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Noodle's WIP Zone

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Finally! I've finished compiling a test version of my first map. Remember though, this is just a small part of a big project, and this map will be connected to a bigger net. 


If you can, tell me if you find bugs or things that should be fixed (I'm sure there are lots!), I'm also open to suggestions. Some will be added, some I don't think I've got the skills yet. 


To test type in console /devmap demobandithideout01


Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1qoxjxtfsfrmnbt/DemoBanditHideout.pk3?dl=0


A list of things that can be tested:


- Some NPCs can be knocked down and cuffed (not all of them though!)

- The Jukebox should be able to play some tunes.

- Control panels might be useful if you've got the proper data card.

- Boss might or might not surrender if you fulfill certain conditions (this will be useful for future bounty hunting missions). 


A list of things that will be buggy:


- Some of the NPCs might move when they're cuffed (only one that I'm aware of)

- If you turn the turrets to your team, don't expect them to have good aim. 

- A small UI error (I was testing new stuff)


IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want the menus to work, you must have cheats enabled. I know it sucks, but it's the way it is for now. 



Holy Shiet! @@Noodle You just made KOTOR in THE JK3 !!! This is amazing ! I hope more Sp stuff like this will be coming out here :)


Thanks @@Langerd , your work's truly inspiring and it helped me to get into mapping. 


yeah honestly this is fantastic. I wonder why it's taken someone so long to realize the potential of adding in RPG game mechanics to JKA - that console was very slick and straight out of KOTOR!


Thanks! I don't know why this hasn't been done before, but if I manage to upload this map into the hub, I'll make sure to add the source .map file so others can see what I've done. 

Ramikad, Torki, yeyo JK and 4 others like this
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Guess who's learning how to animate just to make his NPCs drink beer.



Also, is it cool if I use your Mas Amedda model, as seen in this video, @@Kualan

You can add some cutscene where You put something in the drinks that will make all gangsters fall asleep ;) It would be cool to see! Or their accuracy would be the lowest one because there would be drunk XD

Noodle and Ramikad like this
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Sure, it looks good.




Okay, calling it. I'm gonna be using this for my machinima when it's completed. ^_^


I'm glad that you like it! 



You can add some cutscene where You put something in the drinks that will make all gangsters fall asleep ;) It would be cool to see! Or their accuracy would be the lowest one because there would be drunk XD


Those are great ideas! I'm avoiding cutscenes for a more open-world like gameplay (at least for this project), but what you said already gave me a couple of ideas on how to make the NPCs fall asleep! 


This is surely amazing! Really looking forward to see more of your (coding) work :)


Funnily enough, all of this has been done with scripting only. I'm using coding to add weapons and other things, but I think that'll come much later since I want this to be compatible with other mods (for now).

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wow so this is all done with ICARUS? the thought of learning to code in JKA is intimidating but if scripts are that versatile I kinda want to check it out now.


The amount of things you can achieve with ICARUS is amazing. Coding is fun too, but I don't want to use it unless it's really necessary.

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Funnily enough, all of this has been done with scripting only. I'm using coding to add weapons and other things, but I think that'll come much later since I want this to be compatible with other mods (for now).


Oh okay I see. But regarding your bounty hunting, I feel like you will only be able to achieve this with coding.

Noodle likes this
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These modifications and works like Yours @@Noodle show us that guys making Jk3 were lazy ... sooo lazy. With so much things and creativity...They didnt use full potential ..  Many modders on Hub are using what they had on the table.. And they are making amazing stuff (Like You here)

Wish more idea will come to Your mind and more stuff We will see ;) Happy Modding

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These modifications and works like Yours @@Noodle show us that guys making Jk3 were lazy ... sooo lazy. With so much things and creativity...They didnt use full potential ..  Many modders on Hub are using what they had on the table.. And they are making amazing stuff (Like You here)


Wish more idea will come to Your mind and more stuff We will see ;) Happy Modding


Thank you, though you're still light years ahead of me with your mapping and modelling skills.


My cantina is starting to look more and more like I want it to, I'm testing interactivity with NPCs with their own dialogue. 



In my video you might notice @@Barricade24 's gamorrean skin and vibro-axe, @@Kahzmat 's Redja, the Twi'lek Mercenary and a bunch of vehicles that were transformed into textures for my clone wars themed cantina table game (it's just decoration, don't think I have the brain power to create a game inside of a game). I've been trying to use models which state they can be used as long as the creator is credited, which they will if I ever release this, but I still feel the need to acknowledge them if their work appear in my videos (just so they know I'm not claiming credit for their work). 

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JKA was missing this kind of atmosphere and interactivity. with these inclusions you could completely transform the style that we play JKA, or at the very least create a map that feels alive with its various denizens and the ability to have multiple lines of dialogue.


favourite part was when you had to press the Kel'dor guard to let you into the arena - that encourages exploration like KOTOR 1 and 2 did.

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Agreed. Heres another way of saying it: Professionalism. QUALITY. This mod, along with Langerds Bespin level and some aspects of physics from NAB622 WIP, really, the skys the limit.


Thanks! I've been learning some new things and I think I'll be able to do really interesting things with this project. Sadly, there are no previews for now, since I want to keep some things secret!

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Well don't get too into the file I last gave you, I'm nearly done with the new setup and it's really gonna wow you and probably a lot of other people about how much it'll speed up workflow. Think about the extra menu I added but turn that into a interactive image map with clickable, buttons that run scripts and interactive sliders.


Big things are happening, big things.

RAILBACK and Noodle like this
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Well don't get too into the file I last gave you, I'm nearly done with the new setup and it's really gonna wow you and probably a lot of other people about how much it'll speed up workflow. Think about the extra menu I added but turn that into a interactive image map with clickable, buttons that run scripts and interactive sliders.


Big things are happening, big things.


Oh wowee!

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