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Everything posted by Asgarath83

  1. You need to replace jaden_male and jaden_female , all the soundtrack like JAK001 JAK002 etc. the format for voice audio speech is MP3, mono, 44100 hertz. the stereo sound is used only for music dinamic soundtracks. address of path to replace: sound/chars/jaden_female/ sound/chars/jaden_male/ uhere you found all audio file of jaden on the dialogue of the game. for the sounds of Gameplay instead you need to look into the misc subfolder and edit it. as told @@Cerez, you can however edit the voice of jaden for combat and gameplay changing the Sounds.CFG. set the name of the folder you want the engine pick up the sound and the sex of character example: Jedi_hf f replaced with Io2 M (and jaden get the sound of imperial officer 2 ) because now put voice by sound/chars/io2/misc
  2. mmm for tents, i write this shader... models/map_objects/Sanct/banner { qer_editorimage models/map_objects/Sanct/banner q3map_material Fabric q3map_nolightmap q3map_alphashadow cull disable deformvertexes wave 256 sin 0 0.5 0.2 0.6 { map models/map_objects/Sanct/banner blendFunc GL_SRC_ALPHA GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA depthWrite rgbGen vertex detail } } for wood supports: models/map_objects/necro/gcrank { qer_editorimage models/map_objects/necro/gcrank q3map_material SolidWood q3map_onlyvertexlighting { map $lightmap rgbGen identity } { map models/map_objects/necro/gcrank blendFunc GL_DST_COLOR GL_ZERO detail rgbGen identity } }
  3. Hello, sorry for disapperaing. I got a lot of computer trouble and i have formatted these days. >.< however i recover all data so i not lost nothing. I am ending the shadering of my cathedral map and i am testing shader of the MD3. i have some plants shadered, and it's all okay, the problem is the textures. : \ on game, the leaves of that plants are with all transparent raster area of PNG file completely black instead of translucent. I really not know how to make transparent leaves. : \
  4. Asgarath83

    Police Jan

    LOOOL funny! Can be good with the mod that replace stormtrooper with gangsters.
  5. How can i learn how to make THIS? please ç_ç
  6. I need to on SP for my mod... a shockwave repulse attack exploded with katamove... how can i do that with cfg + code edit? : \
  7. i Agree about the idea of more LOTR models shoulb be hilarous a gollum model.
  8. You are making an excellent work, @@Cerez
  9. LOL now i understand that my model has an excessive rig to leye reye bones, because for eyeball i put ever 1.0 and 0.5 for the junction between eyes and face (the lids)
  10. Yes, JKA not have joints , so you need to rig the cloth with bones.... the bones used for the cloth are the thoracic, clavicals, upper lumbar, lower lumbar, the pelvis and the femurs and tibia. the legs clothing part is the more hardest. make cloth after rigged rest of model and use the rig of near mesh as guide to lead you into the clothing rig. sometime i try a "ring" work with clothes example: the lower vertex line of the cloth: Front view of model first to right of model : rigged to rtibia first to left of model: rigged to ltibia central verrtex : rigged 50 \ 50 ltibia \ rtibia. if there are vertex at middle distance between central and edge section fo legs, rig at 75 rtibia \ 25 ltibia and 75 ltibia 25 rtibia. seems stranbe, but should be work. in this mode, every vertexes is affected not only by the nearest bone, but also to the opposite bone. and more a bone is near, more hight is its influence on the vertex.
  11. aw, i lost all discussion today... >.< yes it's about skin file. if you detach a mesh, and name it as head_face, add into the skin file "head_face,models/players/modelsname/texturename.jpg" and fix the problem
  12. @@Cerez some High quality model have the eyelids separates by the eyeballs. the lower quality model has not this separation, some models, too have the eyelid textures into the face texture and the model has not a good eyelid facial animation. however... for Face_Frown Face_Aux you need to rig the front of mesh to ceyebrows bone, for eye blinks and eyelid movement rig to leye and reye. i not know how act this bones into the animations... maybe they rotate of some degrees and so, stretch the texture with some kind of rolling.... i think it works in that mode... but is just a my teory. howevery the leye and reye bones control the blinks effect as told by @@minilogoguy18
  13. 1 mmm... the invisible caps triangle section is a bug i got sometime when i collapse the extrusion of vertex when i create the caps. it's possible to solve that selecting the incriminating face and flipping the face on the other side. i ever fix in this mode. as told, the caps need to be rigged with same rig parameter of the edges of the limbs of the caps. example: if the l_arm edges with torso are rigged to lhumerus and lclavical 50\50 , the cap of l_arm , l_arm_cap_torso_off, need the same, identical weight of this edges vertexes. 2: sure, you can move the tags in every part of model. for non humanoid models i make something of ...,madness. XD i have a monster non humanoid rigged with JKA humanoid skeleton,. this monster... after i end rigging i move the r_hand thag in front of his claws for dmg player with an invisible saber - claw with high damage scale. XD the tag is moved by monster movement and so player is hitted when is hitted by the tag. i moved instead the l_hand tag into the mouth of monster, so monster can bite player and damage with it... and also shoot force powers drains draining life by mouth... ^^ i never used a saber for fix my tag position... :S but for experience of 1 years passed to rig models i see that the better position of tag is between the thumb and the index finger. o.o 3: what program use other peoples for making rig? D: i ever make rig after detaching mesh because if i detach a mesh i ever lost the rig of the mesh itself... D: i use 3d studio max 5. @@Psyk0Sith i ever used your skeleton and follow your oldest tutorial on psykopat site... i learned the weight of model with it. @@Cerez caps aren't obbligatory... some old models have not caps. But without caps character dismerbered got the limbs holed. :S
  14. Yes, sorry for mistake. I not feeling much good these days. :S
  15. Really strange. I ever used JKA skeleton with tarsals bones and rigged feets of character with 50 tarsal and 50 tibia weight, and never got trouble about this bone. O.o
  16. So after you end to model and uvmapping the model, export in a 3DS or OBJ format and import it to blender, and apply MD3shader paramater on blender and export as MD3.
  17. No, you cannot do it in max in max you can make the model itself, but for put textures on MD3, the best working way is doing that with blender 2.64 and the MD3 exporter and custom properties paramater. i got your same trouble 2 years ago.
  18. http://jkhub.org/files/file/1413-blender-264-jedi-academy-plugin-suite/ Here You need to import model into blender, and 1 select a mesh in Object mode 2 go to "custom properties field" 3: add as Key "md3shader" 4 add as value the relative path of texture "example: models/weapons2/rifle/rifle_bar 5 do it FOR EACH MESH of your model, give manually to it his textures. 6: export as MD3 using the plugin savbe as rifle.MD3 (ever put .MD3 at the end of name) Export if you open now with MD3view, you can see your model textured and convert it to GLM of weapon ^^
  19. Use blender 2.64 with MD3 exporter plug in and follow @@mrwonko tutorial. you need to export MD3 with blender and set manually in blender the relative path of the texture of each mesh. you can download it by JKHUB
  20. Try with lblip2 \ rblip2 ltlip2 and \ rtlip2 bones. the effects are shapes. they cannot rig much good : \ but i never seen a model with a smile rigging, so this is just ipotethical. As Cerez Told, the Bones origins are on the edge of the lips... so... maybe they can work on that. Let we know how you got. ps: i suppose you need to use these bones only of the right and left edges of upper and lower lips. ^^ be careful, make only a minimul weight value, like 0.25 for each bone.
  21. @@Cerez 3D max have a 3d perspective view when you can rotate the camera using a little icon on the bottom right of inteface. The model is very cutie
  22. i have a similar request, but in different way... it's possible , maybe with CFG file, that the katamove attack of sabers (like A1_SPECIAL, making with primary and secondary attack button push together that consume 50 FP) active the SplashDamage \ SplashKnockback \ SplashRadius parm and the hitothereffects? So a blade used with kata,without the boring bounceonwalls 1 can shoot splashdamage attack when the NPC or player use the combo. it's possible to make something like that? D: really i need.
  23. Yes this is the more easy way
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