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Pass-me-arround map?

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Y'all start throwing out some theme ideas, sounds like we so far have underwater volcano facility and jungle reclaiming military reactor/outpost.


there shouldnt be a specific theme. if this is a pass around map, i think it would be nice to just let everyone make an addition that represents them. a true salute to the jk community :)

The theme doesn't have to be stuck to, I think of it more like a guideline to try and give people ideas for the overall map, but if we pick a theme and someone wants to add a random Teletubby room to it, be my guest.



I've pretty much shelved my game now after all the drama I've had to deal with over the last few years while playing.

No drama, we just make a map.


I'd be interested in this.  Maybe try and come up with some themes and get a vote so we know what direction to head in?

Got any more ideas?

JKG Developer


What about an underwater map like mon calamari in the clone wars, of course it'd have to be set-up so the water didn't kill you and maybe reduce the gravity so you could float a little. 

gree and JAWSFreelao like this

We actually could play with a fog cull, and reduce gravity. It remains tho that the water in the game is very ... how you say it, limited in its capabilities. I want to make a map, not tweak in the source code itself (water is defined in source as well on how much damage when drowning, etc)


If we did a mostly underwater map, such as Mon Cala I recommend we make plenty of internal indoor structures inside the water (on the seabed or floating on the water etc), as all water maps tend to be crappy just cause JKA doesn't handle water physics very well and a ctf match completely underwater with all swimming would be...stuipd to put it mildly.

Lazarus likes this

JKG Developer


If we agree to start making Dagobah I can participate then.

I'm not sure how we'd do a map like that without putting blender models everywhere and making most of the map in blender.  Since Degobah is basically just patch terrain with trees, bushes and ponds everywhere.  Seems like more of an advanced map that half of us would not really be capable of doing.

JKG Developer


No to mention some very advanced fog, lighting and sky shaders, but it would be an ambitious project! ;)

Terrain can be done in EasyGen. Besides something similar was done before - in an old game: Mysteries of the Sith - the Dromund Kaas 1st level. Of course in JKA it gotta be done much better.


Circa has a point, I guess, except I think it's more indicative of people just not wanting to invest -that- much time in another project. Just want to blow off 1 week of steam in a fun little pass me around.


As for me, I really enjoyed getting the ball running with the first pass me around. The second one was going to be so cool but it did die, unfortunately. The third one (here on jkhub) was a total disaster. To me, that first one was pretty much spearheaded by Nab who scripted all the awesome ideas we had into reality. Every room had something interesting and we were all motivated to finish it. 


If we're going to do this (and btw I'd have to fanangle my computer into running JKA again but I would) I agree with Darth Futuza that there has to be a certain amount of 'cage the right size' going on. Pick a location, elect a design leader, keep things on track.

Noodle, Circa and Lazarus like this

Circa has a point, I guess, except I think it's more indicative of people just not wanting to invest -that- much time in another project. Just want to blow off 1 week of steam in a fun little pass me around.


As for me, I really enjoyed getting the ball running with the first pass me around. The second one was going to be so cool but it did die, unfortunately. The third one (here on jkhub) was a total disaster. To me, that first one was pretty much spearheaded by Nab who scripted all the awesome ideas we had into reality. Every room had something interesting and we were all motivated to finish it. 


If we're going to do this (and btw I'd have to fanangle my computer into running JKA again but I would) I agree with Darth Futuza that there has to be a certain amount of 'cage the right size' going on. Pick a location, elect a design leader, keep things on track.


I'm really hyped for this. I just hope that we don't start aiming to high yet, since not all of us are too skilled to do something really impressive or avant-garde like a Mon Calamari map. 


I agree with @@Pande I worked as well on the first one, and slided off the second one (was a bad timing for me when the map got passed to me) and its really just a one week thing, no long commitments. So when we have the people i'd like to start doing a roll call. 


@@Noodle If you can finnish Richdiesal and have a lot of imagination ... please we can use it.

@@Pande maybe we should introduce scripting back to the community ;) Think NAB still arround?


Circa has a point, I guess, except I think it's more indicative of people just not wanting to invest -that- much time in another project. Just want to blow off 1 week of steam in a fun little pass me around.


As for me, I really enjoyed getting the ball running with the first pass me around. The second one was going to be so cool but it did die, unfortunately. The third one (here on jkhub) was a total disaster. To me, that first one was pretty much spearheaded by Nab who scripted all the awesome ideas we had into reality. Every room had something interesting and we were all motivated to finish it. 


If we're going to do this (and btw I'd have to fanangle my computer into running JKA again but I would) I agree with Darth Futuza that there has to be a certain amount of 'cage the right size' going on. Pick a location, elect a design leader, keep things on track.

Yeah that's kind of what I was thinking, this is just a fun little project that isn't supposed to be like pro map or whatever, just a fun little pass along. I mean I'm an awful mapper, I could do like square rooms and stuff, yay.

Noodle likes this

JKG Developer


In which case I'd say start with a duel map, so that the beginner mappers can start with their designs and the advanced ones can come along after and clean up efficiency and improve on details and texture work. It would help the beginners learn.

Noodle and Stoiss like this

I agree with @@Pande I worked as well on the first one, and slided off the second one (was a bad timing for me when the map got passed to me) and its really just a one week thing, no long commitments. So when we have the people i'd like to start doing a roll call. 


@@Noodle If you can finnish Richdiesal and have a lot of imagination ... please we can use it.

@@Pande maybe we should introduce scripting back to the community ;) Think NAB still arround?


Never read that tutorial, but I did read lots of other tutorials around this site! 


If you and others want to see something I've been working on, you can download the following file (devmap prisoncorridor to access it):




Is my skill decent enough to be considered into this project?

Lazarus likes this

First off @@Noodle RichDiesal covers the primary basics of mapping, and some items that are more moderate, however most things you learn are by experience. Click on the learn mapping here link ni my signature to check it out if you didnt read it already. Maybe shadering and and a bit of scripting can help your way arround.


I did download your map, and i was pleasantly surprised. Although the map is not that big, (which doesnt bother me) I saw you mastered the basic skills with ease. Is this your first map? I saw you attempted scripting (your guard misses an anger script) and you even added custom sounds, which was fun,(the laugh was the only one i heard, but it did the trick for me). I ran it both in SP and MP, asuming this was a MP map, but realizing after I opened the pk3 that it had also something for SP. 


A side note though, and further is everything fine. If you dont use custom textures, you dont have to add them because everybody has the assets files your textures came in. So as long as you dont use custom textures, you dont have to add the base textures in your pk3.


I say you have enough on what it takes to do this. And off course if cant figure it out, there are tons of people arround that can help you ;)

Noodle likes this

First off @@Noodle RichDiesal covers the primary basics of mapping, and some items that are more moderate, however most things you learn are by experience. Click on the learn mapping here link ni my signature to check it out if you didnt read it already. Maybe shadering and and a bit of scripting can help your way arround.


I did download your map, and i was pleasantly surprised. Although the map is not that big, (which doesnt bother me) I saw you mastered the basic skills with ease. Is this your first map? I saw you attempted scripting (your guard misses an anger script) and you even added custom sounds, which was fun,(the laugh was the only one i heard, but it did the trick for me). I ran it both in SP and MP, asuming this was a MP map, but realizing after I opened the pk3 that it had also something for SP. 


A side note though, and further is everything fine. If you dont use custom textures, you dont have to add them because everybody has the assets files your textures came in. So as long as you dont use custom textures, you dont have to add the base textures in your pk3.


I say you have enough on what it takes to do this. And off course if cant figure it out, there are tons of people arround that can help you ;)


The guard is supposed to just walk around and every now and then say one of three different lines (it's random which one he chooses, if he does at all). The textures are from Jedi Outcast, so you shouldn't see most things if I don't put them on a pk3 (tried the map with a clean base and it was just a bunch of grey nothing). 


This is part of a bigger map I'm working on, but I wanted to share this particular room since I think summarizes what I know. 

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