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Possible Maul Outfit Ideas from Cancelled Maul Game

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Forgive my fanboyism. Savage is considerably taller, larger, and superior in muscularity. His horns are longer, his head is not as round, his nose is shaped considerably differently. His cheekbones extend more. Even before being mutated, he was taller than Anakin or Mace. Maul is shorter, smaller, less muscular. His horns are short, his head is rounder, and his nose is more narrow. His cheeks are kind of sunken--if that's the right word. And he's almost as short as Ahsoka.


Savage's tattoos sort of remind me of a Mexican bullfighter--not sure why. Moreso, a gladiator of some sort. More dominating.


Maul's tattoos seem a bit more satanic, and they're more intimidating I assume.

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He means the skeleton is limited to one body type. As in arm length, leg length, torso length, etc.


The solution would be to make a new skeleton for him. Which would be possible only for SP as far as I know. Would be cool though.

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I second this WHOLE topic. Especially the idea of a realistic Savage Opress skin.




I'm beginning to find myself unable to understand the point for a Mod Requests & Suggestions forum if people are precious rarely taking up requests, and acting like they have no motivation whatsoever.


It boils down into Learn-it-and-do-it-yourself. Either that or quite a few half-assed replies--maybe even both. And @@DT85, I'm not afraid to give emphasis to the point I make by using your weak give-up on the Darth Maul project for a reference.


And look at Mas Amedda/Darth Wyyrlok, also cancelled. Did JKHub sign up to a Disney merger too? And JAWSFreelao offered money, just as I have, and we still didn't get anywhere.


Gj, JKHub... gj.

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There's very little character modders left for these games so chances of getting a request filled are quite low. If i don't care about a character i don't want to spend my TIME on it.


Then why does this forum exist, if that excuse is so valid? Still nobody has answered me that. If it's without its purposes, its practically dead. A relic.

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For starters.


Besides, even though not all requests are directly fulfilled, in my opinion people here most often seem to help out by giving suggestions on how it could be done, compromises, links to it being done before, or simply stating why they don't want to do it like in this thread.

People are swimming in a sea of their own projects or already started projects, and in this case, wouldn't editing a Darth Maul model be a good way to start learning modeling? Have you attempted modeling since September 2013? :) If no, was DT's passing over the source files for his Darth Maul really a... "weak give-up"... compared.. to your requests divided by your displays of effort, despite having an interest in modding?


Anyway, hope this helps.

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I do indeed attempt to model. I don't have the skill, nor the professional experience or training to do it. Until I could be privately taught to model and become actually good at it, I'm useless.


I can only credit the head of his model. For the project I would want to pursue, he'd need entirely different body parts.

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The mod requests forum exists as a place where people can request whatever they would like, or offer suggestions for things to make. It isn't called "The Magical Land Where You Can Ask For Things And Then They Get Made". It's called "Mod Requests and Suggestions." If you're so entitled to believe that people should drop everything to fulfill something that you really really want, then you're sadly mistaken. The "halfassed Do It Yourself" reply was never even employed. @Psyc0sith and @@DT85 both said that they have lots of work that they have to get done and that they weren't really interested in working on it. Crying and throwing a tantrum isn't going to get you anywhere. End of story.

And speaking from experience here - your first model, skin, or code mod is going to be shit. If you don't even take the chance and say "I suck at it" then you're not giving yourself an opportunity to learn from the experience. You don't simply learn everything and become all-powerful. @@Boothand probably spent years learning how to map, yes? Many people spent six months or more learning how to model, and myself and others have spent years coding, and we still don't know all there is to know.

Regardless, if this thread continues to devolve, I'll have no choice but to either lock this thread or hide posts. Your choice.

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Hell I've been modeling for 8 years and animating for 3 and I'm still pretty shit at it in my own opinion.


The simple fact of the matter is, this community was essentially founded by modders who were already basically moved on to other things, be they mods or professional work.  The primary focus was to store the content that would otherwise have been lost when JK3Files died off, and it allowed us a place to regroup and reconnect, and yeah a handful of us returned and worked on new projects, some of us released mods that we'd made in the past, but had currently been unreleased.


Face facts, most of the "old guard" is more or less gone, the few of us that still login here, are more here for the social aspect and are far more concerned with our own projects and lives.  Sure you'll still find people that are occasionally willing to pick-up a project you suggest, but it has to be something that will interest them if you expect it to go anywhere.  The ONLY way to get EXACTLY what you want when you want it, is to learn how to do it yourself.  My modeling is almost entirely self-taught, I was doing it for roughly 4 years before I ever when to school for it.  Model requests are the rarest to pickup, specifically characters, and that is because most of us character modelers, and modelers in general, have long since moved on or are working on it.


As for the paying for mods and models, this horse has been beaten to death here, and there is no reason to drag it out further ( see this thread: http://jkhub.org/topic/3905-modelers-willing-to-model-skin-for/?do=findComment&comment=56924 )

Point is, JKHub doesn't support it, and as such I can't see them allowing people to haggle for mods here in the forums.  Too many legal grey areas.


If you want to rage at the community for something, take it to the Off-Topic where it belongs.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I do indeed attempt to model. I don't have the skill, nor the professional experience or training to do it. Until I could be privately taught to model and become actually good at it, I'm useless.


I can only credit the head of his model. For the project I would want to pursue, he'd need entirely different body parts.

This is something some of the modelers might find more interesting than a Savage Opress model.  (read: teaching you how to model).  If I were you I'd politely pursue that route.



On the side, I'll also point out that if anyone is wondering why the Maul game was cancelled, I shall provide the answer "Apparently it featured this weird time travel story allowing Darth Maul and Savage Oppress to interact with such characters as Darth Talon, Darth Krayt among other Sith that were prevalent in the EU."  Because bringing Maul back to life was a terrible decision and just screams of desperation, especially since now they're trying to throw time travel in it.  That's when you know a story has gone south and descended to practical fan fiction levels.  This correlates as to why no one is taking you up on your request.  We just aren't interested in the poor characters.

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