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Diary of a mad man

Message added by AshuraDX

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Looks like 1.1 hasn't fixed what it promised, lol. Seems to be the same as v1, no Anakin hilt on the model itself, 3 lods with only the Scerendo Jacket parts on it, which cause the other parts to disappear from being seen at distances.



Not sure what the heck happened. Lots of internet issues so I uploaded from my phone but somehow uploaded the old file again. I re-submitted the updated file.

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Finally had some free time to have more fun adding stuff to my personal collection


TFU Sith Assasin and Jedi Hunter (I am no 3D artist so this are the poor-man's versions)







Credits / Parts:


Sith Assasin

model from Toshi's Anakin
head from Seven's Veteran Galen
hood from dark_apprentice's Starkiller pak

Original Textures and spikes from Spanki




Jedi Hunter

model / textures from Sith Stalker 1.1 by Darth Shiftee
head and hood from dark_apprentice's Starkiller pak
Backhand Stance/Animations from katanamaru
TFU2 Lightsaber from AshuraDX
Single Backhand Animations from Movie Duels II
Dual Backhand Animations from Katanamaru
Special Thanks to @@Seven for fixing the arms and torso armor.





Also, just for fun





I also expanded my Original mod







Credits / Parts used

Omega1's Classic Jedi Project Journeyman Customization

Toshi's Luke
Toshi's Anakin
Textures: Spanki,Toshi,Jashugan




ROTJ version




Prequel Robes version - Need to figure out a workaround for certain hands with heads with darker skins. I was thinking on just adding globes but not sure.








And last, @@JV Order needed some help adding hapslah anakin animations (from Movie Duels 2 mod) compatible with toshi's anakin model for SP, so I had some more fun








HapSlash's Obi Wan Kenobi with Dark_Apprentice's modifications (used skins from several different Obi Wan models for the "clean version")
HS Count Dooku - RotS
Toshi's Anakin
Animatimations from Movie Duels II




Obi Wan with Animations https://mega.nz/#!eVoC0CQT!9k6qr2gU2DRGqC2GeC4Z8JLnrV8qaMG7Ojhtvo4Z4eI

playermodel ObiWan_nf

playermodel ObiWan_bw_nf


Anakin With Animations https://mega.nz/#!DUYlVB4I!kei0ayXtolpCRE5hWYuxH6ONPbksUILJD0xUWlFO3Cg

playermodel t_anakin


Dooku with Animations https://mega.nz/#!fFYm0TCQ!TacVZb0wNx2uJyoR_6rZ__dVy9J9ev2AedDeS_UPgTk

playermodel dooku




@@The Punisher What blades are you using here? 'Cos in the JK Enhanced version, when you move the saber blade around, it has this little bit at the top that's sticking up, and longer than the blade itself. Did you encounter that problem and manage to fix it?

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I am currently using EvulantSaberGFX (Sometimes I alternate with "TFA_Live_Blades+Effects" or "TFUUSE_BLADES" - With a regular Ornage blade, don't like the "Negative blade"). I don't use JKE. It crashes more than a blind drunk on a Nascar race.

Sounds good! Can I find "EvulantSaberGFX" here on JKHub?

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Yes, and TFA live blades and TFUUSE blades. All are here at The Hub.

Those screenshots have mixed blades. The Sith Assasin and Jedi Hunter screenshots were taken with TFUUSE blades.


Here are the links




General Howard likes this
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MATE its very cool. Is this the bf luke head? With retexture?

That is the most realistic young luke, well done ;)

Link? ^^


Yes it is.  I've never played BF but I saw the pictures and always wondered the head looked better so I  ported from scratch (without altering the detail level) and re-textured by @dark_apprentice. I came back Friday night and between the craziness and the tiredness, tired different hair options yesterday. Still not sure about it.




Toshi's hair







Force Arena hair




DarthStiv and NumberWan like this
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Yes it is.  I've never played BF but I saw the pictures and always wondered the head looked better so I  ported from scratch (without altering the detail level) and re-textured by @dark_apprentice. I came back Friday night and between the craziness and the tiredness, tired different hair options yesterday. Still not sure about it.




Toshi's hair







Force Arena hair




Prefer the tfu hair or what was the first picture and the toshi hair but the force area is not fitting for this luke i think.

Possible you do mouth moving for the model?

yeyo JK likes this
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Prefer the tfu hair or what was the first picture and the toshi hair but the force area is not fitting for this luke i think.


I kind of agree but I am looking for options. So far I am more inclined to the TFU hair, need to make it a little more "brownish"



I also tried the BF hair but is a mess. It has over 8K verts. Is a pain in the...to split and there is something funny with the textures.

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