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Everything posted by Asgarath83

  1. try sabercolor 1 color sabercolor 2 color o.o
  2. Ahahah yes i want for time pillar stuff *_* i have already a time streaming device room ^^ @@Archangel35757 i not have castle of wolfeinstein, but if this game have a lot of gothic md3 stuff sure i can impelement now i find some walkthrough.
  3. i have already a skull, barrels and pots, not worry i have also the dead skeleton of talay of dark forces mod... *_*
  4. Finally the Alch bottle http://wrzucaj.net/image/4GZ now i make different colors md3 version and shadering and i end
  5. Thanks for suggest Ramikad
  6. The lab battle. http://wrzucaj.net/image/4yg Edit, the lab bOttle XDDDDDD ahahaha, the lab battle... some one want launch some chemical bomb? I have an idea: the lab bottle saber! for the true chemical men! B)
  7. @@Boothand @@Langerd here the scales. I hope you like. Now i texture the bottles. http://wrzucaj.net/image/4y5
  8. @@Boothand Oh, thanks very much man. i fix some texture issue of my cathedral and i work also on your models. i will show you md3 maked on md3view with that. maybe we can also make a downloadable md3 files for all community.
  9. @@Boothand the 3ds scale work fine in 3d max and blender too thanks. can you convert also the bottles please?
  10. @@Boothand i have some problem to import on my 3Dmax your filmbox. i import but they are empty. Can you send me the model as 3DS format, please?
  11. Ehi! now i remember!!! There is a easy , fast and sure way for avoid NPC players of follow you. Check the t1_surprise map. there is the droid unit r5d2 prisoner of tusken raiders on the sandcrawler. if you remember, the unit is usable. you need to USE with use button the r5d2 unit. start a little dialogue and r5d2 go to a little panel, open the panel and go inside a pit that lead below the sandcrawlers and so you are at the end of the level. you need to set that: a spawnscript for NPC of player teammate. In the spawnscript, NPC should be setted as "SET_USABLE,true" with icarus. And the npc should have like r5d2 unit an Usescript. So, when player "use" the Npc the Npc can change is BS_state and stop and to follow player. Also, the first usescript need to change path of the usescript. so there are 2 usescript for the entity: the first script at the end replace itself with second script. the second script replace itself with first script, and this close the cycle of scripting. the first script toggle OFF BS_DEFAULT and BS_FOLLOW_LEADER state, the second script set as NPC status AI the BS_FOLLOW_LEADER with SET_LEADER "player" as parameter. and so ypu have a character toggable that follow \ not follow the player. you need to set SET_USABLE, true script command line required: for spawnscript: SET_USABLE,true and SET_USESCRIPT , (path of script) for Usescript: - flush - SET_USESCRIPT (path of the secornd usescript) SET_BEHAVOUR_STATE BS_SEATCH (the NPC stay at nearest waypoint and shoot enemies approaching, not follow the player, but can fight) On second Usescript -flush - SET_USESCRIPT (path of the first script) - SET_BEHAVOUR_STATE BS_FOLLOW_LEADER - SET_LEADER "player" that is you need to do.
  12. mmmm with icarus need to change BS_DEFAULT o BS_FOLLOW_LEADER to BS_SLEEP or BS_WANDER or something like that.
  13. Give me some day for end to fix the physics clippers and delete the geometry that cause the issue without deleting the dome model and the pillars basement, if is possibile . i need of time for fix the issue, yesterday i make just a massive brushes deleting. test
  14. Yes, it's fine, the misc_models are not black model issue also, if is again still missing shadering, however now i can see my dark gothic map and making an idea of final works. It's really beauty! Thanks for suggest @@Langerd
  15. Found it at first try! Was the pillars Basement! Damn! XDDDD Sure it's a kain's dill XD
  16. Nothing work, no blocksize 0, no _blocksize 8192 or either, no lomem. so i suppose i will make another save of map just for hunting brush that making this trouble and fix manually >_>
  17. @@Langerd my map is about of 23.1 mega as meta bsp, so yes, is very huge and complex. i suppose i use some brush that i split with more of 12 faces \ vertex of same poligon during creations of colliders. however, i use gtk radiant 1.5.0 i not have the q3map2.shader file , so i cannot debug with that. so ... o i make a copy of map file and i delete physic clipper areas and i make light building until i see when is placed the brush responsable and i reload working project and fix the problem or i try your suggest. D:
  18. Error: max_tv_verts 12, XD mmm ... o i have used too much the clipper for make the roofs collider, or my MD3 models are too many complex. the second case is a disaster.
  19. mmm okay, i make a light build so i see if i got this problem
  20. i am again fixing the physics colliders in outside of domes (i end with inside) so i NEED to see the models. so... misc_model. i convert to misc_model_static for avoid lightning and shaders issues when i end the cathedral
  21. Okay peoples, it works!! Need a trigger_multiple with wait at 1 and playeronce spawnflag, a target_scriptrunner used by the trigger. the scriptrunner need count -1 and usescript as value. now is perfect this script simulate for a repear a shifting in spectral realm for bypass a wall. if someone played sr1, can know that in spectral walls and platforms are deformated and open hidden passages. Thanks @@mrwonko!
  22. Thanks Yes, i make a Usescript with trigger_multiple. this even i try with the scriptrunner way
  23. @@mrwonko . yes, is affecting the player because is the player that trigger the multiple... is strange also that the trigger_multiple is deactivatyed after end of the script. i have setted wait to 1... mmm boh. o.o i know that the script work becuase making fading, sound and playerlocking movement corrects. so is just the SET_ORIGIN and SET_ANGLES mmm, so i cannot use tagging indicator... wonderful. >_> okay i will try with manual origins \ angles argh! O.o i need to make 16 triggers like that. o.o
  24. it is possible to teleport a player in another location of map with scripting? I know is possible to make with trigger_teleport and targert_position, but i need that before the teleporting is played a sound and a camera fade. so i make a script connected to a trigger multiple to change origin and angles of player but not work. and i tried using origin and angles of a ref_tag and not works, so i tried waypoint_navgoal and same, not work. when fade turn to 0, player is again in the place of activation o.o //Generated by BehavEd use ( "switch to Mind dome" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_PLAYER_LOCKED", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "true" ); sound ( /*@CHANNELS*/ CHAN_VOICE_GLOBAL, "sound/spectral/traslationmat.mp3" ); camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ FADE, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 0.000, < 1.000 1.000 1.000 >, 1.000, 3000 ); wait ( 3000.000 ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_PLAYER_LOCKED", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "false" ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ORIGIN", $tag( "mind0", ORIGIN)$ ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ANGLES", $tag( "mind0", ANGLES)$ ); set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_PLAYER_LOCKED", /*@BOOL_TYPES*/ "false" ); camera ( /*@CAMERA_COMMANDS*/ FADE, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 0.000, < 0.000 0.000 0.000 >, 0.000, 0 );
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