Well that definitely helped, I was able to change a bunch of stuff around and get actual errors (which is a good thing). However something still isn't going right... none of the pieces are showing up, the names I gave them aren't being recognized in the .skin file. This is what I did: Added armatures to each vertex group Parented objects. There are like 5 model roots, I don't know why, but I got them all to be on model_root_0 Tried exporting, told me there were faces that weren't triangles. I went back and triangulated every addition I made that needed it. Tried exporting, told me there were UV seams. Fixed those. Tried exporting, gave me a bunch of success messages on the error list - so I'm assuming that's good. Added the names of what I thought were the new pieces to the .skin file, check it out in ModView... same result as before, telling me that the surfaces weren't found. I'm once again at a loss, I can send the .blend again if needed. I'm obviously doing something wrong, I just have no idea what it is. This'll be the first/last time I ever do playermodeling, lol.