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Tompa's WIP thread

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Jedi Brute from ROTS video game WIP




Could you please share this model??? - If it is ok.

It is pretty cool, It reminds me of one of the jedis in a SW Episode III video game for Plastation 2



Could you please share this model??? - If it is ok.

It is pretty cool, It reminds me of one of the jedis in a SW Episode III video game for Plastation 2

That is indeed the video game that was being referenced, as was said in the original quote.   :lol: Such an underrated game. It was really cool. The PS2/Xbox/GC years were the golden era of Star Wars games.


Been playing the MD2 mod for a few days now, the work you guys did is phenomenal


Thank you a lot for your support!:)

Arrow likes this

RELEASE: Luke Crait v1.0


Hello guys, after longer time I'm proud to release kitbash of master Luke as he was seen in his Force projection on Crait. I think this costume was very cool in the movie and made Mark Hamill to look even more epic  :). This kitbash is work of many authors that are mentioned in the credits. So it's not only my idea but we've worked together as a team.









Extract luke_crait_tompa.zip and put zz_zLukeCraitT.PK3 into your base folder in Gamedata. Enjoy!
npc spawn luke_crait (robed version)
npc spawn luke_crait_hooded (hooded version)
Seven (TFU hair, body mesh)
Force Arena team (head model)
Patches124 and PreFxDesigns (body textures)
Sir Crusher (head rig)
DT85 (belt mesh, collar)
Swegmaster and Encritary (fixes)
License: Other players may modify and share this work so long as they provide credit to the original author.

Delmi, Teancum, Smoo and 6 others like this


RELEASE: Luke Crait v1.0


Hello guys, after longer time I'm proud to release kitbash of master Luke as he was seen in his Force projection on Crait. I think this costume was very cool in the movie and made Mark Hamill to look even more epic  :). This kitbash is work of many authors that are mentioned in the credits. So it's not only my idea but we've worked together as a team.










Extract luke_crait_tompa.zip and put zz_zLukeCraitT.PK3 into your base folder in Gamedata. Enjoy!
npc spawn luke_crait (robed version)
npc spawn luke_crait_hooded (hooded version)
Seven (TFU hair, body mesh)
Force Arena team (head model)
Patches124 and PreFxDesigns (body textures)
Sir Crusher (head rig)
DT85 (belt mesh, collar)
Swegmaster and Encritary (fixes)
License: Other players may modify and share this work so long as they provide credit to the original author.


Best part of TLJ right there... (TLJ was shit)

Tompa9 and TheWhitePhoenix like this


I have it already prepared but problem is that Luke in flashback has shorter hips.

Try to use spanki jedi outfit :)

I've tried that but it doesn't fit with rest of body :/.

  • 2 weeks later...

My first attempt of editing saber hilts. Maul's saber from Rebels/Solo movie. Thanks mighty @@Rooxon for giving me permission for his Inquisitor hilt  :)



Looks great! Can we have a download?

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