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Saber/Sword weapon request thread

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@@Veosar, what AshuraDX just told you is what I was going to. I think it's even written down somewhere, if I remember correctly, in the terms of use.

@ I'm sorry it's taking a bit long but I've got a hard working day behind me, because of the carnival and all that... I'll try to finish your hilt's texture today for sure!

Bishwhe and Delmi like this

@@Bishwhe I'll leave that saber at the top of the third page out for now; one reason is because I recently did a request for you. The other, well, it's complicated to model in high-poly and AshuraDX has yet to help me out at that.
@@Veosar, that black orange-glowing hilt is in the making:


Keep in mind that it's going to change yet drastically. REALLY drastically, until it looks like on the reference picture! I also gotta delete those upper side parts, they're totaly faulty. Need to re-do them, but that's just what I've done in the past hour and a half.

z3filus, Bishwhe and Torki like this

@@Rooxon it's fine if you can't do the other request (don't do it though because I changed my mind about it :) lol) since you have lots of others to do anyways




Hello! I know for some time now that not too many people bring new hilts to the community. Which is why I thought of making this topic; In here, anyone can post any possible wishes for such weapons and I'll create them. I love creating sword/saber weapons, because I finish quickly both the textures and model, I can do about 2-3 in an evenings time (given I've got enough time, which I usually don't but I'm active every day, so the end result schould get to you pretty fast nevertheless). I actually thought about starting doing very diverse things myself, but it's easier to fulfill your wishes than me picking random weapons out and creating them. So, in short, that's it! I look forward to your wishes!


P.S. I know some of my hilts have some major flaws in them, some because I had problems with photoshop opening psd files saying they're not compatible with the version (even though they were made with the very same version of photoshop to begin with :P) and some other things, but I'm sorting these things and all other faults out all the time with my buddies, that are helping me get better at this, especially @@AshuraDX. So no worries, I'll make sure to deliver only top-notch quality weapons!


Fullfilled requests (so you won't request the same thing twice):




May as well ask this.















Alot of good reference pics there. Would like to see this from you as the one I fixed up likes to take up all of my transform space when used in dual mode or with a good quality character. If you made it I'm sure it would not mess anything up. :)

Rooxon likes this

Hey Rooxon
If you could add this to your to-do list it would be great appropriated  :D


Revan_saber.jpg If you could make this hilt longer then normal that would be awesome :)



Rooxon likes this

Thanks @@Langerd :) Been working hard on this one. It wasn't that complicated really, it's just I'm learning a completely new way of modeling. Wait actually the whole process is completely different and what I'm doing... now I'm just coming to terms with all this new stuff and with each hilt I make, I'll get quicker and better, I hope. Anyway, hilt uploaded. The next one is for @@Torki / @






And after this one, @@Kualan 's Lightsaber Pike. ;)



@@Veosar just the port in-game and some texture editing left ;)



@@Rooxon That is great! Really nice job there. :)


Also wanted this for a while:




The pic there is the only reference I have on that, but it could possibly be made the same style as your Kylo Ren hilt, just longer and extended with short blue blades. I think this would make a nice addition to JKA, also giving you some extra experience and being unofficially part of the lightsaber lore of crossguard sabers. :P

Rooxon likes this

@@Rooxon That is great! Really nice job there. :)


Also wanted this for a while:




The pic there is the only reference I have on that, but it could possibly be made the same style as your Kylo Ren hilt, just longer and extended with short blue blades. I think this would make a nice addition to JKA, also giving you some extra experience and being unofficially part of the lightsaber lore of crossguard sabers. :P

SICK! :o I'm totally going to do that. :P

Daedra likes this
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