like this
  • 2 weeks later...
10 hours ago, Tompa9 said:

@Untold Prophecy I would like to update my replacer with TROS skins. 

I think you can leave masked Kylo alone in there, I think most people (including myself) just want the maskless version updated to TLJ or TROS with the higher detail. 

14 hours ago, Untold Prophecy said:

I think you can leave masked Kylo alone in there, I think most people (including myself) just want the maskless version updated to TLJ or TROS with the higher detail. 

I cannot upload better head model because it is ported. I have to keep original Plasma's head. 

Untold Prophecy likes this
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

So, is this mod dead for the 2nd time ?

Just don't get me wrong though, I won't blame you for it since life can get all your free time away from you sometimes.

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I had no idea that the team was working not just on recreating iconic duels, but what could also be regarded as the definitive Star Wars mod for Jedi Academy. The title "Movie Duels" makes this mod appear smaller than it actually is. Once it's out, I'm downloading it.

Walkman1286 and Tompa9 like this

The Christmas Update has arrived for Movie Duels! After more than a year in development, hopefully it will have been worth the wait! We've put a lot into this update to make up for not having a may release this year, including a menu overhaul, our first original trilogy mission, updated saber combat, and more!

Thanks for waiting, and have a very merry Christmas!






Update 4:

The user interface/menus in Movie Duels has been overhauled greatly to look much, much nicer, easier to use, and provide
the user with a better experience overall! It's so massive that it's listed off in it's own seperate changelog, so it's
recommended that you read that to get a good look at everything that's changed!


Episode I Duels:

Duel Of The Fates:
- Added extended ending for Jedi POV, Anakin's acceptance for Jedi Training!
- Added new credits music for Sith POV!
- Upgraded music track quality from Youtube rips to FLAC sourced!
- Obi-Wan is no longer invincible in the mission for Sith POV.

Episode II Duels:

Tusken Camp Massacre:
- Added saber burn and kick sound when Anakin is entering a Tusken's hut.
- Added missing bracket textures.
- Reverted 05/21/2019 Music volume boosts due to making the music sound too loud and clip a lot!

The Count's Retreat:
- Removed the little playable portion in the intro for Obi-Wan/Anakin/Yoda's POV, rather pointless and adds nothing to the mission aside from making it longer to get to the dooku fight,
and be able to teamkill Anakin via making him back off over the ledge.
- Added new Cutscene Videos for both POV's endings and added new credits music!
- Reverted 05/21/2019 Music volume boosts due to making the music sound too loud and clip a lot!
- Fixed a few things in the mission, like Anakin not being shocked by Lightning and Obi-Wan blocking/dodging the Lightning at the same time.
- Upgraded Dusk Coruscant skybox quality!

Episode III Duels:

Arrest the Chancellor:
- Upgraded the office with Sith-J-Culley's Chancellor's Office map!
- Upgraded music quality of some music tracks, and added a new fight theme to Anakin vs Windu!
- Added dialogue between Anakin and Windu during their fight!

Attack on the Jedi Temple:
- Updated skyboxes to be higher quality!
- Updated JT March cutscene with improved camera angles, marching sound effect, and Order 66 cutscene showing Jedi dying across the galaxy!

Assassination on Mustafar:
- Upgraded Mustafar Space skybox and Mustafar skybox to be much higher quality and more accurate!

Masters of the Force:
- Upgraded music tracks to be higher quality!

Battle of the Heroes:
- Added new Cutscene Video for Obi-Wan's ending!
- Synced music during the High Ground cutscene in Part 2 to match up with the film's music in ROTS!
- Added ending theme to Anakin's victory in Part 2 (Post Obi-Wan Death)!
- Updated credits music with EP3's ending credits!


Obi-Wan's Last Stand:
- A new mission taking place abroad the Death Star, where Obi-Wan confronts his former student for the last time!

TFU Duels:

Starkiller's Last Trial:
- Now an official mission instead of being a bonus mission in extras!
- Rebalanced the first four waves to have a more similar enemy setup to TFU's Combat modules, and for improved balancing/performance.
- Each wave now includes a transition between each one to allow some breathing room and have better presentation.

Forgotten Heritage:
- Now an official mission instead of being a bonus mission in extras!

Rescuing the Rebels:
- Renamed the mission from A New Hope to Rescuing the Rebels for better clarity and less confusion with the new ANH mission menu!
- Fixed Starkiller having the wrong hilt during the third cutscene and Light Side Ending cutscene!
- Fixed the light side ending cutscene for Starkiller's ending POV and the bonus mission's ending POV so that it's no longer broken by NPCs having a FP meter!
- Updated light side ending music to sync up better with the cutscene.
- Added TFU end credits music for Light Side and Dark Side credits.

Wrath of the Empire:
- A new mission taking place on Hoth within Echo Base, in an Alternate Reality where Starkiller became the Emperor's new servant, and faces off against Luke Skywalker!

- Each mission (with the exception of extras missions) will now end on a mission statistics screen, with stats
borrowed from JKA's mission statistics screen, mod credits on the side, and map dependant background music!
This should also reduce the chore of skipping credits whenever you complete a mission!


There's been a lot of new duel maps added, here's the complete listing! Including:
- Trade Federation Flagship
- Qui-Gon's Funeral
- Kaminoan Cloning Facility
- Tusken Camp
- Utapau's Pau City
- Coruscant City
- Jedi Temple Exterior
- Coruscant Landing Platform (TFU)
- Mustafar Mining Facility Duel
- Profundity Hallway
- Yavin IV's Ceremonial Hall (JK2)
- Echo Base
- Cloud City
- Jabba's Palace
- Crait Resistance Outpost
- Mandalore - Sundari Palace
- Rogue Shadow - Training Room
- Death Star - The Force Unleashed
- Ruusan - Valley of the Jedi
- Korriban - Tomb of Ragnos

Supremacy - Throne Room:
- Upgraded the map with a really high quality version by Plasma!
- Added an extra button to the throne that spawns TLJ Kylo Ren!

- Updated music in most duel maps with higher quality music!


- A new ladder themed mode where you fight your way through waves of enemies to the very finish! Similar to challenge mode,
but instead of going up against popular Jedi and Sith, you fight through tough waves of Reborn and Cultists, with boss rounds
in between occasionally!


Level 6:
- Updated the map with Sith J Culley's Office map!

Level 18:
- Restored missing Valley Core effects!

Level 20:
- Updated the map with Plasma's version!


Prequel Trilogy:
- Added Maul's other TCW appearances, Cybernetic Legs and Season 7!
- Added Obi-Wan Kenobi from Clone Wars 2003!
- Added Anakin Skywalker from Clone Wars 2003!
- Added Queen Amidala from The Phantom Menace!
- Added Yoda from the High Republic!
- Updated Anakin Skywalker (AOTC) with a new face texture, a new robe, and optimization!
- Updated Anakin Skywalker (TCW) with a new model by Leaversa!
- Updated Anakin Skywalker (ROTS) with hair for his hooded appearances, and optimization!
- Upgraded Battledroid with a new high quality model by Rmvsallen and Khornesyrup!
- Upgraded Cin Drallig with his ROTS game head!
- Updated Female Jedi Knights with a much better body, hands and facial animations, and optimization!
- Updated Jango Fett with a new helmetless head by Scerendo!
- Updated Obi-Wan Kenobi (AOTC) with a new head!
- Updated Obi-Wan Kenobi (ROTS) with the FA head reskinned by GP Channel!
- Updated Shaak Ti with better textures for her head and hands, and a new torso!
- Updated Yoda with enhanced textures by GP Channel!
- Reverted General Grievous' four arms model to the old model used in MD2 due to issues with floating sabers, and we were unable to find a fix for in time for next release.

Jedi: Fallen Order:
- Added Cal Kestis!
- Added Cal Kestis in Inquisitor outfit!
- Added the Second Sister!
- Updated Purge Trooper with an all new model by Scerendo!

The Force Unleashed:
- Added Ceremonial Jedi Robes Starkiller to Character Selection!
- Added Lord Starkiller to Character Selection!

- Added Maul from Rebels to Character Selection!
- Added Sabine Wren from Rebels to Character Selection!

Original Trilogy:
- Added Shock Trooper from Battlefront (2015)!
- Added Boba Fett to Character Selection!
- Added Luke Skywalker (Hoth) to Character Selection!
- Updated Luke Skywalker (ANH, Farmboy and Yavin) with enhanced textures by GP Channel!
- Updated Luke Skywalker (Bespin) by restoring the old model's hair and body, with enhanced textures by GP Channel!
- Updated Luke Skywalker (ROTJ) with proper decapitation and better hand posing!
- Updated Scout Trooper with a higher quality model by KhorneSyrup!

Dark Forces 2 & Mysteries of the Sith:
- Fixed Yun having incorrect head decapitation.
- Updated MOTS Kyle's soundset to not sound strange quality-wise.

Jedi Academy:
- Upgraded Human Male Jedi customization with better textures and enhanced options to choose from!

Sequel Trilogy:
- Added TROS Kylo Ren!
- Added TROS Emperor Palpatine!
- Updated Kylo Ren with new textures by GP Channel, facial animations, and optimization!
- Updated Rey with new body textures by GP Channel!
- Updated Praetorian Guards with new helmets and an improved body shine effect!

- Added Robed/Hooded Cybernetic Maul!

That's right, Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy are now playable in Movie Duels!
Instructions on how to play Jedi Outcast in MD are included in a seperate addon file!


- Updated a lot of gameplay features related to the combat modes, and did quite a few bug fixes alongside them!

- Fixed all SFX Lightsaber Blade options not having their intended appearances!
- Added A'Sharad Hett's Lightsabers!
- Added Asajj Ventress' TCW Season 7 Lightsaber!
- Added Darth Maul's TCW Season 7 Lightsaber!
- Added Leia Skywalker's Lightsaber!
- Added Mara Jade's Heir to the Empire Lightsaber!
- Added Rey's customized Lightsaber!
- Removed Kit Fisto's Lightsaber from Saber Selection.
- Cal Kestis' Lightsaber is now throwable.
- Updated Praetorian Guard Weapons with new high quality versions by Plasma!
- Updated Rey's Episode 9 hilts with up to date versions!
- Updated TFU based hilts with new models by Doughnuts! This includes Starkiller's hilts and Rahm Kota's hilt.

NPC Spawner:
- Added a wide variety of non-Jedi/Sith NPCs to the NPC Spawner, and reorganized it's menu so that it's easier to spawn them in!
- Added Stormtrooper, ST Officer, First Order Stormtrooper, FO ST Officer, and Gammorean Guard to the NPC Spawner!

- Restored the Bryar Pistol and made SBD Blaster it's own weapon!
- Updated Blaster Pistol with a new model by Beast!
- Updated Concussion Rifle with a new model based on LJ-50 variant from MBII!
- Updated DC-15A Blaster Rifle with a new model by Doughnuts!
- Updated DC-15S with darker textures and a sharper specular!
- Updated EE-3 Carbine with a new model by Doughnuts!
- Updated E-5 Blaster Rifle with a new model by Khornesyrup!


Lancelot and RobiWanKen0bi like this

Can someone help me? I'm having issues with my game starting. the "MovieDuels" screen comes up and is unresponsive for a moment before it goes to the menu.

Once in the launcher menu the mouse disappeared and a repetitive clicking is heard. after that there's nothing at all. 


Wonderfull Mod thanks MD Team!

But i have a question: I notice that on a random map the red laser blasters work but the blue laser blasters dont or the rocket launcher dont work, no effect 😞

Another random map just the red laser blasters work, another blasters no effect. I can kill without the effect, but it is not good.

I love create battles but I can't because this 😞

I try that I save the game and load and load and load... but not fixing.

Any technics or code or something?


Thanks the answer!

19 hours ago, ByRoT said:

Wonderfull Mod thanks MD Team!

But i have a question: I notice that on a random map the red laser blasters work but the blue laser blasters dont or the rocket launcher dont work, no effect 😞

Another random map just the red laser blasters work, another blasters no effect. I can kill without the effect, but it is not good.

I love create battles but I can't because this 😞

I try that I save the game and load and load and load... but not fixing.

Any technics or code or something?


Thanks the answer!

We still have to figure out why is this happening. Could be some code limitations, maybe too many effects... we dont know. It is pretty annoying I agree.

34 minutes ago, Tompa9 said:

We still have to figure out why is this happening. Could be some code limitations, maybe too many effects... we dont know. It is pretty annoying I agree.

Thanks Tompa the answer!

In my opinion about the MOD: it is fantastic, this ins't just a MOD it is a new game now. I really hope that the blasters no effect will be fix, that is the first important thing + is is just for my fun I hope Jace Solaris add his Cloack invertory item to the MD, because cloack is a very usefull and important item for the created spy battles.

I very interesting for 2021 updates!


Thanks again the MOD!

Posted (edited)

Sorry if this isn't the correct thread to post in, but I've got a few bugs to report from tonight.

Some of the Praetorian Guards don't have textures in challenge mode. The Shadowguard also appears to be missing his saberpike and Sariss (and a few others) don't have the correct tag to use their lightsaber (it defaults to the cultist short saber). The Tavion_Scepter NPC is also dual wielding the Scepter and T-posing, only firing blaster shots.

I've attempted a fresh install and still have these coming up, so I don't think they're unique to my end. 😞


Big issues with blocking in the JKA combat style. It's almost like there's full block animations missing. Even with saber defense set to 3 or 9, there's no block for head on blaster shots. I've tested with basic imperial offices and they can shoot me down within a few shots.

Edited by Untold Prophecy
Updated report.

Really enjoying this mod.

Why is the Geonosis Arena, which is accessible in Missions, not a Duel Map though? It's a surprise.

I'm really enjoying this, and hoping we can see a few more Legends characters added. Jacen, Jaina, Anakin, Ben etc.


GPChannel and Tompa9 like this
  • 3 weeks later...

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