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Everything posted by Asgarath83

  1. First off, i wanna tell that i am not an expert of the Shader system of JKA i know how to make a shader for a weapons, but i not know what is the proper code for marble, wood, bump stone, rock, walls, brick, glasses, grass and other material. i open this thread because i want to know what is the better code for each one of these materials. @@AngelModder i want to make a clan map on an italian rpg about legacy of kain, with a cathedral builded around the pillars of nosgoth. a my friend has builded the MD3 models all cathedral are ported on radiant as MD3 on misc_model format at the moment. yes i know i need to convert with misc_model_static, but before of make i want to make shadering and also gameplay entity of map and relative physic clip of models. all the cathedral is a giant collage of MD3 files, not solid, with a lartge amount of physic clip buind all over the entire structure. the map need 10 minutes for build the Meta and 45 MIn for build the light. this is the light map version, with a cloudy weather day. i have 2000 and more light point inside the map, i want to fix some light issue, but before, i want to build all shader file of the map, because i not that shader are much important about how the light interacts with geometries. and so i ask: how i need to make the better shade code for the following materials? - wood - marble - stained glass - stone - bricks - a rock tunnel @@Lazarus no, i not have an alpha channel because i use JPG format.
  2. off course man! http://wrzucaj.net/OpO http://wrzucaj.net/OpT http://wrzucaj.net/Opd http://wrzucaj.net/OpN http://wrzucaj.net/OpU
  3. Anyone? @@AngelModder @@Szico VII @@Oobah ?
  4. i have a little question. I need to make into a dark map a little more bright light marble shader with a tcenviroment effect or something like that, so, walking, the marble has some reflex of circustamant light. i try to use every kind of lighting diffuse, specular, tggen enviroment, GL_ONE, GL_ZERO GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_SRC_COLOR GL_DST_COLOR parameter, but my result are ever or too bright or too dark or with a fool enviroment (maybe becuase i use a wrong enviroment texture. any suggest? he's the shader code: For window glass: models/map_objects/cda/stainedglass { surfaceparm trans // polygonOffset q3map_nolightmap q3map_novertexshadows surfaceparm nomarks //this will stop the game from rendering shadows and burnmarks on the decal// nopicmip { map models/map_objects/cda/stainedglass blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO alphaGen const 0.7 //This is an optional line of code, that will make the texture more opague// } } For flags, curtains, leather ornament models/map_objects/cda/reaverflag { cull disable qer_editorimage models/map_objects/cda/reaverflag q3map_nolightmap q3map_alphashadow deformvertexes normal 0.15 0.1 deformvertexes wave 256 sin 0 0.5 0.2 0.6 { map textures/cda/reaverflag blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA depthWrite rgbGen vertex } } For the marble: models/map_objects/cda/marble2 { q3map_onlyvertexlighting { map models/map_objects/cda/marble2 blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO detail } { map models/map_objects/cda/marble2 blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA detail alphaGen lightingSpecular } { map $lightmap blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA rgbGen identity } }
  5. @@Lazarus. he make a fan model he want it work as func_rotating object. so he make a brush with func_rotating parm and as model2 the fan. he want to rescale the model displayed into map, but into func_rotating the parameter "modelscale " not work as in misc_model and misc_model_static. :\ any idea?
  6. ROTFL, information for ALL modders... i hit the limit of entities.... on gtk radiant 1.5.0 it's 4096 XD all included if you hit, Radiant stop building. so i delete a thousand of light points of Pillars XD i will use a glowing shaders for they.
  7. It's very odd this limit. manty years ago i make in 2 months a simple single player swamp forest map. it got 2700 entities (2000 trees for forest + sone hundred of enemy NPC + a lot of triggers etc etc. and not hit any build cap limit. also in game, i got any problem. o.o in my actual cathedral map i have something as 4000 entities (more are lights, okay, but a thousands are misc_models and no problems )
  8. Yes, the models are builded by a my friend that is a nice modeller, i am good to script the maps or NPC, or SAB, but for making a map i am just a noob. i ported the md3 textured with @@mrwonko custom propertsies tecnique (become me madness for make all shader info to EVERY damn mesh of the cathedral! XDDD ) but after i assembled my little cathedral in a map that have only skybox and a grass brush as ground. the more nasty part was : 1- put ALL md3 object inside the domes for decoration , and make all area i want... a book read room, a training arena, an alchemy laboratory, a magical forge, some altairs with element powers brazier.... glyph temples in the underground, a history book room, a necromancy laborator, a nature botanic room.... a time straming device chamber and a dimension streaming device chamber (like the chronoplastic chamber of soul reaver 2 ) all that with md3 >,< now i am putting lighting. after i make physics clip for all objects inside the dome and ambiental efx with fxrunners.... the final part are - shadering - triggering, scripting of doors and interactive and magical usables objects. - optimization of misc_model for not flood too many entities, because some object i build with a merge of more MD3 parts... and so, i will make a unique compose MD3 for that. - convert misc_model to misc_model static. - music, after i make another version of map with the cathedral by outside, just the building, the forest and another building near with the homes of the Reapers. all that for the area of Pillars of Nosgoth. it's a mod inspirated to a LOK italian role playing game that is placed in 1000 years after soul reaver game in a nosgoth with balance restored and Pillars again scraping the sky... and at the end, i will make a third map with the lair of vampires of alliance into the rebuildied Nupraptor Retreat. so... it's a clan map... i have also a lot of stuff by neo dark ages mod, return to wolf castlestein, many temples and mansion maps (like the resident evil map md3 models... i was lost without all that plants and objects... also darkj forces mod is very useful, i place some of the skeletons dead of Talay map into the necromancy laborator upon the tables. ) ^^ My SP code is edited for makling a more LOK gameplay with the help of serenity937 and ensiform i make some of cool this summer. now i am making this "clans" map and after i have only to make some hundred of NPCs of villains of the Lok games. ROTFL. however is just an hobby and because my map have a large amount of material for this ugly project i will never host here. is a personal project for me and my friends. :3
  9. one hint brush for every hallway of my cathedral, behind every dome door, should be sufficient for solve some drop FPS issue my doors are MD3 models, otherwise, so they not oopen, all my cathedrail is a giant collage of MD3 buildings >_> only the central is marked as solid, the other have a large amount of physic clips colliders for make solids doors, walls, ceiling and floors. after i end to place light and Fxrunner i will build the physic clips of model and i convert to misc_model_static for prevent shader issues.
  10. mmmm i think for the particolar structure of my cathderal that "hint" can work better of area portal, there are not really "doors" in my map. thanks for all, men.
  11. I Know is a stupid question but as mapper i am again noob. What is the exactly function of Area Portal system shader and how can i use it in a map? for what i have understood, area portal make this: - cut the map in separate area and so FX, entities and all things contain it not affect displaying efx particels or load or FPS lag of player that is in another area. - some vis effect (i not again undestood what is the Vis and how it work in a map. - in case of target_noise, areaportal block the sound propagation. Question is: soundset , efx etc are blocked by area portal right? if i have a map builded with physic clip and misc_model buildings, how the map i am working, the area portal need to be placed upon all physic clipper or only in the hallways and doors? (the physics clips are considered as brush by engine?) thanks for any answer : 3
  12. lol yesterday i hitted the limit of misc_model material, but is not a limit about misc_model itself. there is a limiation of how many texturee \ materail can be used in a map. instead i deleted a part of map and that fix the problem. i think at this point i make 2 maprs fo my cathedrals, one with inside, and one with outside, with a good use of target_level_change i think is possible to make a double istance maps working. i have also a map with 2700 entities build many years ago with a full, amkpunt of misc model static forest and a large swamp lake around a rocky montain with ruins on top on the center of map. this map work very fine. strange. D:
  13. Very iMpressive Also, how you make the force levitation so powerful? code edit?
  14. Asgarath83


    also if as textures and graphic is very simple, it's a very nice maze map. nicework ^^
  15. I am not much sure, but maybe should be there a culldistance key command for the target spekear range and volume. need to be setted into map units. o.o
  16. Wow,. wonderful map and skybox. I rotfling a lot for the title of thread XD however nice job! i againt not know how build terrains, instead.
  17. Well at this point no one can mod anything. If raven not want mod, why release the SDK and MP and SP code? i not see problem in mod and use staff of JKA. the problem is if someone use JKA engine, texture etc for make a custom game and try to get cash and money from his creation. In this case, Disney can slash him with a tribladed lightsaber.
  18. add SET_IGNOREENEMIES, true
  19. on spawnscript SET_VISRANGE for custom range of view and SET_EARSHOT for custom range of earshot. HFOV and VFOV for the vis field lenght and height.
  20. 200 entities FPS! now understood the limitations of Efx displaying D: well, thats mean in future i need to optimize my Efx of my blades. specially the bladeeffects and hitpersoneffect because they are spawned multiple times and also the map efxs. thanks for enlightment
  21. Thanks, you are very helpful :3
  22. I have a little question because i am putting map objects in a large and complex map. how many entity (brush, map models, light, NPC, target, fx, trigger and func etc etc) can have a map?
  23. also, check all branks of efx and shader file. a time i got an efx of another mod with a brank missing and give me this erorr for same strange read error. same for shader file. if you get this problem you can have a corrupted efx file that create this error. try to back up efx files and deleting by read folders until efx turn into nornal display. i fix with this method.
  24. mmm, i have a differente approach: i use c\base only for md3view. for all other i have a base folder into gamedata\Base with unzipped all pk3 files and folders + mods stuff. it works fine for me. maybe is because is missing textures folder. but i am not sure of this. you past ALL the shaders of jka or just gfx and gfx2? is better paste all shader files.
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