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Bespin Cloud City Vader SP Mission - WIP

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I forgot to mention why is Vader missing his cape?

Because i thought he looks kinda cool without it :)


The default model has the cape but for me it is not well made and.. Jk3 capes are strange (If You guys want the cape i can put it there is no problem with that ;) )


Speaking of capes! I made some edits on Raxle. I gave him the shoulders armor and red cape! Like on this drawing :)




In the game:









yeyo JK, Teancum, Mand'alor and 1 other like this

Because i thought he looks kinda cool without it :)


The default model has the cape but for me it is not well made and.. Jk3 capes are strange (If You guys want the cape i can put it there is no problem with that ;) )


Speaking of capes! I made some edits on Raxle. I gave him the shoulders armor and red cape! Like on this drawing :)


He looks classier now, like Count Dooku or General Grievous!

Langerd likes this

What rank is that Chiss Jed? Oh and I'm guessing hes one of the bosses for the mod.

He has some story ;) I wrote it before in this thread.


He was training in the diffrent ways than the jedi. Because he has .. many credits on his pocket and he was intrested in this. Some Jedi taught him in the ways of the force. He had many friends in the jedi temple and has a big reputation on coruscant. But after order 66 he decided to teach even more , he helped jedi that survived and because of that he had to leave the coruscant. With 4 of jedi that where jedi knights he succesful become more and more powerful with big knowledge and skills. He found out that cloud city is abandoned by baron and He decided to take over the station. Now his and other 4 jedi way is to kill Vader.


New Jedi warrior!

Twi'lek - Uldrik Karana


You know the guys that always beats the shit out the main character in the movies? (Like Russian guy in new Bond movie or the one in the Sherlock Holmes movie :P) . Yeah.. this Twi'Lek is a Tanker. And he is agressive in combat. So You guys must be carful ;)

Jolly, Ramikad, Jeff and 2 others like this

@@Langerd This amazing. Your constructing the characters like their from a Indiana Jones movie (with the muscle and such haha) I love it. Keep up the great work. Maybe a bit late to ask but ... will we possibly see Boba Fett at all in this mod?  :ph34r:

Langerd likes this

@@Langerd This amazing. Your constructing the characters like their from a Indiana Jones movie (with the muscle and such haha) I love it. Keep up the great work. Maybe a bit late to ask but ... will we possibly see Boba Fett at all in this mod?  :ph34r:

Thanks :) I try to make them cool enough to fight and make some variations. Now i am making a small jedi


dunno about the Boba. I dont know how to add him - as ally or as enemy



Not bad. Out of the four who is able to provide Vader with a challenging fight?

Well Raxle Vercel (Chiss guy) is the main guy from this Jedi team. He is also the strongest. But i want to make final battle... very hard one ;)



Soooo in this mod, you play as Darth Vader or someone else?

Vader :) We are looking for Anakin's lightsaber (the one that fell down with Luke's hand :P ) but these jedi found it first to track Vader and make a trap on them



you should merge the lekku and the head dmeshes for your male twilek

Yeah i was thinking about that .. But i didnt want to do that because shading on players looks very strange sometimes :S

I will fix this later. Now i am making a new jedi Duo




TheWhitePhoenix likes this



Vader :) We are looking for Anakin's lightsaber (the one that fell down with Luke's hand :P ) but these jedi found it first to track Vader and make a trap on them


I see. Is...there gonna be voice acting or no? Had to ask. :)


Ok! ... sooo.. New Jedi Warriors! XD

Ugnaught duo - Torrik and Ulgar


They are also engineers so they will use some stuff on us ;)

And btw. First we dont kill Jedi that we will found on our way. We only defeat them :)

We kill them .. later ;)


Artemis, Futuza, GMRobinHood and 1 other like this

Yeah i was thinking about that .. But i didnt want to do that because shading on players looks very strange sometimes :S

I will fix this later. Now i am making a new jedi Duo



strange in what way, got an example? I'd bet you're talking about a smoothing/normal issue here

Tempust85 and Langerd like this

Yeah just because there's a mesh split, doesn't mean it has to look like there's a mesh split. ;)

not with blender :P


wonkos exporter currently calculates average vertex normals on export if I udnerstood him correctly

blender doesn't support cusotm vertex normals without a plugin anyway


Lol that ugnaught made me laugh pretty hard.  Have a bad hair day?


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Reminds me of Linus Van Pelt in shock :P




Langerd likes this

not with blender :P


wonkos exporter currently calculates average vertex normals on export if I udnerstood him correctly

blender doesn't support cusotm vertex normals without a plugin anyway

So.. vertexes have normals too ? And this is causing a weird shadows between neck and the head in many models am i right?  (places where are caps and parts)

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