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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. Repurposing other people's packs with their readme in tact... The readme should be there yes but did he take the time to read them?  I bet most say no taking without permission or at least some do.


    Model packs aside, the issue with the whole project still exists. Serenity Jedi Engine or w/e and I assume the EOC which uses it are now known to be in direct violation of the GNU GPL v2 licensing.  While you can claim lost source, died hard drive etc, that is really not of my concern because it is only out of laziness that you continue to release a project after which the source is lost and it is also only out of laziness that one neglects to actually use github or other source control hosting.  Sure maybe not knowing how but that is your own fault for not seeking help to set that up if you full well intended to make a released product which in this case they did.

  2. Unknown cmd which means you're using jamp rather than OpenJK same goes for treating it as chat without the /.


    Shouldn't matter in general as to why your issue is happening, just mentioning that those changes are specific to OpenJK.

  3. @@ensiform, are you saying misc_models can also have LODS?  :huh:


    Oh one more thing I found some days ago, that tool I mentioned  before Wall Worm Model Tools, its main purpose is to make CSS/CSGO maps in 3dsmax. The thing is , those maps can be converted to our format of a .map.

    Now what I actually wanted to say is it also has this tool called Brushify, which turns models into brushes (not a pro in exactly how but it does). This means that those .map exporters or via another route, you should be able to get those stuff as brushwork in a .map format. Hope that makes sense? As lots of those .map exporters that are around the net don't actually work for most stuff


    Here's a link to it : https://wallworm.com/store/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=63

    They can have LODs if you manually make different LOD versions with _1 etc.  But just walking at a further distance away doesn't use them I'm pretty sure its only for different settings giving lower LODs.


    Since when can you convert displacements to Quake 3 map format though?

    JAWSFreelao likes this
  4. I don't think it exists for 1.5. I use several Radiants depending on my tasks. The smoother the terrain is, the more brushes you have - that's true. However in smaller maps you'll get the better results with smooth terrain and a larger amount of brushes. In large maps it can be hidden via fogs, some props, etc. A big maps are suaully made for vehicles or space.


    Scale works okey in Radiant if it's offered to Scale option from the menu. If you try to rescale the objects manually, it will result in errors and devastate your map.

    You can scale the whole map approximately with q3map2 scale option too I believe.

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