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Everything posted by Acrobat

  1. Found this on OW forums in a discussion on mouse sensitivity. Basically EDPI = mouse sensitivity X dpi. Therefor if you halve your mouse sensitivity you should be able to just double your mouse dpi to get the same EDPI. (EffectiveDPI) However, using somewhat higher dpi values with lower sensitivity seems superior bc of pixel skipping, which is determined based on what resolution you play at. If you're playing on 4K or 1440P you will need a higher dpi than a person playing on a 1080p monitor. This explains https://pyrolistical.github.io/overwatch-dpi-tool/ Also keep in mind that historically mice have native dpi that can be best to run them at or at least intervals of that native value. So if the native is 400 than it might run ok at 800. However the new mice tend to run native so long as you change the dpi in intervals of 50.
  2. liked it!
  3. Friends was asking me about this. I remember a command that set a minimum level of light for everywhere say if you set it at 50. However this command did not add light to places that had above this. This world spawn command effectively eliminated dark shadows but didn't add any light to areas already lit unlike the ambient world spawn command. But I can't remember it. Anyone know?
  4. 30000 square feet
  5. Acrobat


    nice climb !
  6. hah ya i rem this map
  7. Breath of the Wild map size comparison to old zeldas https://twitter.com/Mike_Matei/status/822978212632424448
  8. One thing I don't get is I've seen some similar maps with a sky portal that doesn't have the texture scale up once it's projected. Had this problem in my maps and saw it did it in yours too.
  9. this have a df_trigger_start and finish so could be raced in ups?
  10. What about amibos? How you scan an amibo to import stuff/gifts into your game
  11. Was thinking maybe some final fantasy type music not sure https://jkhub.org/files/file/3197-c-mountain/
  12. It's not just the new star wars that is broken. It's all of hollywood and much of video games. With video games it's a copycat industry along with creating a hype machine to get preorders. Then they usually don't release the whole game so they can release the second half in DLC's. Also with video games they are also trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator. That's why a lot of these games seem like remakes of the last few games. Any innovation is risky so the cookie cutter is the better strategy. With Hollywood it's even worse. They are currently making a remake the Matrix series (probably repackaged with lots of SJW stuff.) How many spider man and lame comic book movies have we seen? 99% of the stuff at the movie theatre is really bad stuff now.
  13. Version 1.27


    This map works for both jk3 and jk2. This is another of my mountain maps. It is a sequel to A-mountain and B-Mountain. One of the problems I noticed while watching people race a-mountain is they were fighting over 2-3 seconds once they learned it. This mountain should be harder and longer and hopefully solve that problem should people choose to race it. My climbing mountains are loosely inspired by the work of Boris from quake defrag.
  14. I used to use -samples instead but maybe super is just as good?
  15. Well Loda has a solution to this he used. He said just use a clip brush but it can't be like one grid from the surface. I had already tried 1 or two grids thinking the clip shader failed at stopping it. But I then put it at his suggestion of 16 grids, and the clip shader did indeed stop the wall grab feature in jka at that distance. I only did it to my skybox so ppl could not wallgrab the skybox. Oddly they can still do the vertical wall run on it just not the grabs.
  16. unreleased?
  17. I used to use art of war central but they seem defunct now?
  18. Cool where did you get the raptor looking model? Is it called redsaurus after the mapper modder or because of that red raptor thing?
  19. bump. guess I'll try plain clip
  20. jk2/jka strong because 1) quake 3 engine with strafing. Best movement of any system ever. By far 2) very good dueling/mechanics. Kind of like tekken but with more control and less confusions. No need for crazy button combinations to remember and such. dueling flows naturally in this yet with a pretty good amount of depth. 3)fantasy. textures. good level designs. lots of models, etc. In jk2, I actually liked the balance a little better than jka. Blue style seems very pointless and weak in jka making it essentially a two saber styles system rather than three as in jk2. Idk I like the styles system. Maybe have 5 of them and try to add more depth variation. etc. More saber mechanics for blocking/parrying etc would be nice.
  21. The 90's was full of fast paced shooters, which really don't exist anymore. The movement system was so superb in quake 3 (and the graphics were a big plus) that it created the perfect game, and not just got jk2/jka but for defrag also. A jediknight game with some of these bad engines would be a really bad thing.
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