Barricade24 Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 This topic is one that will help the JK community keep track of definitive versions of characters. As of right now the list is mainly including movies and cartoon series. So if you are wondering if a particular version of character exists, this list will show you the definitive version, or rather if a newer version of said character should be done. Suggestions as to how we can approve the list to function more effectively are also welcome. So without further delay... Episode I Characters:Adi GalliaAurra SingAnakin SkywalkerBen QuadrinarosBoss Nass-LervishBattle Droid-In Major Need of UpdateCaptain PanakaCaptain TarpalsC-3PODarth Maul-DT85Darth SidiousDaultay DofineDestroyer DroidDepa BillabaEeth Koth-Tompa9Even PiellGasganoGungan Warrior-Major ClodJar Jar Binks-Major ClodKi-Adi Mundi-Psyk0SithLott DodMace WinduNaboo Royal GuardsNaboo Royal HandmaidensNute GunrayObi-Wan KenobiOdy MandrellOOM-9Plo KoonQueen AmidalaQui-Gon JinnRic Olie'SabeSaesee TiinSebulbaSenate GuardSenator PalpatineShmi SkywalkerSio BibbleSupreme Chancellor ValorumTC-14Watto Vehicles AATDroid StarfighterEopieNaboo N-1 StarfighterNaboo Royal StarshipSith Speeder-MonsoontideSTAP-Monsoontide Weapons Battle Droid RifleDarth Maul's LightsaberObi-Wan Kenobi's LightsaberQui-Gon Jinn's Lightsaber Episode II CharactersAayla Secura-ScerendoAnakin Skywalker-Tompa9Barriss OffieC-3POClone Trooper-In Major Need of UpdateCount DookuDexter JettsterGeonoisianJango FettJocasta NuKit FistoLuminara UnduliMas AmeddaObi-Wan KenobiOrn Free TaaPablo-Jill-Psyk0SithPadme Amidala (Geonosis)-ToshiPadme Amidala (Fireplace)Padme Amidala (Naboo Pilot)Poggle the LesserSuper Battle DroidWat Tambor Vehicles AckleyAnakin's Speeder-neomarz1Count Dooku's SpeederAT-TEGeonoisan StarfighterHailfire Droid-Duncan_10158Jedi StarfighterNexu-lervishReek-lervishRepublic Gunship-Zappa_0Zam's Speeder-Maxleof/ExtremexSpider WalkerSlave 1-neomarz1 Weapons The Clone Wars Ahsoka Tano (Season 1)Ahsoka Tano (Season 3)-CerezAnakin Skywalker (Season 1)Anakin Skywalker (Season 3)Asajj VentressARC Trooper FivesARC Trooper EchoCad BaneCaptain Rex (Phase 1)Captain Rex (Phase 2)Clone Trooper (Dogma Phase 2)Clone Trooper (Hardcase Phase 1)Clone Trooper (Hardcase Phase 2)Clone Trooper (Jesse Phase 1)Clone Trooper (Jesse Phase 2)Clone Trooper Kix (Phase 1)Clone Trooper Kix (Phase 2)Clone Trooper (Tup Phase 2)Clone Trooper Sinker (Phase 1)Commander CodyCommander ColtCommander GreeCommander FilCommander ThornCommander WolffeCommando DroidEG-5 Jedi Hunter Droid-Psyk0SithJedi Temple Guard-KualanGregor-Sithani/Barricade24Mace WinduObi-Wan Kenobi Season 1Obi-Wan Kenobi Season 3Plo KoonQuinlan Vos-ScerendoSavage Oppress-DT85Senate Commandos-JAWSFreelaoTactical DroidTiplar-ScerendoTiplee-Scerendo Episode III Anakin Skywalker-Tompa9Bail Organa (Senator)C-3P0Chancellor PalpatineChewbaccaClone Trooper (212th)Clone Trooper (501st)Commander BacaraCommander BlyCommander CodyCommander NeyoGalactic MarineGeneral GrievousKit FistoMagna Guard-neomarz1Mon MothmaObi-Wan Kenobi-HapSlashSenate GuardShocktrooper Vehicles ARC-170AT-RTBARC SpeederDroid GunshipDroid Tri-Fighter-InyriJedi StarfighterVulture DroidV-Wing Rebels CharactersAgent Kallus-KaulanCommander SatoAT-DP Driver-Vade ParvisEzra Bridger (Season 1)Ezra Bridger (Season 3)Fifth BrotherGrand Admiral Thrawn-KaulanKanan Jarrus (Season 1)Kanan Jarrus (Season 3)Hera Syndulla (Season 1)Hera Syndulla (Season 2)InquisitorSabine Wren (Season 1)Sabine Wren (Season 2)Sabine Wren (Season 3)Seventh SisterStormtrooperZeb Vehicles AT-DPB-WingGhostPhantomPhoenix Squadron A-Wing WeaponsEzra's Lightsaber-RooxonInquisitor's Lightsaber-RooxonKanan's Lightsaber-Rooxon Rogue One Characters Baze MalbusCassian AndorDirector Orson Krennic-KaulanImperial Death TrooperImperial Death Trooper SpecialistImperial Ground CrewJyn Erso-ScerendoK-25OShore TrooperShore Trooper CaptainShore Trooper Squad Leader Vehicles U-WingTIE Striker Episode IV CharactersASP-7Astromech-In Major Need of UpdateBeru LarsBiggs DarklighterBoba Fett-Mandalorian/CortoCaptain AntillesC-3POChewbaccaDarth VaderGreedoGeneral DodonnaGrand Moff Tarkin-KaulanHan Solo (ANH)Imperial Officer-HapsInterrogation DroidLuke Skywalker (ANH)Luke Skywalker (ANH with Stormtrooper Belt)Luke Skywalker (Ceremonial)Luke Skywalker (X-Wing Pilot)JawaObi-Wan KenobiPonda BabaPrincess Leia (ANH)Princess Leia (Ceremonial)Protocol DroidRebel Fleet TrooperRebel Honor GuardRebel TechnicianRemoteSandtrooperStormtrooper-Barricade24TIE PilotTusken Raider Vehicles BanthaDewbackMillennium FalconTIE-FighterX-wingY-wing Weapons Episode V Characters2-1B-Number Wan/Olgo4-LOMAT-AT CommanderAT-AT DriverBespin CopBoba Fett-Mandalorian/CortoBosskDengarGeneral VeersHan Solo (Bespin)Han Solo (Hoth)Hoth Rebel SoldierIG-88Leia Organa (Bespin)Leia Organa (Bespin Escape)Leia Organa (Hoth)Leia Organa (Medical Frigate)Lando Calrissian (Bespin)Lando Calrissian (Smuggler)Lobot-Psyk0SithLuke Skywalker (Bespin)Luke Skywalker (Dagobah Training)Luke Skywalker (Medical Frigate)Luke Skywalker (Hoth)Luke Skywalker (Snowspeeder)Luke Skywalker (Vader)Probe DroidSnowtrooperStormtrooper-Barricade24Zuckuss-Mark Lubbers Vehicles AT-ATCloud CarImperial ShuttleSlave 1-ManquesaSnowspeederTIE-Bomber Weapons Episode VI Characters Admiral Ackbar-Moooa/AT-ST Driver-Vade ParvisBib FortunaBiker ScoutBoba Fett-Mandalorian/CortoCrix MadineEmperor PalpatineEwokGamorrean Guard-Barricade24/HapslashHan Solo (Carbon)Han Solo (Endor)Jabba the HuttLando Calrissian (General)Lando Calrissian (Skiffguard)Leia Organa (Slave)-Jora custovLeia Organa (Ewok Dress)Leia Organa (General)Leia Organa (Poncho)Luke Skywalker (Endor, Tatooine, Deathstar)Mon Calamari Officer-Moooa/Mon MothmaNien NunbOolaRebel CommandoRoyal GuardStormtrooper-Barricade24 Vehicles AT-ST-minilogoguy18B-Wing-HatrusSkiff-AshuraDXSpeeder Bike-Monsoontide Weapon Force Pike-RooxonLong Axe-RooxonLuke Skywalker (ROTJ) LightsaberScout Blaster-Rooxon Episode VII: Characters: AstyBB-8Captain PhasmaC-3POFirst Order FlametrooperFirst Order SnowtrooperLuke Skywalker-DT85First Order TIE PilotFinn (Jakku)-ScerendoFinn (Stormtrooper)General Hux-ScerendoGuavian EnforcerHan SoloKylo Ren-PlasmaFirst Order Stormtrooper-DT85Poe Dameron (Resistance)-ScerendoPoe Dameron (Pilot)-ScerendoResistance TrooperRey (Jakku)-ScerendoRey (Resistance)-Scerendo Vehicles: Kylo Ren's Command ShuttlePoe's X-WingTIE FighterX-Wing Weapons:EL-16-PlasmaF-11D-DT85FWMB-10-PlasmaKylo Ren's LightsaberRey's Quaterstaff-PlasmaRiot ShieldSE-44C-PlasmaZ6 Riot Control Baton Episode VIII: Characters:Executioner Trooper-Barricade24FinnFirst Order StormtrooperLuke SkywalkerPoe DameronPraetorian GuardReySupreme Leader Snoke Vehicles:A-WingAT-M6First Order AT-ST Weapons:Executioner Laser Axe katanamaru, Futuza and DTIII like this
Barricade24 Posted January 28, 2015 Author Posted January 28, 2015 Video Games Battlefront Characters Desert RebelImperial Jump TrooperImperial Shadow Trooper-Barricade24Imperial Shock Trooper-Barricade24Magma TrooperRebel Honor GuardSullust RebelStormtrooper Weapons DL-44DL-18DLT-19DLT-20ADLT-19XDT-12EE-3EE-4RELBY-V10T-21T-21B Battlefront II CharactersClone Assault TrooperClone Heavy TrooperClone OfficerClone Specialist TrooperHeavy Battle DroidRocket Droid Weapons Dark Forces Characters Crix MadineDarktrooper Phase 1Darktrooper Phase 2Darktrooper Phase 3DianogaGamorrean GuardGranGeneral MohcImperial CommandoImperial OfficerJan OrsKyle Katarn-Infinity BladeMoff Rebus Weapons Bryar PistolStormtrooper RifleThermal DetonatorsAuto GunFusion CutterMortar GunConcussion RifleAssault Cannon Vehicles Moldy Crow Jedi Knight Dark Forces II Characters 8T88BocGorcGran #1Gran #2Grave Tusken #1Grave Tusken #2Field TrooperJan OrsJerecKyle KatarnMawPicSarissYun Weapons Bryar PistolStormtrooper RifleThermal DetonatorBowcasterRepeaterRail DetonatorSequencer ChargesConcussion RifleQu Rahn's Lightsaber-Rooxon Vehicles Mysteries of the Sith Characters Abron MarIthorianKyle KatarnMara JadePirate Raider #1Pirate Raider #2Sith Statue #1Sith Statue #2Sith Zombie #1Sith Zombie #2Swamp Wampa Weapons Blastech PistolCarbonite GunFlash BombsSeeker Rail Detonator VehiclesR41 Starchaser-InyriForgeShrike-InyriForgeZ-95 The Force Unleashed Characters General Rahm KotaFelucian WarriorIncinerator TrooperImperial EVO TrooperImperial Jump TrooperImperial Navy CommandoImperial Purge TrooperJunk TitanJuno EclipseMaris BroodMilitia EliteShaak TiShadow EVO TrooperShadow StormtrooperStarkiller (Light Training Gear)Starkiller (Heavy Training Gear)Starkiller (Sith Stalker)-Darth ShifteeStormtrooper-DT85/Barricade24Stormtrooper Commander WeaponsStarkiller's Lightsaber-AshuraDX VehiclesAT-CTAT-KTRogue Shadow Republic Commando Characters Battle DroidBossFixerScorchSevTrandoshan Heavy MercenaryTrandoshan MercenaryTrandoshan Slaver Weapons ACP Array GunACP RepeaterBowcasterDC-15s Side Arm BlasterDC-17m Anti-ArmorDC-17m Blaster RifleDC-17m Sniper Rifle Vehicles Langerd, DTIII, Futuza and 1 other like this
Archangel35757 Posted February 23, 2015 Posted February 23, 2015 In Dark Forces you forgot the characters: (1) Crix Madine... whom the player must rescue, (2) Moff Rebus- the Imperial weapons specialist whom you find/capture at the end of the sewers level. I also recall Jabba the Hutt making a cutscene appearance.
Circa Posted February 23, 2015 Posted February 23, 2015 Was Boba Fett in ANH?Not the original version, but in a delete scene that was added later, yes. Accompanies Jabba to confront Han. And he was actually a human in that original scene: the_raven likes this .!¡!.
Tempust85 Posted February 23, 2015 Posted February 23, 2015 I'd put Hapslash's Stormtrooper under EP IV & V, and his Sandtrooper under IV. Anakin EP III is a toss-up between Hapslash's and Toshi's, but I personally like Toshi's better. Darth Vader I'd prolly go with Toshi's. The DF2 models should hopefully be made one day. @@Ping hm, I'm famous? Circa and Lamented like this
Lamented Posted February 23, 2015 Posted February 23, 2015 @@Barricade24 ...Come on. His name is Savage Opress, not OPPRESS. Why does everyone keep makin that ridiculous mistake!? ;((
Circa Posted February 24, 2015 Posted February 24, 2015 @@Barricade24 ...Come on. His name is Savage Opress, not OPPRESS. Why does everyone keep makin that ridiculous mistake!? ;((Because "oppress" is a real word. I don't find that ridiculous. It's an honest mistake. eezstreet likes this .!¡!.
DrXann Posted February 24, 2015 Posted February 24, 2015 For Jedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith were still missing Gorc, Pic,and the multiplayer characters.As for Mysteries of the Sith were missing Sith Statues, Sith Zombies, Dark Kyle, Dark Mara, Ithorians, Vornskrs, Dart Flowers, the pirate leader, a swamp skin for the wampa, and finally Shadows of the Empire model recreations of the assassin droids and loader droid to finish it up.
Ramikad Posted February 24, 2015 Posted February 24, 2015 For Jedi Knight and Mysterious of the Sith were still missing Gorc, Pic,and the multiplayer characters.As for Mysterious of the Sith were missing Sith Statues, Sith Zombies, Dark Kyle, Dark Mara, Ithorians, Vornskrs, Dart Flowers, the pirate leader, a swamp skin for the wampa, and finally Shadows of the Empire model recreations of the assassin droids and loader droid to finish it up. Going down that way... you forgot the mailocs. Also, it's Mysteries, not Mysterious
DrXann Posted February 24, 2015 Posted February 24, 2015 Edited and I forgot to add the Jelly Fish and Kell Dragons.
Ramikad Posted February 24, 2015 Posted February 24, 2015 Edited and I forgot to add the Jelly Fish and Kell Dragons. Right. They're called Water Cyc.
Cerez Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 Superb reference source, @@Barricade24! Let's keep it up-to-date. And thanks for not discriminating the series and the video games. Now we have a clear view of what has been created so far, and what hasn't been tackled yet. That's a priceless insight. Edit: Asajj Ventress, Luminara Unduli, Barriss Offee, Aurra Sing, and Riyo Chuchi are missing from The Clone Wars list, as well as senator Organa (Bail Organa), and Onaconda Farr. eezstreet likes this
eezstreet Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 Missing from the list of weapons related to the movies: A280, EE-3, T-21, Clonetrooper rifle, Q2 holdout pistol Ultimate Weapons includes a DF1/DF2 style thermal detonator. JKG asset dump includes the following weapons:Three different types of thermal grenades, all in DF1/DF2 styleACP Array Gun (Republic Commando; not listed)E-11 Carbine and rifleSequencer ChargeCarbonite RifleMortar GunOld style concussion rifleOld style bryar pistolDC-15A rifleDLT-19 Heavy BlasterSeveral bowcastersThere's more, but that's a stub. The full list of weapons can be found here:
DrXann Posted March 15, 2015 Posted March 15, 2015 Your missing a few movie weapons including E-5 blaster Rifle, WESTAR-34s, Various Naboo Blasters, Jeron Fusion Cutter(Dark Forces), and the Dark Trooper Assault Cannon.I could name a lot more but that would take to long. eezstreet likes this
Barricade24 Posted March 16, 2015 Author Posted March 16, 2015 Your missing a few movie weapons including E-5 blaster Rifle, WESTAR-34s, Various Naboo Blasters, Jeron Fusion Cutter(Dark Forces), and the Dark Trooper Assault Cannon.I could name a lot more but that would take to long.Assault Cannon is there as is the Fusion Cutter. This is still a heavy WIP so I am still getting around to adding things.
DrXann Posted March 18, 2015 Posted March 18, 2015 Ah probably didn't look hard enough in the code from the link.
DTIII Posted August 4, 2016 Posted August 4, 2016 This is a very useful thread, good looking out @@Barricade24 Barricade24 likes this
katanamaru Posted August 5, 2016 Posted August 5, 2016 How about backhand animations for the TFU section? There are a few to choose from.
swegmaster Posted August 5, 2016 Posted August 5, 2016 did you make any new progress on your animations?@@katanamaru
katanamaru Posted October 16, 2016 Posted October 16, 2016 did you make any new progress on your animations?@@katanamaru Not yet. Got Witcher 3 for my birthday and I've been playing that. I haven't forgotten the backhand update though. swegmaster and Smoo like this
minilogoguy18 Posted October 18, 2016 Posted October 18, 2016 There are soooooo many characters here that are available, might wanna check with someone who backed up I really wanna do a droid starfighter/vulture droid where its landed mode is walker mode and changing on takeoff. Noodle likes this
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