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Posts posted by Penekowski

  1. Sorry, just noticed this.


    I made a tutorial many months ago for model extraction from Penekepack. It may be slightly outdated but it should help figure things out.



    Here's the original link of the pack: https://community.moviebattles.org/threads/penekepack-v1-8-replacement-mod-gas-peneke-edition-is-out.2499/

    Please make sure to read the asset disclosure before making kitbashes and stuff if you're planning to do so.


    Have fun!

  2. WOW this model is sick, any chance of sharing this with the community? :D


    It's most likely our ported (As far as I know, punisher and us are the only ones who have fully ported Arcann/Thexan, and Jeff's is the robotic version only) Thexan model with our ported masked arcann head, taken from my pack: https://community.moviebattles.org/threads/penekepack-v1-8-replacement-mod-gas-peneke-edition-is-out.2499/


    He kitbashed a hood on it.

    Credits to the original porters would be nice if you're gonna share the model privately :)

  3. *reads Steam Workshop* *thinks about Facepunch* *takes a deep breath*


    You know what would be better? If somebody could make one from scratch. That way, everyone can download it here on this site without relying on Google Drive or Dropbox.

    I wish somebody could make this one. This character could be a Featured Download.



    Can't we have a single topic without arguing about the ports vs 100% self made models for once?I'm sure it's not your intention but it will clearly lead to this argument again. Pretty please? Don't get me wrong, while I totally welcome self made models and respect people who take the time to do so, this game is like 15 years old. Self made models are seldom nowadays due to the lack of modelers, it's understandable. Well done ports are always cool to see and make everyone happy, they just get the job done imo.

  4. Now that's sexy! Make sure to check out the weighing by the neck so that there are no gaps, seems to be a common issue with these kind of models. Once that's done, if you know how, add a colored variant like in the movies and then make it rgb friendly. LODs are super important as well. If you have trouble with that I could do the lods for you, though I'm a bit rusty :P


    I'll leave the weapon's feedback up to ashura. At first glance (and I'm on mobile rn, it lacks detailed textures. Other than that it seems that you nailed it. Fantastic work

    JAWSFreelao likes this
  5. It has 23,759 verts. It will crash most of the times, specially if you're playing single player, the model will require a lot of optimization. I doubt that it will look good if optimized, you'd have to decimate most of the meshes and remove unused meshes as well.  Adding LODs may help. You could try playing with OpenJK as well, but even then it's pretty likely to crash the game.


    EDIT: If it helps, the max recommended value for mp should be around 9k, you should aim for less when playing SP. 

    Ilya likes this
  6. Hey,I'm the author of the pack, I lurk around these forums too!


    Inside the Penekepack1.6.rar you'll find a txt file called Model_Replacements.txt. This list will contain  a semi-updated list of what replaces what. Here's how it works, first of all make sure to open up the models/players folder of the pack, there you'll find a bunch of folders that contain all of my stuff.


    So let's use this replacement for example: 



    Model to be replaced: 4lom - Model that will replace it + author = Cad Bane (Seven)


    .Inside the 4lom's folder you'll find the Icon/model.glm/skin files of the new model that will replace 4lom, meaning Seven's Cad Bane, you will also find a file called modeldata.cfg it basically acts as a file that orders the game which soundset should the model play, If I remember correctly it's called sounds.cfg on baseJKA


    . Open up the skin file that you'll find inside the 4lom's folder, it will tell you where's cadbane located, once you know the actual name of the folder where the textures are located, then you're one step closer to converting it into a standalone model.


    Assuming that you already know where are cad bane's textures located then what you gotta do is copy the GLM/SKIN/ICON inside 4lom's folder to your cadbane folder (where the textures are)


    Also rename the icon from what it normally has the name of  mb2_icon_default.jpg to icon_default.jpg that way it can show up on Jedi Academy multiplayer.


    Next step, turn it into a single pk3 by creating models/players folders and inside you'll put the folder with the merged files. 


    My modding skills for basejka are quite rusty so I really don't remember how to assign sounds to a model on base jka, but you'll find all of the soundpacks of my models inside sound/chars/nameofthemodel. Same for the shaders of the models on the shaders folder. You'll need a lot of patience and it's frustrating, I did it that way because it's the only way to make it work on MBII, as the replacement system is quite messy.


    If you don't know how to make a standalone pk3, I suggest you to look for a tutorial, there's plenty all around google.


    Good luck!


    Noodle and Sir Crusher like this
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