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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. Well I get random spikes of low fps for a second on Atlantica even in vanilla with my 980gtx but that might be my computer having issues and it's infrequent. Or it could be the PVS of the map I'm not sure.

  2. I would imagine for the most part it wouldn't auto update without testing first. I would also be interested in seeing a multiple release strategy with channels like other popular software but that would take a lot of planning and effort to build.

  3. You don't use a model name. You use player number as it says above. For players, the entity number is the same as client number. Like for banning etc.

  4. Tessellation is used in rise of the tomb raider for places that make sense like the craggy climbing walls, brick surfaces deep snow with tracks where things were walking in and probably others that I'm forgetting.

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