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The Punisher

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Everything posted by The Punisher

  1. @ Not sure if it was you but some body posted this model some time ago. I tried to work on it and fixed most of the issues (i think the problems were with part names and also a missing tag for the right hand to show the lightsaber) but it had a lots of "gaps" in the textures. I was able to fix the gaps by using the Paint Weight tool, but then all the parts become all screwed up, like they don't match the next part it is supposed to be joined to and could never figured it out.
  2. That will be awesome. Could you also please include matching the verts and weighting? I also have problems with the neck on this model I put together and it could help a lot.
  3. I know the feeling, I wish it was more intuitive (or "dummy friendly" for me). Anyway, this is the tread I mentioned before (I don't get all the tag options on my phone). https://jkhub.org/topic/4905-frankensteining-with-blender/ Check the instructions documented by @@Artemis, they are pretty nice. Hope it helps.
  4. Not sure if is relevant but I had the exact same problem with the light side using OpenJK no matter which model I used.I tried OpenJK with ja++ (yes, in SP) as I can get around most of my issues and it worked (\openjk_sp.x86.exe" +set fs_game "japlus" +set r_mode -2) . After that, I tired plain OpenJK again and it kept working after that.
  5. I admit, Blender is not intuitive, but there is nothing to hate about it. The problem is you are thinking about Blender like a conventional application and it is not. In Blender you don't copy/paste. In Blender you "duplicate" parts. And when Frankensteining, you move objects from one model to another. For example, you want to use the body of model A with the head of model B: open model A in a "layer" (Layer 1) and delete it's head open model B on another "layer" (Layer 2) move the head of model B to layer 1 and reassign it to that model's hierarchy. Delete model B Export the new model to the desired folder. It might sound confusing and intimidating at first, but trust me, I am a total idiot and I learned how to do it with the tutorials here at The Hub. You can check "Frankensteining with Blender" in the modding assistance section. It helped me a lot.
  6. I found a nice pic of Ezra's new saber in Google I also found a few cool Saber pictures, might give you some ideas
  7. Hello my friend! Nice job! Just FYI, Seven released his Han Solo (at least beta version). I think it should be on page 18 of his WIP (I think somebody, can't remember who ATM, posted a pack with Seven's ported models, somewhere between pages 22-23 of the WIP, hard to check on my phone).
  8. Tinypic (thew image hosting site) seems to be down ATM.
  9. Thanks Seven for making and releasing the Guardian hilt! I've downloaded it on my phone and can't wait to try it. Looking forward for what surprise you come with next, I bet it will be another AWESOME job.
  10. Cool. That is a simple way to do it. If a model has multiple skin versions, you can do the same for each version, just increment the number of file names (a2, a3, etc.).
  11. See the following tread for some ideas how it works in SP Character Selection menu. https://jkhub.org/topic/8435-we-need-some-tulak-hord/ It seems the models don't include NPC files if they don't work when you use the playermodel command. See https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/146-the-basics-of-npc-files/ how to add NPC support
  12. AWESOME! Thanks for sharing. I did a quick try and came up with something simple.
  13. Is pretty easy to replace the default hilts with what hilts you want. I replaced all my default ones plus made a SP pack with over 40 hilts.
  14. I can't believe it man. After a lifetime admiring that saber, I finally see it made, even thought is for a game. I literally out if words.
  15. I still get the ghoul error in openjk when I use anakin/Luke saber from EP IV from the original trilogy sabers with Seven's ported Han Solo, but only using the ESB outfit. I can use the model with other sabers or the saber with other models, or the saber with Han Solo's other outfits without issues, is just that specific combination.
  16. I was thinking something like Remembrance or Melancholy. I don't know of the name is already taken, but Guardian sounds better.
  17. I wish I knew. Is a very old wallpaper, way back when 800x600 was the highest res available. For some reason, it always seems sad to me (like the story behind is is very sad).
  18. As mentioned above, is is a Frankenstein/kitbach of @Scerendo's Poe Dameron with @Omega1's Classic Jedi Project (CJP) Journeyman Customization head(s). I made it some time ago for personal use with a yellow Jacket and black shirt like Luke's Yavin Ceremonial outfit (and an "all-black" version and a blue jacket like Han's ESB colors but didn't liked how it turned out). I just added the Holster and gun and recolored the jacket orange. The neck doesn't match with the chest so I used parts of the original head to fill the gap. Is not noticeable from the distance but it is in close ups.
  19. There is a conflict in loading order. If the mod loads after the"ingame-character" menu, it is not recognized by the menu. If the mods loads before the "ingame-character" menu, it is overwritten by the "ingame-character" menu My solution was create a separate pk3 with the SP menu support (saber_pack_sp.pk3). rename the files so the saberpack loads first the"ingame-character" menu loads 2nd the new pk3 sith SP support for the saberpack loads 3rd. That way, I have all the sabers in the"ingame-character" menu. On a curious note, it doesn't happens with every model, but the Luke/Anakin saber from Ep. IV, when used together with some of the latest HD models, causes a "ran out of transformation space for Ghoul2".
  20. You could try something like .....of course, it is not identical, just a thought.....
  21. There are some great tutorials how to add sabers to SP menu at https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/72-how-to-add-new-saber-hilts-to-the-single-player-menu/ https://jkhub.org/tutorials/article/192-sp-menu-saber-hilt-support/ I made a saber pack with over 40 saber hilts (mostly these + all TFU sabers and a few extras like Mara Jade, Ahsoka, Qu-Rahn & Kanan sabers) using these tutorials.
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