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Diary of a mad man

Message added by AshuraDX

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Both options are OK ,with the force arena hair looks like in this gif.






If you wan't know what is my opinion , the force arena hair is better but do what you want.



Yes, I looked different reference pictures to compare versions and all versions have something in common with the movie, but for me, so far TFU version is the closest one to the main character. That's the main reason why I can't decide. 

  • 4 weeks later...

Hey Punisher, how did you put the hilt saber on Luke Yavin's waist? I've been trying this on Blender for some time and I cant do it at all. Please help :)


Where is that Luke head from if you don't mind me asking? It is really, really well done. Good job porting!

it is from EA's battlefront with Dark_apprentice's retexture...i think :P


The head is from EA Battlefront 2015 guys, you can try and maybe even learn how to do it on your own :) If he wants he will release whatever he wants. There are some models he provided, but the updates are up to him and if he have the time after all. You know a interesting fact --> making frankensteins/kitbashes with Blender is n-o-t very hard in fact it's so easy that even my nephew at the age of 4 can do them!

yeyo JK, Jeff, swegmaster and 1 other like this

The head is from EA Battlefront 2015 guys, you can try and maybe even learn how to do it on your own :) If he wants he will release whatever he wants. There are some models he provided, but the updates are up to him and if he have the time after all. You know a interesting fact --> making frankensteins/kitbashes with Blender is n-o-t very hard in fact it's so easy that even my nephew at the age of 4 can do them!

Then why haven't you created more of them? Maybe you could touch up some already existing characters? I'm sure many Star Wars fans would love new characters to use, and to you it is so easy. 

Or maybe we should commission your 4 year old nephew to make some new toons? 

J19 likes this

Then why haven't you created more of them? Maybe you could touch up some already existing characters? I'm sure many Star Wars fans would love new characters to use, and to you it is so easy. 

Or maybe we should commission your 4 year old nephew to make some new toons? 

Maybe you don't follow what I wrote on my personal WIP page?! It may be easy for me to upgrade or create new content around, but this "so easy" was actually pretty hard when I was new. All the progress on my WIP page was from the very worst to a little bit "not that bad, but still needs some work" level. Of course I can't compare to other good modelers in here, that can also create something from scratch, which I really respect and admire. But also I have stopped publishing models or even updates of old models, because I have some reasons for that and one of the reason is because there are other people that are really annoying and pushy on this. I don't make a living from this, so I am not forced to create/update my models or someone else's stuff. Also really disappointed when other people get your work without permissions and in the end you turn out to be the "black sheep". Stop bitching around, learn some basic Blender skills there are plenty of YouTube tutorials for that and even tutorials regarding frankensteining in Blender, start reading all topics hear, because most of the people around gave a huge amount of hints that can help you even to port a model and mostly stop this nonsense drama and act a bit calm. This is the WIP page of a member called The Punisher, if this person is willing to share something, post something he will. If I want to share something new with you guys or provide update I will. Lately I am just showing off models and ideas that I have, but are not released, since I don't have permissions for that I just want to show ideas to others and inspire them. If I manage to find some time and decide which models to release, I'll make sure to contact the original authors and request what's needed and release whatever they agree for, if they don't I won't release it. :)


Maybe you don't follow what I wrote on my personal WIP page?! It may be easy for me to upgrade or create new content around, but this "so easy" was actually pretty hard when I was new. All the progress on my WIP page was from the very worst to a little bit "not that bad, but still needs some work" level. Of course I can't compare to other good modelers in here, that can also create something from scratch, which I really respect and admire. But also I have stopped publishing models or even updates of old models, because I have some reasons for that and one of the reason is because there are other people that are really annoying and pushy on this. I don't make a living from this, so I am not forced to create/update my models or someone else's stuff. Also really disappointed when other people get your work without permissions and in the end you turn out to be the "black sheep". Stop bitching around, learn some basic Blender skills there are plenty of YouTube tutorials for that and even tutorials regarding frankensteining in Blender, start reading all topics hear, because most of the people around gave a huge amount of hints that can help you even to port a model and mostly stop this nonsense drama and act a bit calm. This is the WIP page of a member called The Punisher, if this person is willing to share something, post something he will. If I want to share something new with you guys or provide update I will. Lately I am just showing off models and ideas that I have, but are not released, since I don't have permissions for that I just want to show ideas to others and inspire them. If I manage to find some time and decide which models to release, I'll make sure to contact the original authors and request what's needed and release whatever they agree for, if they don't I won't release it. :)

I am completely calm. You just made a snarky remark about modeling being easy for even a 4 year old. Now you backtrack saying "but this "so easy" was actually pretty hard when I was new."

Why not just leave positive and constructive feedback? Or do you just enjoy to belittle people?

J19 likes this

I am completely calm. You just made a snarky remark about modeling being easy for even a 4 year old. Now you backtrack saying "but this "so easy" was actually pretty hard when I was new."

Why not just leave positive and constructive feedback? Or do you just enjoy to belittle people?

You. Stop. You chose to take it that way. Just stop responding if you're going to continue bickering. There's no need for this.

And besides, I'm helping the Punisher with something right now so MAYBE if y'all quit fighting he'll showcase it when it's ready.


I am not interested in giving constructive feedback to people that read between the lines, I can give advise and opinions if I think I want to and yes frankensteins/kitbashes/ports are much more easy than created a model from scratch, once again you missed my point. If I belittle you that's not my problem I don't think i have offended anyone else in here, just stop complaining like a teenager and start acting like adult you're 20 y/o for Odin's sake.

Penekowski and TheWhitePhoenix like this

I am not interested in giving constructive feedback to people that read between the lines, I can give advise and opinions if I think I want to and yes frankensteins/kitbashes/ports are much more easy than created a model from scratch, once again you missed my point. If I belittle you that's not my problem I don't think i have offended anyone else in here, just stop complaining like a teenager and start acting like adult you're 20 y/o for Odin's sake.

I was never the one insulted. You forget what thread you are on, I simply defended his right not to have a guy like you come along and belittle his work. I say leave constructive advice because what good really is you bragging about how easy it is for you and your 4 year old nephew to make new custom models. Oh right, it makes you feel good. 

So in all honesty, what have I done that is childish other than notice another childish thing take place and take an action to not let it go unnoticed. An adult knows what he/she is capable of, they do not need to brag to others.


That's all I needed to say. Continue with your work Punisher. Well done so far on your current Luke.

(Small side note, I was never the one asking for constructive criticism, I was suggesting you pass some down to The Punisher, instead of brag. Maybe I am not the only one reading between the lines.)


I was never the one insulted. You forget what thread you are on, I simply defended his right not to have a guy like you come along and belittle his work. I say leave constructive advice because what good really is you bragging about how easy it is for you and your 4 year old nephew to make new custom models. Oh right, it makes you feel good. 

So in all honesty, what have I done that is childish other than notice another childish thing take place and take an action to not let it go unnoticed. An adult knows what he/she is capable of, they do not need to brag to others.


That's all I needed to say. Continue with your work Punisher. Well done so far on your current Luke.

(Small side note, I was never the one asking for constructive criticism, I was suggesting you pass some down to The Punisher, instead of brag. Maybe I am not the only one reading between the lines.)

Dude, stop. You're fighting a non-existent, if not, one-sided battle. Clearly things were taken the wrong way, but at this point you're just fanning the flames.

JAWSFreelao likes this

Dude, stop. You're fighting a non-existent, if not, one-sided battle. Clearly things were taken the wrong way, but at this point you're just fanning the flames.

I absolutely agree. Calm down everyone, I don't want to lock this thread for an ongoing flamewar.

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