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AAT Tank

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For my Prequel Conversion mod, I really want to replace the AT-ST with a "prequel" style enemy tank. I loved in the Episode I video game, the AAT tanks served the same basic purpose as the AT-ST's in JK, even if they were a little more tough.


Currently, I have the Hailfire Droid replacing the AT-ST, and it's alright, but I'm not a huge fan of it. I would prefer the AAT to replace it. There is a model of one already from MBII as a map object, but it has no skeleton/animations.


My request is one of these:


create a new model and add a custom skeleton/animations




use the model from MBII and make custom skeleton/animations for that


Also, if there is already one made, I have not been able to find it.






ChalklYne likes this
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i like this idea a lot

some more ref pics in case it helps anyone





whoever creates it will need to keep in mind the animations for it and make the barrels longer and things like that so when it animates it doesnt stretch
i did something similar to this for proxy he has some little pistons on his neck that move when he turns his head.

my 2 cents

also.. completely unrelated.. i know that back in the day when the modding community was a little more crowded.. people used to do requests for people..

back in the day though everybody knew who had the haps on what... and that helped.

everybody knew katanamaru is just beast at animating... inyri mini ashura for modelling /textures. razor n spior for coding help... nab for scripting etc...

maybe if there was a way to refresh everyones minds as to who likes to do what around here and our schedules and such. that way making a request isnt so much like talking in the dark. maybe a way to add to the site perhaps? like... "currently working on" and "areas of expertise" and "gallerys" or something u get me? that way youd know who to ask for stuff... i dunno..hell maybe we can get a modelling assembly line of sorts. istead of a model request being so daunting and just texturing and uvmapping and shaders and npc files and anims and efx n scripting n bot support n sounds... maybe one person do each? like... if we knew who really liked doing textures, and his plate was clear, id model that friggin tank real quick get me? then maybe uv map it n send her down the line lol...so it would definately help the site. wed look a tad more organized rather than a modding community wed kinda be more of a team.










unless were not on a team. in which case we compete to the death




Circa, KDR_3XILE and therfiles like this
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This could easily be done, not sure how you would get the top gun to swivel like it should.


Could have sworn someone already made this a very long time ago, probably was lost when jk3files started being gay and losing files.


About the UV mapping comment eez, it's either up to the modeler or to the person making the textures but best left for the person making the textures as they can adjust it the way they want so the textures come out their best. Problem is that people who reskin models are so afraid of opening up a 3d program and learning.

Tempust85 and ChalklYne like this
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I just figured I would post my request anyways. I know nobody has time to help with requests anymore.


It seems like the main issue is the people that are capable of fulfilling requests have too many to fulfill along with their own personal projects. Which is understandable.

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Some tutorials have been made recently to help more learn, some modelers are coming back (I've talked to a couple) but it still wont be enough to where you'll see requests being taken as often as they used to be. The only way to really strengthen the community further is if the people of the community take things into their own hands and start doing more than just some of the simple modding that I see a lot lately.


People who model, animate, map and code aren't just going to appear, one might here or there but there's more than enough people here to get some serious content made.

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Mini's got the main point. In order for the communitty to grow we need people to take the time to learn some part of modding. I only learned to animate because no one made a JK inspired run animation. If someone like Hirman had made one I may never have tried.


I also don't mind helping when I can. Heck the whole backhand animations were a communitty request I took up. Plus other request people had.

The main thing I hope to accomplish when I take up a request is to let the person see how easy it was to do. That way the next time they need a stance or whatnot they may try themselves.

eezstreet likes this
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I remember there was a vehicle of an AAT back in the day. It was probably on pcgamemods which has since fallen unforunately. :(

There might be a map that has the AAT installed. I'll look around and see what I can find.

Like I said, there is one in MBII but it doesn't have a skeleton or animations. That's the least I'm asking for right now. The model is fine.

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You wouldn't even need the gun to pivot really, if you can just make the tank rotate. It wouldn't be realistic, but it would work.


I loved in the Episode I video game, the AAT tanks served the same basic purpose as the AT-ST's in JK, even if they were a little more tough.


I don't know what game you were playing, but it took me WEEKS to get past that one tank at the end of the Naboo Gardens level. And another few weeks to get past one of the ones on the last Naboo level before you leave for Tatooine.

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You wouldn't even need the gun to pivot really, if you can just make the tank rotate. It wouldn't be realistic, but it would work.





I don't know what game you were playing, but it took me WEEKS to get past that one tank at the end of the Naboo Gardens level. And another few weeks to get past one of the ones on the last Naboo level before you leave for Tatooine.

Okay... a lot more tough.
Botdra likes this
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If you can get permission from the maker of the model for MB2 I could convert it into a vehicle, not sure how well it'll work though, I guess I could make it the same class as the swoop.

Yeah I tried that and it kinda worked but it didn't shoot anything.


I'll try to even find out who the maker is. It's so hard to find out things like that with huge mods like MBII.

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It didn't shoot because it had no weapon tags.



Okay I found out from the MBII wiki that the author of the map is Plasma. I found his profile on their forums but there was no way to personally contact him, no email or PM or anything. Anyone know of him or his email?

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If anyone wants to take a crack at doing some kind of AI for this, I suggest taking a look at how the ATST's pivoting mechanism works. Should give you the exact same effect as to what you're looking for.


It could be rigged to replace the ATST if done properly, with the gun on top acting like the ATST's "head". The gun would have to be rigged to a "thoraic" bone (iirc).

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redsaurus, on 20 Apr 2013 - 19:03, said:

I think that AAT was made by Hatrus, if you mean the CMP prison one?

I got it from the Trade Federation Control Ship map from MBII. It was mapped by Plasma, but the model might be made by someone else. There's no way I can find out who if that's the case.
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Oh you're right. I'll see if I can get it to work. I didn't even know about the CMP or I would have looked there.

Can't wait to hear how it works out. If we can get this as a working NPC, that would be killer. Or as a vehicle eventually perhaps? Mmmm...

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