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General Howard

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Everything posted by General Howard

  1. Any luck or progress with the Ahsoka model, @@JAWSFreelao?
  2. *Small Update* Small change to the code, this weekend, that removes the ball like glow from around the bottom of the saber blade/top of the saber hilt, to give a more realistic and authentic looking lightsaber. Overall saber-glow numbers are yet to to be finalised. Original version on the left. Code change version on the right:
  3. Yes, we do have a Discord server. However, it's currently a private server for the mod's devs ONLY.
  4. Yeah, we won't remove the EU material that we have. We still have characters from the EU, in the character selection screen in "EXTRAS", so to remove their missions from the mod would invalidate their need to be included in the mod, which we don't want to do. So those missions and characters will remain in the mod, but the current/new canon versions of missions will be the ones that are actually tied into the "MISSIONS" screen. And then have the EU missions as bonus missions.
  5. You raise a very valid point. However, it is highly likely that the version we'll go with, will be the current canon/Rebels version. As this ties in with the rest of the mod, which are all canon events. Otherwise, we'll end up having the canon and old EU intertwining with other, so it would mess with the continuity. Especially when we come to add Vader's 'Rogue One' scene and the Sequel era content, along with the Original Trilogy , of course.
  6. *Minor Update* Just to keep you guys up to speed with the mod's progress.. This past weekend, we're pleased to welcome @@swegmaster and @@JediNoob124 on to the team. JediNoob124 is primarily working on audio/soundtracks and sound editing, whereas swegmaster is working on cut-scene animation tweaks and animation, in general (still early learning days for him, so we wish him luck in becoming more experienced as he progresses) and overall cut-scene improvements, so each scene feels more authentic to its movie counter-part. I can also tell you, as a small teaser, that I myself, have listened to some of JediNoob124's sound work and it is practically spot-on.. And swegmaster's overall cut-scene improvements are really beginning to make each scene much better, as he's finding new changes and improvements to make, that we hadn't noticed, originally. Combine that with the work the rest of the team are doing and you're in for a real treat, when the mod finally goes LIVE!.
  7. In a nutshell, yes.. But it's only by my life experiences that've led me down that path. It's the reason why I feel so angry, all the time.. And also because I feel far more connected to the Dark Side, than I ever did, to the Light Side, growing up. I can understand and appreciate the Sith views, because it's part of who we are, as humans. The Sith code is naturally embedded in to our genes and DNA. The Light Side is far too restrictive and dogmatic (particularly the Jedi), allowing for no emotions or feelings. etc. That's basically cutting us off from who we really are. That we're not allowed to love or feel anything for anyone. I don't wanna live in a world like that. A world without love, passion or any type of emotion. So I won't follow the Jedi code. As far as I'm concerned, the Jedi are/were the bad guys and the Rebel Scum are the true terrorists, in the Star Wars universe.
  8. Well, with a view like that.. You're clearly a Light Side supremacist.
  9. @@The Punisher Is there any likelihood or chance of a release, of these models? That ESB Luke, in particular? And welcome back. Great to finally see you've returned.
  10. What's wrong with falling to the Dark Side?! You say it like it's a bad thing.. The Force is balance. It doesn't favour either the Light Side or the Dark Side. The Jedi only know a fraction of the Force and some are even powerful in its use, but they'll never understand the true nature of what the Force is and its potential. To become stronger, you must embrace a larger view (As Palpatine said), not just the narrow, dogmatic view of the Jedi. You must embrace destiny and be the spear-head, that is moving forward all the time. Look at Anakin, he did what had to be done. He brought balance to the Force, by his actions. The Light Side.. The Dark Side. It all depends on your point of view and again, like Palpatine said.. Good is merely a point of view.
  11. Somewhat off-topic.. But y'know, that picture behind the character models, would make for an excellent skybox on a map somewhere.
  12. Oh.. Ok. Shame . The download numbers would skyrocket, with plenty of positive feedback.
  13. I just feel there's a little too much detail (as ridiculous as that sounds). The way to improve it, I think.. Would be just to tone down the amount of "sharpness" in the facial detail. Blur it into the face a bit more (if that's an easier way for you to understand it). Just so that the facial wrinkles/detail isn't quite as prominent and doesn't quite stick out like a sore thumb. Nothing drastic, just needs toning down a little.
  14. Will you be releasing all these Luke's together in a pack, publicly for download?
  15. I would argue the fact that the face has been butchered and just tampered with, too much. It honestly didn't need altering, except for maybe some minor tweaking.
  16. What map is that? Do you have a link to download it? That skybox look a rather interesting and I'd like to edit it myself and incorporate into another map, myself.
  17. Alright.. Sounds like a plan. I know there's a few others around the forum who're wanting/requesting her, too.. So, should also be good for public feedback. Good luck!
  18. Fulcrum Ahsoka and her lightsaber hilts, personally.. But that's probably not for here.
  19. Yep! Just needs the sleeves addressing, now.
  20. Personally.. Going back to what you said, @@The Punisher.. I think the JKHub staff have made a bad decision in disallowing "ported content". I can sort of understand their stance on it, because it doesn't showcase anything 'original'. However.. We as a community, are here to help each other out. That was what makes (or made) this community so engaging and a joy to be a part of. The fact that everyone was willing to assist others with respective content (requested or otherwise). I don't know about anybody else, but I feel this community is slowly dying now, which is a real shame. I've been a part of the community since the JK2Files and JK3Files' days and it's always been a very welcoming place. But I think the allowance of ported content should return, as this adds another alternative to people who want models and content done, but modelers. etc. may not have the time (understandably), to invest in new model creation. There should at least be an in-depth tutorial on the site (if there isn't already) to show how to port various content, correctly. So, pretty much anyone can learn it for themselves and achieve their own targets or complete their own requests. Ok, you wouldn't want the 'Downloads' section over-run with ports, maybe limit the amount, by way of character/model skins or something, but to disallow ported content entirely, is just a bad move/choice, in my humble opinion.
  21. They don't. It's purely a well-thought jibe at EA and their shitty antics and claims. How they (Blake Jorgensen) said that SW 'canon' prevented them from doing certain things (and that no-one would wanna see a pink Vader), when 'canon' goes right out the window in their game, anyway.. When you can have the likes of Rey and Darth Maul. etc. (among other mixtures) in the same era. EA can't stop spouting pretentious bullshit and this is a piss-take of said bullshit.
  22. As it stands right now, it's not something we're looking at or have even really considered. The original mod was Single Player ONLY and we don't have any plans to change that. That's what MB2 was created for. We really want to keep this a Single Player experience ONLY, as MB2 has no Single Player aspect to it. This highly likely won't have a Muliplayer aspect to it.
  23. Still miles better than any of EA's shitty "Games as Service" garbage!
  24. No, we'd had a thorough discussion within the team, before Christmas and all agreed that cutscenes will have the full audio from the movies. Plenty of sources for that on YouTube, so we're not short on scenes to use. This also saves a lot of time and effort trying to acquire or find the correct soundtrack's used for those scenes, with dialogue audio cut up to fit. We'll just re-animate the models during cut-scenes to fit the audio.
  25. Well, we've tried the Remastered version in the "Extras" area and seemingly, from what we can tell, this problem doesn't occur. At least I haven't come across it, anyway.
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