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Śăļvõö's Skins and Kitbashes

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Hi, it is so much time I don't write here, but now I'm continuing my customization project. I have deleted some species and I'm going to add other to the file.I should respectively add these:






Twi'lek male

Mon Calamari

Zabrak female

Nautolan (I haven't had it yet)


As far as Nautolan is concerned, it will be a new model, not the usual Kit Fisto model ;)

For the permission I have to obtain it from "Lt. Claim" of MBII for Abyssin and Devaronian, and please give me an email address because I have no other way to contact him if it is not in JKHUB.

@@Psyk0Sith you gave me the permission for all the models except for Pablo-Jill, but I don't know why not, remember that I'm not going to publish it with any modify by me, it is the normal model as you made it ;)

I take this opportunity to ask @@Scerendo the permission to use his Sora Bulq for Weequay specie in my customization.


When I will have finished to add the surfaces in the complete model, I will make the skin files for the customizations, the icons and other things, but remember that this project will take me many months because I'm too busy with school and other engagements.


Regarding the model I have to fix, tell me, I already know about Anakin but I haven't precisely understood what should I fix in it.


Regarding the new models, I will publish Han Solo stormtrooper (since I have already the permission for skin by DarthPhae) and Grievous with two cape colours (I haven't contacted Neomarz yet) when it would be possible and I will have the time for them.


For any questions or requests, write here ;)


PS: Battle Droid robed was just a joke, I won't publish it unless someone is interested :)



Do you think, you can make a Nautolan female variant as well? It shouldn't be too difficult, since they look the same with males, just the face needs some correction on the part of skull, lips. Maybe eyes are more of a girl.







Do you think, you can make a Nautolan female variant as well? It shouldn't be too difficult, since they look the same with males, just the face needs some correction on the part of skull, lips. Maybe eyes are more of a girl.





I'm sorry but I'm not able, besides I have added so much species in the pack that I had to delete some from it. And sincerely I think it is useless to have a female nautolan as she doesn't appear in the movies, but each has his opinion on this. Probably in the future someone may make a similar project, but not me ;)



No problem! The pack has indeed quite a lot of species already.


But if a new model of some species would be made, would it mean, that you might make another robed character other than nautolan?



No problem! The pack has indeed quite a lot of species already.


But if a new model of some species would be made, would it mean, that you might make another robed character other than nautolan?

The "new" model is ONLY the Nautolan, the others were already released, I think.


I have finished to add the species to the customization, except one, the Nautolan. And I have decided to delete Zabrak female from the list. Perhaps I may add a Iktotchi male to the customization, but in the future.

They are respectively : abyssin,aqualish (quara),bith,bothan,cerean,chistori,devaronian,gran,ithorian,duros,kel'dor,mon calamari,neimoidian,ongree,quarren,rodian,sullustan,togruta female,twi'lek female,twi'lek male,vurk,weequay,wookiee,zabrak male,trandoshan,iridonian zabrak,gungan,tusken,klatooinian and aqualish (aquala). In some days I will add the Nautolan and next I will have finished the first part of my project : adding the surfaces to the unique model. Next I will make the skin files (the most difficult part in my opinion, but it is worth to continue),the icons for the choise of the models in the menu,renaming the images to make all work, asking for permission for some models, packaging. So I have a lot of things to do in order to finish my project and share it with you, hoping it is appreciated, otherwise I won't continue ;)


I can help you with making .skin files, such tasks are slightly automated and only time-taking, so I can do that for you when I'm too tired to do anything requiring creative thinking :P

  • 2 weeks later...

I have decided to delete Zabrak female from the list.


Why :( I thought you'd make anything after seeing gamorrean, federation droid and Hutt in Jedi clothes.... I mean, useful models too. Anyway, truth be told, most of the robed models you published, I had seen them already around, so I'm confused as to why you claim them to be yours... you either did what others had already done, or you simply picked their model and claimed them to be yours.


*disappointed face*

z3filus and Munro like this

 you either did what others had already done, or you simply picked their model and claimed them to be yours.

he is surfing on the edge of copyrights; hapslash models and re-skins made by others (e.g. qui gon in jedi robes) and too many kids think he can actually model.

Jkhub staff seems to be ok with it though.. He should release model packs, rahter than filling the models section with oddballs, but I understood that is his plan.


I agree with you @@Krinu, that after  the Hutt,  it's hard to belive he'd scratch any projects because they'd be less used. :)




he is surfing on the edge of copyrights; hapslash models and re-skins made by others (e.g. qui gon in jedi robes) and too many kids think he can actually model.

Jkhub staff seems to be ok with it though.. He should release model packs, rahter than filling the models section with oddballs, but I understood that is his plan.


I agree with you @@Krinu, that after  the Hutt,  it's hard to belive he'd scratch any projects because they'd be less used. :)




No need to be like that tho. The guy doesn't have to be ultra-skilled, to provide our community with something useful. He has, well, SOME skills that other viewers don't have, so I'm sure his work proves to be useful at some point. If he tells the model makers what he wants to do and they agree, I'm sorry but who are you to judge the published work? Just deal with that and do not download it if you don't want it. It's that simple, really. Go do something about stuff actually illegal or hurting someone, please.

Avidhal and Botdra like this

who are you to judge the published work? Just deal with that and do not download it if you don't want it.

It's that simple, really. Go do something about stuff actually illegal or hurting someone, please.




Sure, he's the only one who can kitbash models..... lol criticism is part of life, deal with it :D


You could also pee while sitting, but I guess that's out of the list? :)


All I'm asking is that you stop being a jerk. I personally know at least 3 people that can't frankenstein and used Salvoo's models with pleasure. 


Sure, he's the only one who can kitbash models..... lol criticism is part of life, deal with it  :D ha ha 



Well you either can't read, or you are extremely ignorant. I can deal with that tho  :rolleyes:

Botdra likes this

There are plenty that can "kitbash" around here, but he's really one of the few that actually releases them publicly. He's done countless requests and given to this forums.


If you don't like what he's doing, no one's forcing you to look at this thread or download what he does.  Let's try to keep this on topic for Salvoo's sake.

Botdra and Jeff like this

@@Veosar, you jumped at the first 2 negative comments you saw on this thread.  Why should I take the heat if you dont like criticism?

I'm not going to stop commenting just because you think I'm a jerk for pointing out some facts =P Administrator  will come clean this thread soon enough...


Just... eh, whatever. I see no point. Have you ever heard of the sentence "better than nothing"? If you have time do it better. I can do it better, a lot of people can, but I have not enough time to do this so often. This is why I can appreciate his job and that's what I recommend for you :D. But yeah, there is no point in having a discussion here, so if Administrator comes I'd appreciate deleting my comments. I said what I had to say, and those who needed to see, already did.

Botdra likes this

Just... eh, whatever. I see no point. Have you ever heard of the sentence "better than nothing"? If you have time do it better. I can do it better, a lot of people can, but I have not enough time to do this so often. This is why I can appreciate his job and that's what I recommend for you :D. But yeah, there is no point in having a discussion here, so if Administrator comes I'd appreciate deleting my comments. I said what I had to say, and those who needed to see, already did.



@@Veosar, you jumped at the first 2 negative comments you saw on this thread.  Why should I take the heat if you dont like criticism?


I'm not going to stop commenting just because you think I'm a jerk for pointing out some facts =P Administrator  will come clean this thread soon enough...


just end it here and there will be no need for cleaning - no need to derail the topic with an endless debate

  • 2 months later...

Hi, probably someone thought this topic was dead, but I had just taken a break with modding because I was a little busy. Now I'm continuing to work on some projects, which I'll publish, of course. They are mostly improvements of the previous published files,but some of them are new. Here are the list, probably I might think about some other, but at the moment I have only those in my list:

Unrobed version added to Jedi Howler
Hooded version added to Plo Koon
Qui-Gon Jinn with fixed problems and a new robe texture
Desann robed with fixed dark skin
Unrobed version added to jedi Noghri
Hooded version added to Ki-Adi Mundi
Updated Darth Sidious senate skin
Yarael Robed in hapslash robes for jk2
Saesee Tiin hooded with horns visible
Kaminoan robed- thin as it should be
Han Solo Stormtrooper with new head textures and body
Grievous with a blue and red cape
Barabel model (not to confuse with trandoshan)
Updated weequay jedi
updated battledroid c3po
gamorrean jedi
new aqualish (aquala) jedi
battledroid jedi
c3po robed for jk2
and of course...the JEDI ALIEN CUSTOMIZATION with 36 heads,8 legs and 9 bodies. The model is ready, I'm preparing the SKIN files and the icons. 
Besides, for the jedi characters I published or I will publish,there will be a sp support, therefore the jedi people will appear in the character menu of Jedi Academy (there isn't a new menu,but the original ja character menu)
If some files I published doesn't work,let me know. Requests can not be made at moment because of these projects I listed, but if useful they will be taken in consideration ;)

Originally requested by Marv, now it is going to be published the hooded version of Plo KoonPlo-Koon-Hooded.PNG


And today, in exactly 20 minutes, I made another frankensteining model, a new Yarael Poof Jedi with Hapslash's robes for jk2




and a hooded version of it ! ;)



I remade also the old Battledroid C3PO, because the old head was too bad, and I replaced it with the best one I have found.



and an updated Weequay jedi with the head of Scerendo's Sora Bulq :




A new aqualish jedi (aquala specie) with the original head of Ponda Baba



a Grievous with new cape textures



A new Han Solo Stormtrooper modelHanSoloStorm.PNG


and other models coming soon !  ;)

Jeff, yeyo JK and GPChannel like this

This is pretty awesome. Does anyone have the entire pack in one rar or something? I'l see if I can get someone to make a fully replacement pack for MBII, it would be great!


that is not a new han solo model, just another frankensteined model..


I implicitly meant that it is a new frankensteined model, because all the models I make are frankensteined models. But if it is a frankensteined model or not, it is however a new model. I made it using DT's stormtrooper body and the old Han Solo head with new textures by Darth Phae. No one did something similar before, so it is a new model. If you have understood that I made a new model from nothing like great modelers do, I didn't do this. And I'm not so moron to say it is a completely new model in order to lie to the people when it is visible that it is not true. I'm capable to make only frankensteined models, so it was already implied. Don't worry about stupid things. If someone doesn't like my projects, please don't write anything here, because here I just want to show some new models (frankensteined,but however models) to JKhub community,hoping that what I'm making is useful, because I do it only for hobby. I don't require any compliment, but I hate offenses. I didn't offend anyone, so please learn on how to say that you have understood another thing in a kinder way. This is not a reproach, I don't hate anyone, and hope it is clear that here we stay to be useful in order to make this Game better, not to offend, but luckily I've understood the misunderstanding ;)

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