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Posts posted by ensiform

  1. No, you need to have a brush with the system/origin texture be part of the func_bobbing.  Then the model2 key will work or at least that's how it's designed to.  It can't just be a brush by itself though, it must be a brush that's part of the entity group itself ie before you select it and tell it to be a func_bobbing, that must also be included.

    eezstreet likes this
  2. It worked before SDL because windows has a generic 0x29 check and SDL does not.  We may have a way to fix it later but not right now.


    Those characters work just fine O.o


    And I did not say bind 0x29 toggleconsole I told you exactly to add it to the cl_consoleKeys cvar string.  Try pasting the actual character 2 that you used instead of 0x29.

  3. You should instead be adding that character to the cl_consoleKeys value in the openjk.cfg.  Shift+Escape is the other workaround.  Unfortunately there isn't an easy way to do so like before.  It was never implemented as such that it actually supports your keyboard specifically but the 0x29 scancode allegedly represents whatever key is there regardless of international from what I was told and this does not get handled well in SDL which deals with video, window manager, sound and inputs in a cross-platform manner.

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