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EPVII Luke Skywalker

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Looks good. :)


I kinda hate how I had to have the cloak on mine, but can only do so much with JKA and clipping.

I think the cloak from your Ben Kenobi model would be a nice one on Luke, but maybe a little bit re-shaped to match on him without any bugs, while the character moves around on ModView or in the game.

JAWSFreelao likes this

You did an awesome job on him! :D


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Might as well replace the Kyle model with DT's Kyle and there ya go. :)


For some reason I am honestly thinking that "leaked" photo of Luke and stuff could totally be fake, well set up by Disney to mislead audiences. It just seems like a JJ Abrams thing to do.


For some reason I am honestly thinking that "leaked" photo of Luke and stuff could totally be fake, well set up by Disney to mislead audiences. It just seems like a JJ Abrams thing to do.


Yeah I've wondered the same thing, it's just odd that nothing of him shows up in trailers, posters, etc. 


@ As much as I want to see new Force Awakens models, I am still really itching to see a new Han Solo model 

Well I saw that DT was working on a young Han Solo. Maybe he will continue somewhen :D

Jolly likes this

@ A reskin of a Empire Strikes Back Han could work as a Old Han Solo. I just think it is more important to get Han Solo as we know rather then when he is a old man. 

Mand'alor likes this

Bug report


It doesn´t replace JKA luke and the npc DT_Luke_EP7 is enemy of the player. Just those two things nothing else :winkthumb:


Found issues with bots and other things. Submitted version 2.1.



@@DT85 I do recommend you add the metal hand.


I have made an animated GIF of how Luke looks from a leaked clip from the movie. I will leave the image inside a spoiler so you can choose to look at it, or not. Up to you.









Darth Sion, GPChannel, Omega and 1 other like this

@@DT85 I do recommend you add the metal hand.


I have made an animated GIF of how Luke looks from a leaked audio clip from the movie. I will leave the image inside a spoiler so you can choose to look at it, or not. Up to you.









Hey hello skywalker :)

Darth Sion likes this

I guess that @@DT85 saw the movie so he have to make a new version 3.0 for the hand :P

Seemingly so, although I don't quite understand how he (Luke) has gone from having a full-blown hand (even if it's robotic), to just having a robotic hand, like Anakin did at the end of Ep. II?! I mean, where's all the flesh off it, gone? But yeah, hopefully @@DT85 is onto v2.5, I would say at this point and is adding the robotic hand in its place.

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