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Everything posted by Merek

  1. Merek

    TFU Stormie

    I like this one. 10/10 Although to be fair, while I own TFU for PS2 I never actually played past the first level because I could never master the controls, The PC version is better. That said, this is still amazing.
  2. I don't use Facebook, but I'll gladly subscribe to your YouTube channel! Keep up the great work guys! Also, THIS IS POSSIBLY THE GREATEST FAN-MADE PROJECT EVER!
  3. I checked, none of my other .pk3s were conflicting or overwriting. Once I removed this file from my base folder everything returned to normal.
  4. I kept having issues with not only with Grendel Hosting, but my damn 'free' domains as well. Time to get a job, order a real domain, and order @@Caelum's webhosting and rid of the bullshit.
  5. I'll update the thread once everything gets settled.
  6. Just finished a minor overhaul to the new splash screen:
  7. @@Clan FJA, @@Langerd I appreciate your feedback. Adding some more light and preview of the maps seem reasonable
  8. If your looking to add a shadow to your text (or images) I suggest installing this plugin (assuming your using Paint.NET). It works wonders for me.
  9. So, here's a little update on the Stargate Event Horizon mod: a new splash screen. Below you can see the comparison from the new splash screen and the old one. Feedback, Suggestions, Comments, and Criticism are welcomed. New Splash Screen: Old Splash Screen:
  10. Okay, I was unable to use this. It literally prevented me from Playing Jedi Academy as it overwrote the menus with white backgrounds and made customizations not work, like my console for example.
  11. @@DrXann it's red in the clone wars. Why would you want it as it is seen in a swamp?
  12. All I can say is wow. This is incredible work done in such short time!
  13. I concur with @@Syko, this is the best course of action. Such viruses (possibly) cannot be removed by conventional methods and often require a reformat of your drive.
  14. Merek

    Im Lost here

    OffTopic, does OpenJK Support 64 players or is that JKGalaxies?
  15. Still need help on this.
  16. Welcome to JKHub @@DarkForcesII, enjoy your stay. Not much activity in Jedi Academy at this point, but the community is alive and thriving regardless. I suppose that's something we should be proud of.
  17. Documents/My Games/OpenJK/japlus does not exist. Edit: Nevermind. Found it. Now reads April 15, 2015. I am getting errors with the bots now, something to do with JPLua. Attempting to call method 'isbot' (a nil value) Japlus folder does not have any other DLLs.
  18. Did that, and it still says Nov 21 2014. Using the latest version of OpenJK (April 13, 2015) as well. I am also running a 32-bit version of windows.
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