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    Pittsburgh PA
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    Star Wars, Pittsburgh Pirates, and gaming in general
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    Jack of all Trades
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    Windows 7

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  1. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/i6tjvzg21wzg70ih8mub8/Blast-from-the-past.zip?rlkey=7rugmtdji239fow03alsrseic&st=dr7lk7dq&dl=0 It's been a long time but here's a small pack of models Tusken King Tusken Shaman Sa'har Kateen Merrin Kul Teska Jaesa Willsaam (Sith)
  2. Thanks and I really enjoy this game mode it's been a great addition to the game!
  3. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/gyeyqmqy95o0ay4y0czao/Dark-Trooper.pk3?rlkey=ge0xua6bf21i57d98tp1j9y2j&st=cyrbrakh&dl=0
  4. 33 downloads

    Bonus modes map-pack by Jeff. This pack enables more modes for some base JA maps. -Vjun Sentinel: Adds the Domination mode to the map. 3 CP's to control to win the round. -Nar Kreeta: The SP map converted for Domination. The Rancor is in the center and three CP's toi control the map. -Desert Siege: The siege map set up for both FFA/TFFA and CTF. The first section of the map is the FFA part and the final stage is the CTF map. It's two different maps in one. -None of these maps replace or effect the base maps, they're add-ons. Enjoy!
    Just a very solid map that captures the theme from the Clone Wars, upper and lower levels is a nice touch and the textures are outstanding, The size is perfect for FFA or TFFA games I highly recommend.
  5. Version 1.1.0


    Hoth Siege map converted to FFA mode. This map allow you to play the Hoth Siege map in FFA without changing the default map at all. I've added 25 spawn points, unlocked all doors, added bot-routes, added 4 emplaced guns and removed auto turrets.
  6. Yep I do https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qly7vzzj1xrbp3kpj1tgj/Mical.pk3?rlkey=0vnql93i83781mbx6mw91ukey&st=1k6tx91c&dl=0
  7. Thanks, I don't have any model of her but would be interested in porting the modell if I did.
  8. Some mods will do just this. (ForceMod 3) and I'm sure some others, but I'm pretty sure it is hardcoded in base.
  9. Yeah usually I can open them but I'm getting an error with this one.
  10. I may be able to get the droids working if you still have them in glm form. There's a few things to get the count down I can try. I'd be interested in rigging the sote trooper if that's needed as well. Not sure if you have another format for the SOTE trooper as I can't open the fbx file in blender.
  11. This is possible, but the replacement ship would need to be very close to the merc ship design as it is used in many maps (FFA3 for example). If you found anything close in shape I could convert it to md3. If FFA3 is what you want changed I can put any ship in that (or no ship) as I have the map for it. Btw Forcemod 3 is just awesome still play it after all these years.
  12. Thanks for the kind words.
  13. 37 downloads

    Grizz Frix by Jeff. "She's gonna blow!" ―Grizz Frix's last words Grizz Frix was a male human starfighter pilot who flew for the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. He was recruited into the squadron after the Battle of Hoth and was killed during the Battle of Endor, where he flew under the callsign Red Five.
  14. It's a different head but the rest is the same https://d-20gaming.yolasite.com/resources/Cilghal.pk3
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