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The Punisher

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Everything posted by The Punisher

  1. For OpenJK I fixed my resolution problems following the instructions from https://jkhub.org/topic/7539-widescreen-resolution/?hl=resolution
  2. Outstanding job...as always! That's a problem with you man (and other great artists here at The Hub), you do such an amazing job, people get too used to it and don't expect anything less from you. I personally only expect great quality from you, but just because I know you will always do your best, not because I take it for granted.
  3. To me, the best Luke's hair is from Circa's Luke ROTJ version, but of course, this is a different model, therefore different hair.
  4. BTW, I modified the torso textures a little bit to look more like the original (like it has a black shirt under the robes and the ropes come all the way from the shoulder armor). I posted a screenshot in my other tread. Still have to find some time and try to work on the arms textures.
  5. Went home for lunch and did a quick test and looks great.
  6. Thanks a lot Kualan! I've been looking for something like this for a while! Will try it ASAP!
  7. Just FYI, Darth Kryat (A.K.A. A'Sharad Hett)...I thought I saw a mod somewhere but haven't been able to find it. Would be cool to have a good version.
  8. AWESOME! Thanks!!! Will try it as soon as I get home.
  9. Hmmm...Tested The Punisher War Zone model. At first something looked weird for the SP character selection menu, like the head and Kevlar vest are bigger than they should. Legs also looked weird. Then I looked at the model in-game and the model is floating in the air.
  10. I guess I could, although I don't like the arm textures, especially the "arm "straps". I got the OK from Katanamaru for using his backhand animations. I will still need approval from AshuraDX for the lightsabers.
  11. ah, OK, I wasn't sure. Thanks for the clarification!
  12. I think there is a pack around (about 500MBs) that has it (Not sure about the model itself but I got the textures for the arm pads from there)...
  13. I am not sure which one you are asking about (my poor attempt or if someone was doing a better version). In case of mine, currently is very hard for me to work on it (practically relying on my phone to keep up with The Hub), so I posted the link (previous page) in case someone wants to work some more on it. I would like to see a ported version, but until I have more free time so I can try to learn, I am happy with it. If anyone knows a good Blender tutorial for DUMMIES (especially porting or modifying existing parts) that I can read/watch from my phone and try in whatever free time I can get, please let me know.
  14. No worries. I am no expert, I can't make great mods like the amazing artists on this site do (although I hope one day I can have the time to learn and contribute more), but I like to share whatever I can. I like to think that a community where people help each other is a stronger community.
  15. As Seven mentioned, the sith eyes are easy. I think the rest is a little bit more complicated as there are too many user created mods. if I am using another user mod instead of the default game Jaden? Maybe a dedicated .skin file (I.e. model-sith.skin) that the game checks for the file reads after certain point and if the file exists apply it? But then modders will have to include the extra skin file in their SP mods and the code might still need to be modified. Just my 0.000000000002 cents :s
  16. I added the tunic (and modify the color a little bit to match the new colors) and robe from Toshi's model but having problems with the head not fitting the body properly.
  17. Thanks for the feedback! What about The Punisher (war zone version)?
  18. here it is https://mega.nz/#!rJBD0AZR!xyA_GwpyQfRRFS_wJb-1OQqc5kviGDvCtzqT4PdoNps to use backhand animations: playermodel galen_lord_stalker_sbh
  19. Will need to create a separate file since I have all my models in a single pack.
  20. Same here. Links are not working. Want to try The Punisher War Zone! Now we need a Tomas Jane version.
  21. Is the same from moddb (although i got it from these forums). Just to show is been out for some time. I added backhand animations and the backhand saber and used it to play the Hoth mission (I have several Starkiller models and use them according to the mission I am playing).
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