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Everything posted by Asgarath83

  1. It works! i use selected btrush on radiant, used Control + M for make detail and remake the build, now in game is fixed! thanks ramikad! really, i pass entire years to become crazy for that issue and now i know the solution! really, thanks! thanks also thanks also to @@Didz and @@MagSul for answers. now i can ending my work in peace without see an invisible holed map!
  2. mmmm, yes, there is a problem of malformed brush. during the building i read ever "x number of malformed face deleted or removed." bla bla bla... i think thatradiant remove these "deformed" brushes by the map. these sucks very much and is really thge biggest modding trouble for me. after i end a map i need ever to make the "hunter to the holing brushes" okay, i try to convert the brush into detailed and we see if it work.
  3. 0 no, is not opaque. just the brush there is (colliding is okay) but i can see it on game. 1 wall is invisible, like if it's all with "caulk" shader (but is not with caulk but with yavin/supports shader. when map loading. 2 is a simply regular structural brushes. 3 it's not an entities, it's part of wordlspawn.
  4. Duplicated brushes?? D: never mind that... thanks i will check this. okay, i found a free large hosting site... i lost the firefox data with formatting >.< here is the problem: http://postimg.org/image/b7vqthiur/ what i am doing is editing t2_rancor map of nar kreeta with a retuxring and SP re editing and some edit to the structure of level for making the sewers and underground area of Blood Omen Nupraptor Retreat. the wall in front of Kain is invisibile. this issue happear more time during map lavoration on gtk radiant is all Okay, but in game some brushes disappeares leaving empty places. i ever got this trouble in all mapping i done for myself in past and is very frustrating getting ever an holed map.
  5. I have a problem with... well with mappiung in general. on gtk radiant map is fine. but when i build map and i play in game, can happened tha some walls present this issue: https://www.sendspace.com/file/ochkmn (sorry i got some trouble to host image, i uploaded a screenshot, it's a dungeon with Kain as player for my lok mod.) however the walls become... unexistance, transparents... or empty... and is possible to see throught. and if they are at the edge of the map there is a doubling image effect because player can see the caulk and the wordlspawn edges of map. why this happen? o.o how can i fix the bad walls brushes? http://postimg.org/image/b7vqthiur/
  6. yes, there is a code restriction that avoid dropping of same weapons. Blaster pistol is one of that. @@scp_chaos1 mmm what can yoo do man? you can study the map t1_danger when player can take some items device for repair damaged shuttle and leave planet of wormes creatures. you need 1 to put a misc_model of weapon_blaster model into your map. 2: to make a func_usable brush startedon. 3: linked the md3 model of blaster to func_usable 4: a trigger once around all that. the trigger run a script that activate the func_usable, setting it to off. this can remove the weapon_blaster_pistol by level. can you use the "use" func_usable targetname or the remove "func usable targetname" command with icarus. 5: into the script add "affect player" SET_WEAPON WEAPON_BLASTER_PISTOL after removed the models
  7. ahahah you right XD... i love self destructive mazes. XD
  8. @@Langerd a Team FFA map... with the one flag inside the sarlacc stomach and the other flag upon of the junk ship... maybe is possible reach the ship with some teleport \ push \ jetpack. LOl this will be an hard battlefield for multiplayer XD .
  9. weapon -> weapon_blaster_pistol. strange man, for me work. version of gtk? o.o
  10. Well, if a mod is personal or for friend and clans there is nothing of bad i suppose. just put credits to all author of original content... ,i think the total credits list of my mod will be more long of the menu.STR file.
  11. Ah, yes, On system there is a slick shader.... mmmm maybe i know how to fix this. not use the slick because the slick work in every direction, is good for ice. that's is weird on a pit. use instead trigger_push. with a very low pushing value and a setting like "conveyor belt" should work. try conveyor and relative spawnflags.
  12. me too depressed, just not think too much about the cause of your depression, relax and do others. the map is great however. :3
  13. Other idea... mmm... some ships like jabba ships flying over the pit? maybe a big ship with not interrior like the jabba ship upon the map and other smallest ship that fly around the pit. the players can jumps into the ships during duel fight. XD if they make a bad jump they can fall into sarlacc mouth.
  14. yes, technically it's illegal use material by other games. if you sell and sold it, it's VERY illegal, if you simply use for a mod, it's a grety area of legality. otherwise you add more notoriety to the authors if you credit your fonts. But if you use material fo VERY OLD games your not get much risks. but it's not the better way. the best way is not porting or ripping but make by yourself map and models. also, mod is free. play and download mod is free. if you make this for passion, it's okay. if you sell your mod, yes, that's it's illegal because is a copyright violation. interwet is full of audio, music and information copyrighted, free hosted on youtube etc. watching and listening is not illegal. if not, internert would not exist. internet exist for freeing share of data and information between peoples. my think about that is really simple: if you not want that someone copy or use your own works, not host on web. min modding there is the artistic propriety of the mod. there is any law that force to respect this, but it's good thing that people ask ever to other mod author before use his material. .
  15. Oh my God man, it's incredible!!! !!!
  16. @@eezstreet. i would need a new MOD for my mod. (lol XD ) is possible to add a new MOD in SP client for the bryar pistol, different of MOD_BRYAR \ MOD_BRYAR_ALT? the MOD need also to be coded or can simply added into the MOD list and the MOD code about the " Switch weapons Case blaster, mod blaster, mod blaster alt, break, etc" ? I need to set some differential class damage for the new mod, in that mode, BLASTER_PISTOL, WP_JAWA and BRYAR_PISTOL make 3 different kind of damage to the enemies classes. (by this pass at the end maybe i will finish to learn how add weapons in SP D: )
  17. Any time I learn that in a fight with leaves of my plants and some old flags with holes. XD
  18. yes, i know the issue. instead of blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA use alphaFunc GE128 rgbGen lightingDiffuse depthWrite this is good for raster surfaces, GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA is good for glasses.
  19. Yes, i understood. : \
  20. Adding new weapons or force power in that easy modality should be really cool. o.o but this require a code works extern respect to OpenJk for compatibility reasons. ._.
  21. Good luck. bounceonwalls 1 can help?
  22. Fun draw maybe Luke Skywalker can put this on yavin 4 academy for warning students about consequences of bad use of Sabner Throw force power "be careful Padawans, should be danger." Seriously... welll i think is possible to make in that mode: - a MD3 misc_model of a saber - a func rotating brush with physic clip texture setted for disintegration and huge damage if touched. - the MD3 of saber linked to func_rotating. - some reg_tag and a targetname \ script_targetname for the func_rotating. - a script that move the func_rotatint looping between the two ref_tag position.
  23. Do it. https://www.sendspace.com/file/iaqtoe 1 download here. 2 back up your gamedata files of Jedi academy 3 unzip to gamedata all files. 4 start the MP game with openjkx86 and the SP game with openjk_sp.x86 exe. NOT use JASP or JAMP exe. they not work now. 5: enjoy. you must have a large amount of more buff space into NPC and SAB file,. 6 this work for SP and MP. 7: i have not tried because i need to take my Exe for my mod on my gamedata. let me know if all works, but you should be not have any trouble. 8 exe of my legacy of kain mod are WIP when i learn every time some of new of coding. i cannot send to you also because they are very personal at moment and you should find many malfunction because many edit i done are setted to a specific assest of efx and gfx . otherwise i can send you an openjk that have as unique edit the NPC \ SAB buffer expansion. here is it!
  24. Well, today i am coding... so i can do this. o.o for lucky i have an original copy of Openjk without my changes. wait. however this not remove the limit, this expand the limit.
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