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Status Replies posted by Onysfx

  1. Sprucing up Nar Shaddaa, and adding goodie crates. :D

  2. I installed steam on ubuntu and all I got was this lousy coupon.

  3. All imposter accounts have been suspended. Sorry guys, but lets get focused again. Please do not create any more of these accounts. Thanks!

  4. All imposter accounts have been suspended. Sorry guys, but lets get focused again. Please do not create any more of these accounts. Thanks!

  5. i just lawled like a madman reading the conspiracy timeline

  6. All imposter accounts have been suspended. Sorry guys, but lets get focused again. Please do not create any more of these accounts. Thanks!

  7. All imposter accounts have been suspended. Sorry guys, but lets get focused again. Please do not create any more of these accounts. Thanks!

  8. tore down an old laptop today to discover it had a 2113mb hdd, how did people live with that?

  9. I have no government today.

  10. Finished Black Mesa and Half-Life: Blue Shift (I got trough it in 2 hours... liked it, but it's damn short). Now I'll buy Opposing Force, it seems fun with all it's content and especially race X.

  11. I have no government today.

  12. I'm starting to think we should approve all new accounts for awhile...

  13. wtf is wrong with this site, it's like it's been invaded by 5 year olds or something

  14. wtf is wrong with this site, it's like it's been invaded by 5 year olds or something

  15. WARNING: Since JKHub is federally funded, JKHub will be closed indefinitly because of the goverment shutdown. Sorry.

  16. I have no internet at the new house. :(

  17. I have no internet at the new house. :(

  18. That moment when you're away for an hour and when you check back you have 9 notifications.

  19. What's happened to JKHUB? There's been barely any activity...

  20. The whole Rosh, Jaden, and Caelum thing is getting old.

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