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Filling model requests

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I cant seem to find any non humanoid requests... Has Krayt dragons been done? Are there any happabores? how about a Nexu? veractyls? 


I'll take on some non-humanoid canonical Star Wars model requests here. Post reference pics of whatever youre talking about hidden in spoiler tags to clean the thread up.  


Ill keep adjusting this post to show what models have been requested and what ones I've taken on.





Kowakian Monkey Lizard
lothwolves and lothcats
Mortis creatures
Jabba the Hutt
Kell Dragon


Jabba the Hutt
Kowakian Monkey Lizard


                          Modeled      Textured      Animated      Released
Happabore                  X            X             
Jabba the Hutt             X            X
Kowakian Monkey Lizard     
T3-M4                      X            X             X
Noodle and z3filus like this

how about a Nexu?



Actually, we have many non-humanoid creatures, but not all of them are here. However, most of them have been made to use as vehicles, not as individual NPCs.

A small list of the creatures that have been made:

- Nexu

- Bantha

- Dewback

- Reek

- Acklay


I might be wrong, but think the reason why not everyone has tried to make more creatures is that they are difficult to animate.

ChalklYne likes this



well i dont mind animating as long as it isnt too crazy... i just started a nexu, sucks theres already one.

might start a happabore then. thanks for the info though!


wasn't there a krayt dragon released before?, or was it for battlefront or was it a raw asset xD Too many game to keep track of :P


wasn't there a krayt dragon released before?, or was it for battlefront or was it a raw asset xD Too many game to keep track of :P


Jedi Knight Galaxies has (or had - it certainly was in the first versions) a Greater Krayt Dragon, made by DT85 if I remember correctly. It was severely bugged though, I remember someone mentioning the collisions of that beast as an issue.









Welcome back Chalkyne! It's so good to see you!

There was a nexu, but if you started on one don't let that stop you. There can be different breeds!

The monkey lizard is a good option, as is a gundark.

The lothwolves and lothcats from Rebels are new prolific creatures worthy of coming into realization.


And there's also the Mortis creatures... Gargoyle, bird, etc.

(of all these, lothwolf is my main request I guess!)

Also, what happened to that Proxy you were working on? How far did he get?

Lancelot, krkarr and ChalklYne like this

@@ZanderNao I work on proxy from time to time. He just needs to be textured. I was considering releasing him with a checkerboard texture for the texturing 24 hour contest, but ill probably just substance painter him if it takes much longer. These ideas are great and should keep me busy for a few days. I'll post pics here soon

Thank you all!

ZanderNao likes this

nice and sloppy for now.

ill model his teeth in softimage and make higher details this is just basically the base coat




i think ill take a break from zbrush and jump into softimage... build him an animation rig and some teeth.

i dont remember him walking in the movie... so what animals should i reference for his movement? im thinking legs of a crocodile and body of an elephant?




scratch that... this has enough movement for me to reference a walk cycle




what other anims should he have?


nice and sloppy for now.

ill model his teeth in softimage and make higher details this is just basically the base coat




i think ill take a break from zbrush and jump into softimage... build him an animation rig and some teeth.

i dont remember him walking in the movie... so what animals should i reference for his movement? im thinking legs of a crocodile and body of an elephant?




scratch that... this has enough movement for me to reference a walk cycle




what other anims should he have?


Wow, you're quick!


It should probably have an interesting idle animation. Not just breathing, but maybe some random movement like the one in the video. I'd think those beasts are like hippopotamus, so maybe they should behave as such?

ChalklYne likes this


Actually, we have many non-humanoid creatures, but not all of them are here.

Shame that we don't have them here. It would benefit the whole community (what is left of it after a decade) if we shared more.

JKG & MBII for example have so many great animations, models and visuals that have to be individually picked for base/ja++  :mad:





The walk cycle is kind of proving to be a bastard... but its just my lack of experience with quadrapeds... ill youtube some good ones and return to it in a few 






Noodle and Lancelot like this

any texture artist that wants to give this guy a nice skin just let me know... ill be animating. he could really use a good skin, i have a decent base coat going right now but its just sloppy and i dont want to get held up on something like that right now







current uvmap










mesh info



body mesh is around 1700... all together with the inside of his mouth and eyes and teeth hes about 2300... but i modeled his tongue in and stuff like that we may not need

ill be adding a tag for a rider



skeleton info



i added a fat bone for his belly to be able to make his fat ass sway like a boss.

so he has 4 legs, a spine, a jaw, a snout, and fat bones



i could put an actual spine and foot rolls and shit like that... but i dont imagine this guy having too many anims anyways so i wont be needing all that




let me know if im missing anything


I remember asking for a re-do of an Xenomorph Alien. https://jkhub.org/topic/10204-re-rigging-of-alien-mod/ The idea was that, you took the model of a Xenomorph, and tried to attach it to the rig of the Howler, so it acted and moved like an actual Xenomorph. I know models for the Xenomorph already exist and are rigged to the regular Humanoid rig, but it'd be so much better on the Howler rig.


I also made this request, but I'm not sure if it'd count as humanoid or not though.




Also, an older request, I'd love if you'd fix up the Terentatek. https://jkhub.org/topic/5366-fixed-terentanak/


Also, I believe @@Jeff had a BB-8 model, but there was no good animations or rig for it. And we still don't have a working BB-8 model as far as I'm aware, but I could be wrong.





I'd like to opt out of already built models. Re-rigging and what not. Would kill my creative drive and I doubt I'd fill such requests. Fixing up models and what not isn't really what I'm going for, especially ports, and I apologize if I didn't state that. I'm trying to get into speed modeling a bit, and would like to create original meshes, but I do appreciate the offers. So I'd have to say no to the Xenomorph,(mainly because I despise tweaking existing models to fit skeletons, it kinda goes against everything ive ever known) no to the derpy knuckles,(unless i built that from scratch I don't see me messing with that, and I doubt id build that) no to the terantanak,(I saw the word "ported" on the page and immediately showered...vigorously) and I believe the BB-8 animations problem stems from looping idles and what-not. Once the player is done moving, the rotation of the ball would spin back to the idle position, so i think the best way I could suggest to fix that is some sort of shader? It's really a difficult task for my brain to comprehend and I don't think I have the time, skills, or testicular fortitude to create such a shader.




I was completely wrong about the simple rig, it was a disaster =D So I rebuilt one a bit more in depth, and I'll try that now.






Daedra and ZanderNao like this

Man, you truly are quick! What software did you use to create the beast's textures? If you ever record yourself creating stuff, I'd love to see your workflow! 

ChalklYne likes this

@@Noodle Thanks man.

On this model I created the body in Zbrush and also created the base coat in Zbrush. I usually do everything in Softimage and paint in substance but this way was quicker for me. I UV unwrapped rigged and am animating in Softimage though. I'd love to start recording speed modeling sessions soon. I've always been rather speedy with modeling though. Even back in my less experienced days, which was a bad thing lol


Yeah this rig looks like its going to work out great. Look how cuddly and happy he is to have bones =)








Bottom of his feet are just a mess, the teeth, mouth, and eyes are all just a single color for now...but he'll have a texture overhaul before release.


I'd say he's game ready but has no anims yet. Now I can relax a bit and create a buncha cool anims for him

OCD2 and Rooxon like this




I'd like to opt out of already built models. Re-rigging and what not. Would kill my creative drive and I doubt I'd fill such requests. Fixing up models and what not isn't really what I'm going for, especially ports, and I apologize if I didn't state that. I'm trying to get into speed modeling a bit, and would like to create original meshes, but I do appreciate the offers. So I'd have to say no to the Xenomorph,(mainly because I despise tweaking existing models to fit skeletons, it kinda goes against everything ive ever known) no to the derpy knuckles,(unless i built that from scratch I don't see me messing with that, and I doubt id build that) no to the terantanak,(I saw the word "ported" on the page and immediately showered...vigorously) and I believe the BB-8 animations problem stems from looping idles and what-not. Once the player is done moving, the rotation of the ball would spin back to the idle position, so i think the best way I could suggest to fix that is some sort of shader? It's really a difficult task for my brain to comprehend and I don't think I have the time, skills, or testicular fortitude to create such a shader.




Ah no problem at all. In that case, I'll pose a totally new request, since it's similar to what you're working on:




Ignore Rey, BB-8 and the rider. It'd be cool to get that desert walker thing.

ChalklYne likes this

Ill do either the Lizard monkey or that desert walker next. I can possibly use the same skeleton and anims from this happabore. Good idea.


Is it an armored creature?


Ill do either the Lizard monkey or that desert walker next. I can possibly use the same skeleton and anims from this happabore. Good idea.


Is it an armored creature?


It looks like it has some rusty blueuish armor, if you're referring to the Desert Walker, that is.

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