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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. Also, OpenJK and JA++ have cg_fovAspectAdjust so it looks correct on non-4:3 aspect ratios.


    Only playing on servers with the correct cgame client mod fs_game OpenJK or japlus (with JA++ installed instead of JA+) of course.  Not the OpenJK engine.

    Smoo likes this
  2. Well, like I said the actual cvar itself exists in the "cgame" dll portion of MOD code so we can't fix it for you on base servers.  A hack is a hack and we won't be implementing some workaround in the engine to let you use cg_fov to work on base servers.

  3. The limit was raised.  But you can't play on servers that don't use fs_game OpenJK unless the server you play on uses a mod that you have which also raises it.


    Can't help you if the server is pure or running "base" as the cvar exists within the client mod portion, not in the engine part (OpenJK)


    Does the CVar Hack even work for cg_fov?  The fov restriction isn't forced like some of the other limited cvars.

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