Artemis Posted November 8, 2014 Author Posted November 8, 2014 That sounds extremely difficult, but I'll look into it when I have a place that requires such a secret. Like... at the end of the maze.
z3filus Posted November 18, 2014 Posted November 18, 2014 @, could you make some walltextures that would show some ancient writing instead of a library ? Adding a maze sounds awesome, hope you get some traps done in there
Artemis Posted November 19, 2014 Author Posted November 19, 2014 could you make some walltextures that would show some ancient writing instead of a library ?That would be pretty neat. O: Might still try to throw in a few books though.
Futuza Posted November 19, 2014 Posted November 19, 2014 Put a hole in the floor somewhere with a crumbly passage that leads to an underground cave full of lightsaber crystals and dead slaves. Delmi and z3filus like this
Artemis Posted November 20, 2014 Author Posted November 20, 2014 ...dead miners... ...dead slaves.I'm beginning to notice a pattern here. xD
Futuza Posted November 20, 2014 Posted November 20, 2014 I'm beginning to notice a pattern here. xD Too much Dead Space I know... JAWSFreelao likes this
Artemis Posted February 27, 2015 Author Posted February 27, 2015 I feel no shame in necro-ing my own thread! It's like this map is going to be entirely made of hallways though. I'm thinking this should be slightly darker, or maybe have hanging torches instead of the yellow lights, or some little blue lights... SOMETHING to break up the yellow. Here it is from the other side. The hallway is L shaped, with the square bit in the middle. There's something off about the middle bit, but Idk what exactly. xD So the ceiling grate doesn't fit well. I'll fix it later. It's also a lot darker compared to the actual hall, so that's kinda a good reason to dim the halls, maybe. Any suggestions for the awkward peaked-ceiling-meets-flat-ceiling would be appreciated. And let's talk about the hanging flag things. I don't like them. Right now, they're very thin brushes with nodraw on every side but one. That works, but they look so stiff and flat. I've seen people make flags out of water shaders (at least, I think that's what they used) with a two-sided bit in the shader and an actual flag texture. I'm liking that idea, but Idk what kind of flag texture to use. Maybe some blandish one for most of the flags, then something to sneakily include my old clan on more important flags. Ideas?
Link Posted February 27, 2015 Posted February 27, 2015 Just goes to show how the base textures (When used right) can produce some pretty epic looking maps with the right author looking awesome. Artemis likes this
Artemis Posted February 27, 2015 Author Posted February 27, 2015 Still working on that hallway. In the first picture of this hall, I was in the air. Decided to take this one from the ground to get a better perspective. And the grate is fixed; everything lines up now. (:I'm liking the fire, but the one lonely torch in the back is kinda bothering me. So as I've said, the hallway is L-shaped. I'm thinking... what if I added another limb so it's more like a Z with a straight spine? I like the idea, but I'm afraid some people might think it's unnecessarily long. Really people, I feel like I'm talking to myself on this thread. I would love to see some ideas or suggestions, or just anything helpful.
Oobah Posted March 2, 2015 Posted March 2, 2015 All comes down to what you're trying to convey. Is this sith korriban map like a lost temple, is it like an academy built into a tomb? Point being is this, you have rooms for use and hallways to kinda being a snake or worm that connects it all up. Hallways have a point of connecting rooms and areas together. Z shape whatever works fine provided it's for getting to maybe rooms in between or from a mapping standpoint you gotta setup a new room kinda farther away from the rest of the rooms due to the room size being large or whatever. I would say test it out a lot and kinda try and look at it different ways. Some people love exact sizing up of things while others want wide open spaces and lots of "breathing" room. If this is just like a general korriban map with like sith tombs and some kinda integration of temple stuff to rooms and such, basically a big map with lots of content between imperial outposts to sith tombs to sith temple stuff rolled nito one, I'd say just look up some of the source material of korriban and maybe look into sith specificly lore wise and get an idea of there mindset of how they would setup there architecture or looks/etc. Vjun3 could be a good example for a map source that is sith based as well as in game for a potential idea of how to maybe setup connecting hallways and such. In that it was basically base area was a large circle with personal areas to the side and could in theory do a circular wrap around with the walkways so all the 2nd floor areas were more connected and the 3rd floor elevator being the kinda overhead spot that goes into the top/personal living quarter area of vader. You could, also, always have your hallway kinda go in a circular loop as well so it kinda connects but that means also need kinda little signs or specific things so people don't feel like a rat in the maze with going in circles or loops.
AngelModder Posted March 2, 2015 Posted March 2, 2015 FIrst thing I'd suggest create a texture sample brush. What this means is create a block say 64 units in each direction, tile thing's like your stone texture that you use allot on it at w/e density you want the rest of the map using that texture to follow, then grab all the surfaces with that texture on it in your map and align then to the texture sample brush. This way they are not overly stretched. I notice that allot of the basic stone texture you are using looks very over scaled as I am guessing you used the axial option. Axial is fine if the texture it's self is scaled appropriately and is HD. However base one's often look sloppy at there original scaling, dents and dings and pot holes that are way to big.A good example of this would be the grass texture used in the base sp Yavin maps, the texture is over scaled making blades of grass on the ground lying flat twice the size of a person and makes them look blurry. It in the end avoids an eye sore. Almost as much as repeating textures can as well. The main problem I see is your textures all around are over stretched and this causes them to look the way they do "blurry".Another thing I wonder is how are those tall thin brazers standing with no legs to hold it stable? As for a banner waving effect a theirs a few base shaders and quiet a few maps out there using this effect, id start looking in your base shaders though. If you have any further questions feel free to Pm me on here.~AngelModder™
Artemis Posted March 2, 2015 Author Posted March 2, 2015 All comes down to what you're trying to convey.I don't know what I'm trying to convey. When this map was started, all I wanted was a Korriban-themed structure. There was no real story as to why it existed. A 'lost temple' is close enough to what it's become, and I can work with that. Circular architecture seems more Jedi-ish to me for some reason. More balanced or something. At this point, if I wanted a circular flow in my map, it would have to be done through awkward, hidden passages, I think. Another thing I wonder is how are those tall thin brazers standing with no legs to hold it stable?...That's a good question. As for a sample brush, you lost me at the density part. (If you mean the density of the pillars, it varies a bit.) By stone texture, you do mean the dark blue one that I've used for pretty much every single pillar in the map, right? I was afraid you meant the block stone texture that I've used for just about every other wall, because I thought that one looked ok. I'm not adjusting the scale at all on the blue stone, which might be bad now that I think about it... ugh.
AngelModder Posted March 2, 2015 Posted March 2, 2015 Yea the blue stone, what I meant was like take a 64 X 64 X 64 unit brush and texture it with ur blue stone, then scale it on there at say .5 or 1 or 2, w/e looks best to you. This brush will become your sample brush. if you're using GTk 1.5 a useful trick to align all other brushes using that texture to that scaling is as follows. Select the surfaces you wish to scale, then select the sample brushes surface LAST, now press S (duh) and press the adjust up or down each once so up 1 down one, this SHOULD align all the others to w/e scaling/alignment te sample brush is set to.The bricks bug me on one note, they cut off at the top halfway through. you've got brick then BAM halfway trough it another texture. the flow of textures is highly important in a map, it can be a make or break point as much as lighting and shaders. Any ways hope this helped, good looking map btw!AngelModder™
Artemis Posted September 16, 2015 Author Posted September 16, 2015 I dig up old projects when I should be studying, it seems. ._. Decided to start working on an outdoors-y bit, though it's nothing like my original idea. xd Not nearly as open. The giant walls are kinda weird and probably not completely done, either. And I've even attempted to make some terrain by hand. It's actually too bumpy and makes running awkward, lol. Might try and get more of the outside done tomorrow so I can get a better picture. No promises though. I've been working on this for over a year now. Whoops. Langerd likes this
Nozyspy Posted September 16, 2015 Posted September 16, 2015 I've never been particularly enamored with the Base JKA Korriban textures, I much prefer KOTOR's texture and colour scheme over JKA's rendition of the planet. However your map looks great so far! You have plenty of solid architectural detail in there, and good cohesive architecture can really make a map. Keep up the good work!
Artemis Posted September 16, 2015 Author Posted September 16, 2015 I didn't like most of the base Korriban textures when I started this, but they've grown on me. Still struggling to match yellow/gold-hued textures with the more blue-toned ones, though. Bek likes this
Nozyspy Posted September 17, 2015 Posted September 17, 2015 I didn't like most of the base Korriban textures when I started this, but they've grown on me. Still struggling to match yellow/gold-hued textures with the more blue-toned ones, though. I can imagine, the Base JKA Korriban textures contain a surprising amount of different colours!
Artemis Posted December 20, 2015 Author Posted December 20, 2015 Progress... yes.This is the other end of the outside bit. The side hallways aren't done... actually, only the left one is built, and I don't like the design. So you don't get to see it! There's also a door to nowhere at the end there. I have plans for that.Then I started (and finished?) the tomb section. There are four rooms in total, all very similar.Aaand I did a tiny bit of editing on the sarcophagus model. If anyone has need of an opened coffin like this, lemme know and you can have it. z3filus, Bek, Delmi and 1 other like this
Langerd Posted December 20, 2015 Posted December 20, 2015 Progress... yes. This is the other end of the outside bit. The side hallways aren't done... actually, only the left one is built, and I don't like the design. So you don't get to see it! There's also a door to nowhere at the end there. I have plans for that. Then I started (and finished?) the tomb section. There are four rooms in total, all very similar. Aaand I did a tiny bit of editing on the sarcophagus model. If anyone has need of an opened coffin like this, lemme know and you can have it. Yey! Nice! Yey :3
ZanderNao Posted August 3, 2018 Posted August 3, 2018 How did I miss this all this time?! Your technique is amazing, your architecture superb. Wonderful use of the base textures to make something look even better...The two things I could think to spice it up without taking away from the feel?Interactive Sith Holocrons and some force symbols. It could give it a roleplay feel without taking too much effort, and they'd both give some aesthetic diversity to the base korriban textures. Jeff, Artemis and General Howard like this
Artemis Posted August 24, 2018 Author Posted August 24, 2018 So I've realized some of the screenshots are impossibly dark. I think part of that is because I started this on my old laptop and it had a different type of screen, and also partially because I play with slightly higher gamma. Sooo I'm going to need to work on making the map bright enough to be playable on default gamma, for sure. xD I might replace the current skybox with a custom one with moving clouds like what I used in my cornmaze map, and the secret part of the China map. It'd work well since you can't really see the sides/bottom of the skybox unless you're parkouring. It would also give me a chance to add more light through a shader so the map wouldn't be super dark anymore. @@ZanderNao I had an idea for a holocron that teleports the user into the "past" or something... they'd basically get teleported to a clone of the room they were in with slight differences and npcs that try to kill them. I'll have to revisit that. Anyways, I took some screenshots with r_overbrightbits on 1 just so everything is visible... this is by no means how it'll look when I get the lighting fixed. Everything is also pretty empty... I'll get around to making .ase models and adding more details at some point. Thrones (just a better screenshot than last time): Coffin (again, just a better picture): A 4-way intersection of a room, right now it only leads from the main room to the library and it's pretty large and empty: Much-improved library. For whatever reason, some of the textures refuse to align how I want them to. I'll fix that eventually. Xanemus, ZanderNao, PreFXDesigns and 7 others like this
ZanderNao Posted September 1, 2018 Posted September 1, 2018 Good to see you still working on it. I film in kind of high gamma due to viewer requests, it's interesting to see your map in such high gamma. It's certainly a different aesthetic!
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