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Everything posted by Asgarath83

  1. Weapons.dat edit only the player shooting parameters :\ for NPC you need to edit the code, on weapons.h
  2. icarus spawnscript. there is a SET_SHOOT_DISTANCE or something like that as script parm, you can set amount of milisec between two shoots.
  3. When you release? o.o
  4. Open a model with a 3d models editor and show the Uvmapping, you obtain the grid of a texture.
  5. Yes, for make MD3 blender is the best.
  6. Yes, a system for load a map of a mod by another map of another mod should be really great. with a lot of code editing this hallow unlimitated weapons customization about skin, models, efx and sounds.
  7. Yes, for the MP the code mod are not much working. they works fine only if other players gotta too, and also if the hosting server have the code setup. i am a SP player, more of MP... because simply i not like much the MP games, i play someone just for a little fun with chat friends. Otherwise yes, it's an huge works... : \ i am not acoder, but i pass 2 month just for my little editing of weapons, force powers and class code and i understand your exitation really, two functions can be really useful: the possibility of pass by a mod to another mod \ add \ remove \ delete \ build in easy way-, and the possibility of add new customize weapons and force powers with some easy code parameter in some code menu of the mod. that's should be great. D: SP can be easily added by 4 new weapons for player, customization and unlock of first camera view and player use for all NPC weapons, and 16 new force powers highlity customizzable with effects, damage and working and affect on behavours of Npc and players hitted. example: a easily "force gravity" power that can define damage, cooldown, duration of efx, class damage or resistance, NPC affected by that that become without gravity for a lot of second, because the power affected the SET_GRAVITY function of Icarus. lol... it's a madness, floating zero gravity stormtrooper that flymove after hitted by force power.... XDDD hilarous. or a power that affect the visrange or earshot of enemies making it blinds, or a power that drain aka force drain but regen the force bar instead of health bar, or, funnyly, the ammo or shield bar. XDD ... the possibilty of implement the code of weapons behavours for making new hybrud weapons with an hybrid phyisc! (example: seeker flechjette projectiles. or a repeater that shot laser trap... ) well, should be great *_* no more limits with modding! but i know, it's too long and hard to do. .
  8. @@Langerd the models can works on JKA if you split the mesh part with more of 1000 vertexes on blender. Split the mesh with Edit Mode Border selection and P->selection command for split in more parts the mesh with more of 1000 vertexes. langerd. yes, therei is a problem of Uv mapping. that's suck >.<
  9. Yes, the project will take a large amount of time and energies.... but the return is just over the personal satisfation.many modern games are large moddable with that system. i suppose that this can make JKA more famous and more easily to modding also for the not experienced of coding, that's can be a great improvement for the community and for alld modded that desire to want a lot of staff and they cannot do for the code limitations. : \ i think that an really Open Jedi academy program need really a necessity of an easily modular \ modding system. also, this is a BIG work and cannot be done only by one person, but need a teammate. and we know that rarely this project reach the end... sigh
  10. DO IT!!!! O.O You are not crazy man, that's genius!!! D: an Openjk friendly interface for easily modding!!
  11. Each mod have his custom textures, shaders. check the PK3 of the mod, if you not find, check the shader files. some texture are generated with shaders, you con use notepad for read the *.SHADER
  12. Aaawwwwww... it's so cutie... : 3
  13. Use Cranium for all head, cervical for nek, 50-50 cervical cranium in the cranium - cervical vertex junction, leye and reye for eyes for orbiculars, these control the eyes blinks animation and the face_dead closed eyes. the jaw bone, for the lower jaw and lower teeth 50-50 cranium \ jaw for the edges of the lips and the junction between upper and lower jaw. this control the mouth open and close into the talking. ceyebrows for the front rig for eyebrows of face_frown face_aux animation it's pretty intuitive, the pricipal bones are that and they affected exactly like the bones of human head. that's all
  14. @@Langerd is right, Xyca. It's only the misc_model_static entity with the cap limit of 1000 vertexes for Mesh. (not for surface but for Tmesh, the limit is for 3D polygon) i have the proof in my cathedral. the misc_model works fine also if they bypass the 1000 vertexes liimit of mesh (my cathedral works in map with misc_models cdome entitties. and the roofs got more of 1000 vertexes. ) domes work fine into game, but can give the error MAX_DRAW_VERTS in radiant. hte misc_model_static bypass this error of radiant, but if i build a map, when i load into game i got the error of 1000 vertexes indexes hit. so... the explanation is: misc_model: there is an unknown limit of vertexes that can be drawn into a map by the brushes, the colliders and the misc_model. entitties. it's only a limit of radiant, is not present into the game. misc_model_static_ overpass the error of max_draw_vertexes for the map, but if a mesh got more of 1000 verrtexes is not processed by game, and show you the erorr of 1000 vertexes. for these reason is good thing detach in more part with less of 1000 vertexes the model, there is no limit to number of mesh that make a model. you need siplu to split the massive vertexes mesh into more little meshes with less of 1000 vertex each one. So there are 2 limits. one is of radiant about misc_model the second is of game, about the misc_model_Static entity. >,> and this suck because with a very massive meshes of MD3 model you can got trouble in radiant with misc_model and in game with misc_model_static. i need to split in mor eparts the HD roof of my domes for that issue >_> on blender 264 and re-export as MD3, so i can use they as misc_model_static when the max_draw_verttexes error is displayed. Remember langerd, misc_model_static cannot be interactive model. if you want an interactive model, use misc_model.
  15. in gtkradiant fog is not a texture, is a shader collections... i suppose is the "test1" fog. try with that. maybe was used in developing process of JKA by the raven team. (it's only a supposition based on the name of the fog, however. O.o )
  16. it's possible to solve with a massive detach \ separate of mesh.
  17. because misc_model_static are not displayed into radiant camera and radiant grid. so they not make the build error, they are just entity with not attacked a displayed model. ah, i discover another thing: misc_model run fine into game, also if there are mesh with more of 1000 vertexes... misc_model_static instead, if they are more of 1000 vertexes into a part, display on JKA the error of 1000 vertex md3. so, be careful about it. i got some erorr for this in my conversion and i solve re-exporting my md3 by blender 2.64 after i splitted with P-> separate in edit mode and half verts of polygon selected, a part of the incriminating mesh. as i told, is a draw error, is a dislaying error. like the error of image draw, of GTK Radiant. that occur if a map contain too many material and texture visible. if you have too many misc model or too many textures you can occour also in that. i know, that suck, is a limitation of radiant itself.
  18. you need to activate by script with icarus a target_level_change, so 1 create target_level_change 2: put a targetname of it and a script_targetname too. 3 mapmane key value +ingamegototier and youare direct to the end level menu of JKA about the five series of mission of every tie part of the game. if you use this you can use also the value storyhead "name of model" for display the head of character you desire for the debrifing. if you want a custom menu for the ending, you need to copy the ingamegototier.MENU file and editing for make your custom debriefing file. i have a map that have as end a menu. and the mapname is +debriefing1. and it load the debriefing1.MENU file
  19. i got also this error... this error occours when you got too many misc_model + brushes into your map. it's not a problem of map itself, but a limitation of radiant, only of radiant. There is a limit of vertexes of brush + misc_model you can add into your map. it's a Draw Error. the error means you have too many vertex.. Draw in your map. too many brushes, or too many high poly misc models. i overrun this limitation and i got this error one week ago. how i solve it? the domes of my cathedrals are... BIG... and complex. only the doubles roof got something like 2000 vertex. 2000 x 8 are 16 000 vertexes. >_> i solve this problem converting 1 dome into a misc_model_static, this clean up my map by 2000 displayed vertexes and now i can end the physic clip or the other misc_model in peace.
  20. You want to make a fading light... :\ i cannot help because i never make shaders of fading light... i see a tutorial about the light fading of sun by the windows, but i not know if can help you. for what i can understand, you need to add the enter value and the exit value... the value make additions... so, for example GL_ONE GL_ZERO is like Texture total rgb value + 0 = Texture total rgb value. i used this for glasses of windows, following the tutorials about shadering of windows here on openjk forum models/map_objects/cda/stainedglass1 A marble part with enviroment: can we see a screenshot of what you want to do?
  21. For what i see by try and error method doing shadering for my cathedral.... GL_ONE GL_ONE... -> full brightness shader, it's good for fire of glowing particles. in materials. it make they too brights, also in MD3. use it for glowing lighting texture, but not for MD3 or any kind of materials. GL_ZERO GL_ZERO -> make completely dark and opaque the objects. GL_ONE GL_ZERO -> not change much of the brightness. it's good for make lighting diffuse of glm models. GL_ONE GL_SRC_COLOR : .-> as GL_ONE GL_ZERO, but the model is little more bright and with a different RGB filter... GL_SRC_ALPHA ETC -> with alphagen and alphaconst parms make the texture translucent... you can watch throught it. GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO -> with rgbgen Identity, it's the better shadering for MD3 models. it's good also for the most of the materials of brushes GL_DST_COLOR GL_SRC_COLOR -> make things with color little differnet and more light of GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO. i not like much because create strange kind of tonality and false colors... >.< it's not much good to see. GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_:MINUS_SRC_ALPHA it's fine for MD3 translucent reflect tcgen enviroment effects. i make a marble reflex with this parameter. in tcgen enviroment stage. rgbGen Lighting Diffuse -> On glm model, not on MD3, on MD3 make it blacks. // Alphagen Lightingspecular-> good for making metal tcgen enviroment on blades and saber or metal surfaces like armors of GLM npcs or weapons. the tggen enviroment scroll the metal reflex at second of the camer view and moving of player. rgnGen vertex : use it on planar and bidimensional surfaces, like flags or leathers or leaves... if you use the $lightmap parameter, this affected about light diffusion and illumination of model or the brush, lightmap need to be followed by rgbgen parameter. using $lightmap on my md3 model i obtained morbid and soffuse lighting... :3 $whiteimage: apply a white filter on the textures... i not know much about this function... i try to use at the start of my shadering works, by after i change to lightmap because it make the MD3 too brights on Meta build of the map. This is my experience with shadering,. i not know much other and i read too the Quake3 manual. atthe end, i used for many of my textures the DST_COLOR GL_ZERO, the lightmap for the stone textures of MD3 domes, and the SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA tcgen enviroment for the reflexes of my marble textures... i think every one use a different combination at second of they necessity, many thing depend by your buld and your ambiental and worldspawn and sunny skybox parameters.
  22. you can spot negative lights in the outside part of the sea? no, bad suggest i know >.<
  23. Edit force grip code into wp_saber.cpp of openjk code. there is a RGB shader parameter to edit. I know because for my legacy of kain mod i make the grip to green color changing rgb value. if you set with the same rgb code of push and pull you can make like thats. :3 you need microsoft visual studio 2010 or upper. and windows net framework.
  24. Ehi man... @@itachisen for what i see i you make a bad weight of hips part of the maul model... mmmm, you need to rig in that mode the hips: pelvis: only vertexes near the pelvis. lower_lumbar: upper part cover by bone of hips, and the belt of character lfemury \ rfemury : that0s nasty weight. you need to rig to 0.5 to pelvis and the lfemur OR rfemur the vertexes beteween the two bones, at medium distance. the 0.5 area of rig between pelvis and lfemurYZ run long the inner edges of the left thigs of the models. and the pelvis. same for the right thigs with rfemuryz. for the legs: be careful with knees. you need to rig to 0.5 the knees between the ltibia and lfemurX for left leg and rtibia and rfemurX right leg, for the articulation of knees. this 50\50 rig must be into the section of the junction between tibia and femur, long the knee articulation of character. for lfemurX \ lfemurYZ: rig to 50-50 in the middle part of the leg the vertexes betweens the two bones. i make rig with this procedure aand i got only few weight distorsion. good luck! Watch the vertex and geometrical grid of the hips and leg structure... image this like a succession of "rings" of vertex, like a caterpillar. the method 1 -1 - 50\50- 1 -1 of weight is the more used. you need to use 50\50 on the vertexes betweeen two bones and the fukll 1 rig value for vertexes when is drawed only a bone.
  25. I think i fixed temporany converting the Mind dome into misc_model_static, as misc_model, it draw in the map THIUSANDS of vertexes... :\ good night.
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