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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. You're thinking this way too critically and in the wrong sense of legality bro. A drop in replacement for the core exe has no berings on the assets or the dlls as such the ONLY problem is making new mods that no longer function with JKA. If the base dll is still the base dll (completely unmodified), the "License agreement" has no say what-so-ever if I choose to load a dll from whatever. If that were the case, then I shant be allowed to link some random dll thats in the system32 folder.


    FYI The SDK License means absolutely shit all NOTHING when you aren't going to be using the SDK (using the dlls in assets3.pk3)

  2. :o ohai


    I don't get why you guys think that anything raw sw related will be getting distributed with iojamp? Its a drop-in replacement for jamp.exe. While I get that some of you want mods that would be based off it, the grey area says u really can't. However the same applies to mods that are closed source on quake3 yet they will try to run on/with ioq3 or ioq3-modified builds.


    When everything is hunky dory it will end up being:


    (If by going with the above rules, you won't be able to have a 64-bit version then either and possibly not other platforms than what is already there?)


    (For windows anyway)







    SDL.dll (harr)




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