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Everything posted by TheWhitePhoenix

  1. I can concur with this. I checked recently and for me, your dropbox worked fine. Strange. :/
  2. Dude, I'm glad you decided to keep going with mapping. Don't know if it was @@AngelModder and his recent revealing of JH3, but regardless, seeing you continue too is heartwarming.
  3. Ohhhh, believe me, I would if it didn't turn you to the dark side in the story. XD But if anything, good compensation is replacing him altogether.
  4. I must say it's nice to get some reskins of the swoops, and you took extra care with them Music.
  5. I can see this working out cause we don't see much maps like this in JKA. The closest we ever previously gotten was Blue Twilight.
  6. Allow me to be the first review here. I was impressed by the amount of detail that you put into this map, and I thought your JAWA Honors map (which I wouldn't mind seeing a V2 of that someday) was good. The WTF moment is when I went into the hangar and big red text told me "You're too late! IG-88 got away!" and then music played. Seriously, wha? XD The only thing I can say is that it's too short, but again this is the V.1.0 DEMO. So anyone hoping for something bigger will be a bit disappointed, but the positive FAR outweighs the negative and makes me look forward to the true V.1.0 later on down the line. Five Stars.
  7. Not entirely. You DID help me with the Shuttle, with can be fixed without using Radiant. So that's good compensation. Better to fix half the problem then not at all.
  8. Indeed, cause I found the shuttle.md3 in not vehicles, but imp_mine. O_O Seriously.
  9. I even went into the X-Wing model file and replaced the md3's with empty.md3.
  10. Okay, so replacing the shuttle with empty.md3 did work, but with the X-Wing, it did not.
  11. I could try that. Just replace the X-Wing_No_Gear with the empty. And I have the originals backed up.
  12. Yes. But there are other maps that I wanna use that have X-Wings lying around. HOWEVER, you did help with my question about the Lamda cause I explained why sometimes the one on the Atlantica map made me annoyed in the past.
  13. I did not know that. I'll remember that one. But again, there is a problem with the X-Wing that I mentioned above. Unless of course, I'm missing something.
  14. I could do that too. XD But there are some maps where it has the X-Wing. And the only X-Wing model is the X-Wing_No_Gear model. Unless I missed something.
  15. Except I also want to remove the shuttle altogether for the reason I mentioned above. Though funny thing, in the past I removed Atlantica's scripts and it stopped entering and leaving the map. So on the entering and leaving map part, yes it was an IBI script that made it move.
  16. It's a model on the map that has a script to after a few minutes fly off the map and then a few minutes later come back to one of the two landing pads and remain there for a bit.
  17. One such example of that I wanted to do for the LONGEST TIME was remove the Lamda Shuttle from Atlantica. I ALWAYS got annoyed whenever that ship came in when I did a slowly encroaching on the elevator scene in my machinimas. I had a great streak and then boom, it comes in via the script it's using and ruins the shot cause chronologically in said machinimas, the Lamda wasn't even MADE YET.
  18. Of all my years on JKA, there's ONE thing I was never able to figure out. Radiant. What I wanna use it for is to make personal use versions of certain maps WITHOUT the vehicles in parts of it (Say there's a shuttle/x-wing in a hangar, but I don't want it there.) If I wanted to do that, how exactly can I do that and what are the basics of getting used to using Radiant? I've tackled other basic variations of modding so far, and it never hurts to learn more.
  19. Hey, @@Noodle. I noticed something. The animations in JKA Enhanced V1.1 work when you first load up a map. HOWEVER, when you load up from a save or quick save, the menu works, but the animations do not. The original V1 doesn't have this issue.
  20. I think I'm gonna call it, AngelModder. Someone is gonna take the model and make it a vehicle. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if that did happen.
  21. It looks like a blend between the Falcon and the Ebon Hawk.
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