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Everything posted by MrHeisenberg

  1. Dude, as far as i know TR_8R is the guy with the electric baton and FN-2199 is finn, they are not the same guy. So this is a FN-2187 model
  2. Oh i see, that sucks man. Could you upload the model to dropbox and post the link here?Sorry if im being annoying but i really like this model .
  3. As i said /model ImperialKnight /model Tyrus
  4. /model modelname Example : /model ImperialKnight /model Tyrus EDIT: oh, commands go in the console, not in the chat. Do "shift" + "the button under ESC".
  5. They look good in my opinion.
  6. ROFL dude, you are awesome!
  7. A bit more dark white, IMO
  8. Wow that's nice ! Could you post a link to download this model?
  9. I really like it. SPOILER: Wwith the new episode of Rebels we already have the un-masked version...
  10. OpenJK was the fix, thanks anyway guys!
  11. When i try to run the game it crashes, it says "Jedi Academy Stopped Working". I already tried the compatibility mode for "Windows XP Service Pack 3" and the admin rights thingy, still nothing. If i try to add the "opengl32" file to Gamedata, instead of crash, the game doesn't opens, Thanks and sorry about my english.
  12. Great model man, could you add a variant of Ezra with his bag? http://www.movieviral.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/star-wars-rebels-ezra-bridger-not-what-you-think.jpg Thank you!
  13. Im so excited for those luke's
  14. Hello, could you post a link to download this mod?I'm looking forward play and test the new features, Thank you.
  15. Nice re-skin man, i really like it.
  16. Hey man, this model is looking really great, can you keep working on it?
  17. Hello everyone, i was wondering how to port the Movie Battles 2 (JK3 Moddification) into base JK3 for personal use, i won't share or distribute this port..i just like how sabers look on MB2 and i wish to have them on my base jk3. I know there is the r_dynamicglow command that is quite similar to MB2 sabers but the FPS drop is really high and it doesn't even look as good as MB2 saber effects. Btw, i didn't post this on the mod request section since i don't think that MB2 people would be happy with someone re-distributing their job without permission. Sorry about my english, and thanks for read! This is how saber effects do look on MB2 (Internet pictures, not mine):
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